The Constitutional Right and Social Obligation to Carry a Gun: - TopicsExpress


The Constitutional Right and Social Obligation to Carry a Gun: • A citizen who shirks his or her duty to contribute to the safety and security of his community is not much better than the criminal who threatens it. • Even though most people do not carry guns, the mere possibility that an intended victim could be armed with a handgun eliminates millions of crimes every year. • According to the FBI, states with shall-issue right-to-carry laws (such as Kansas) have, on average, a 26 percent lower total violent crime rate, a 20 percent lower homicide rate, a 39 percent lower robbery rate, and a 22 percent lower aggravated-assault rate than do those states which do not allow their citizens to legally carry guns. • Gary Kleck, Professor of Criminology and Criminal Justice at Florida State University, wrote in Point Blank: Gun Violence in America: Robbery and assault victims who used a gun to resist were less likely to be attacked or to suffer an injury than those who used any other method of self protection or those who did not resist at all. • Policemen are nobodys personal bodyguards. Their jobs are to find and arrest people who have committed crimes, not to prevent such potential crimes from happening in the first place. Clearly, the responsibility for crime-prevention lies with the victim-to-be! • Carrying a loaded gun with the ability and will to use it is not a casual fling meant to bring some excitement into a boring life, but it is an all-embracing lifestyle which takes precedence over your fear of social criticism, your wardrobe, and your drinking habits. • Liberty or death, the meaning of which is clear and absolute, is but a trivial phrase if you do not carry a gun. For freedom-loving Americans, the five most important words in the English language are and always have been From my cold dead hands!
Posted on: Sun, 10 Nov 2013 15:19:40 +0000

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