The Corporation: Shattered Mirror by Terrell Quentin Rogers. - TopicsExpress


The Corporation: Shattered Mirror by Terrell Quentin Rogers. Characters Spider-man, X-MEN, Fantastic Four, Ant-man and Wasp credits to Marvel. Chapter 12: Fire Drill/ Superhero Preparations/ The Counsel Next Phase The scene is now in lower Manhattan. The regular traffic flow and flood of pedestrians in the city of Manhattan. The scene goes to inside the base of the South Tower. Suddenly the WTC alarm goes off. WTC worker #1: was a fire drill scheduled for today? WTC worker #2: ::takes phone from his ear:: last minute planned drill... make the announcement... The announcement is made over P.A. system that a fire drill is underway. Floods of workers from the multiple floors leave their office rooms and head for the stairways, while some wait for elevators. Security staff members tells the co-workers waiting for elevators to head for the stairways. Meanwhile outside men and women dressed in building maintenance attire with metal suitcases began preparations to head inside. They are aided by men in suit attire with shades and headset. Peter Parker just happens to be in the area and begins taking pictures of the WTC complex area. Suddenly Peters spidey sense begins going off. But Peter doesnt see any danger. But then Peter realizes there is danger within the maintenance worker. Peter remembers the warning from Terrell, and the warning Xavier gave to not interfere when the explosives transfer begins. Peter with alittle angered look, then goes back calm and begins taking photos. One final photo flash, and the scene quickly goes to late afternoon. The scene fades to an alley somewhere in lower Manhattan. Wolverine is seen leaning on a wall. Wolverine in white t-shirt and jeans attire, smoking a cigar. Spider-man web-slings to the scene. Spider-man: No need for the animal to do his random visits at the WTC complex. They transferred explosives into the WTC complex earlier. Wolverine: are you sure? Spider-man: I was at the site earlier. Theyre was a fire drill done earlier. My spidey sense went off, yet there was no visible danger. But then I noticed something out of place. Maintenance workers, or suppose maintenance workers being escorted by men who look like secret agents in suit attire, while WTC office workers were being escorted out each of the WTC buildings. Wolverine: Ill inform Chuck. Perhaps the two of us can work together? Ill stop by the WTC complex tomorrow and see if I can sniff for any explosives. Spider-man: Well just try to act casual. Wolverine: You sure you want to work alone on this web-head? Spider-man: when did you all of a sudden have a soft heart? Wolverine: I dont ::tosses cigar to the ground:: This is just something personal. This is our home turf being threatened. Spider-man: My home turf. You dont bleed NY, Canadian. Wolverine: Watch your tongue web-head. Did you forget I fought in WWII side by side with Captain America? A part of my heart bleeds this country as well. Spider-man: Im out of here ::shoots web and web-slings away:: The scene then switches to Terrell in his room, at home. Terrell staring at his junior high school diploma he just received after graduating from summer school. Xavier then begins sending Terrell a telekinetic message. Xavier: (Terrell) Terrell: (Hi Professor Charles Xavier. Guess what?) Xavier: (what?) Terrell: (I got my junior high school diploma) Xavier: (Congratulations Terrell, now you have to start quickly registering for high school. How are things at The Corporation?) Terrell: (Well Prof. Jonathan isnt happy about me not responding to my communicator and attending meetings as of late. Dr. Tomoe on the other hand has been very nice about it) Xavier: (Thats because Dr. Tomoe is one of the few who doesnt have a dark agenda. In due time you shall see. I just wanted to see how you were doing) Terrell: (Thanks Professor... oh dang I have to go... talk to you later) Xavier: (Enjoy the afternoon Terrell) The scene then focuses on Professor Charles Xavier who wipes a few tears from his eyes. Jean walks up to Xavier. Jean Grey: Terrell again? Xavier: Terrell officially got his junior high school diploma. Jean Grey: Thats awesome, I cant wait to congratulate him. Xavier: Wheres Scott? Jean Grey: Playing basketball with Gambit, Jubilee and Rogue. Xavier: Is Hank still in the lab? Jean Grey: Pretty much... wheres Logan? Xavier: Spider-man wanted to meet up with him.. The scene fades The scene is now in the early evening hours. The camera going under the Brooklyn Bridge and showing lower Manhattan. The scene then fades to upstate NY at the Xavier Mansion. Xavier is reading a book in his office. Logan enters the room and stops at the door. Xavier: Logan where you been? Logan: Enjoying the city.. its rare when I have fun time to myself. Xavier: What did Spider-man tell you? Logan: Spider-man was at the WTC complex earlier. He said there wa a fire drill there and that his spidey sense went off during the drills. Xavier: ::throws book at the table:: theyve begun the explosives transfer Logan: The nightmare has begun.. Xavier: Indeed, and Im pretty certain theres more drills to come. They couldnt had transfer all those explosives in one day. We will have to arrange an emergency meeting. Ill contact Reed Richards and have a meeting arranged at the Fantastic Four Tower. Logan contact Ant-man and Wasp. Logan: What about the kid? Xavier: Im about to reach him right now Logan: ::smiles and leaves:: Xavier then begins using his telekinetic powers to reach out to Terrell. Terrell is at home watching the news in living room. Terrell hears Xavier and gets up and goes to bedroom. Xavier: (Terrell) Terrell: (Professor Charles Xavier) Xavier: Terrell I regret to inform you some explosives were transferred into the Twin Towers earlier today. Spider-man was at the scene earlier, and his spidey sense detected the danger, but no visible danger was seen. The transfer happen during a fire drill. I dont believe all the explosives were transferred and this could be the beginning of more drills to come. I will be holding an emergency meeting at the Fantastic Four Tower tomorrow. Do you think you can make it?) Terrell: (Ill try Professor. The Corporation as of late have been trying to spy on me lately. I guess me not answering my communicator and not attending meetings as of late finally put them unease. I also have family plans with my family and cousins for family gatherings and trips. One in Long Island later this week) Xavier: (Ill deal with The Corporation. If youre unable to come, you can come to the mansion and well talk there) Terrell: (okay) Xavier: (Until then, goodnight Terrell and congratulations again) Terrell: (Goodnight Professor and thanks) The scene fades Its a new day as the sun rises over NYC. The camera view coming from the water and shows lower Manhattan. The scene then fades to a few hours later. The scene now at Midtown Manhattan at the Fantastic Four Tower. Xavier and the X-MEN consisting of Logan, Jubilee, Cyclops, Jean, Beast, Gambit, Rouge, and Storm are seen arriving as they come out of an elevator. Sue Storm bends down and hugs Xavier. Johnny then shakes Logan hand. The Thing pats Logan on the arm, and Reed Richards shakes Xavier hand. Ant-man with his arm around Wasp as the two can be seen staring at the heroes and nod their heads. The scene then fades to Xavier talking to the heroes. The Thing: So if we succeed our timeline will be altered. Sue Storm: Its nerve wrecking just to think about? Johnny Storm: This could be good and bad? Xavier: No harm will be done to the original timeline Johnny Storm. If any of you would like to know what your lives was like in the original timeline I will meet with you individually. Johnny Storm: So Xavier why are we having this emergency meeting. Reed Richards and Xavier give each other that this is it look. Xavier: Last month two time travelers, X-MEN from the future, came to our timeline to warn a hero, the Corporate Red Ranger of his future ahead. While they were here they also informed Terrell of an upcoming attack that will take place here in NYC. The only people I informed of the attacks were my X-MEN, Reed Richards, Hank Pym, and Wasp. Sue,Johnny, and Ben Im here to inform you that there is an attack being planned for the Twin Towers. The attack will take place on September 11th. We have a month to prepare. The Thing: It will be clobbering time. Johnny Storm: So were preparing a response team to prevent the attacks? Xavier: I felt, since the Corporate Red Ranger was the one told personally of the warnings he should assemble the team. Even though I was the first to know after reading the minds of one of the time travelers, I felt it was best the Corporate Red Ranger assemble the team. Sue Storm: Reed told me this Corporate Red Ranger is just a boy? Xavier: He has a heart different from all of us. His heart is unique, pure, different type of pure. He suffers from severe depression. I felt perhaps with him assembling the team it can help take away the stress. Reed Richards: So we have a month to prepare. By the way wheres this kid at anyway? Suddenly elevator door opens and Terrell is seen being escorted onto the floor by a security guard. Security Guard: Professor Charles this teenager here says he knows you. Professor Charles Xavier: Yes he is a new friend. Please let him join.. Reed Richards: He can come Security Guard: make sure you get autographs kid... The security guard heads back to elevator and enters elevator. The door then closes. Terrell who had his head turn to make sure the security guard was officially gone, then turns his head back to the heroes. Professor Charles Xavier: Everyone I would like you all to meet the recent new hero you mightve heard about on the news as of late. This is Terrell, the Corporate Red Ranger. Reed Richards: your a young kid The Thing: thats the Corporate Red Ranger? Sue Storm: hes just a boy.... Johnny Storm: how about we race around the city kid Terrell: that be awesome Johnny Storm... The Thing: ::turns to Gambit and Rogue:: hundred bucks on the kid Gambit and Rogue: youre on... Wasp: so your fourteen huh? Terrell: Thats right... Jean Grey: congratulations on your recent summer school graduation ::hugs Terrell:: Terrell: ::hugs Jean back and the two let go of hug:: thanks Jean Xavier: Terrell youve met the X-MEN. Terrell I like you to meet Ant-man,Wasp and the Fantastic Four. Reed Richards, Sue Storm, Ben and Johnny Storm. Terrell: ::walks up to the group of heroes:: Hi everyone, Im Terrell. Im the Corporate Red Ranger. Everyone except Logan and Reed Richards smiling at Terrell. Terrell returns the smile. Hank Pym walks up to Terrell and shakes his hand. Ant-Man: so youre the guy that will one day bring an end to my creation... Ultron Terrell with the oh look. Xavier smiling and nodding his head as the scene fades.
Posted on: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 03:17:13 +0000

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