The Crash and Beyond Perfect God - created a perfect world - in - TopicsExpress


The Crash and Beyond Perfect God - created a perfect world - in perfect order – and then created a perfect man after His own image and likeness. Every part of God’s created world touches and works with other parts in precise perfection of unity, so that the whole of the created world is perfectly linked together. The perfect world with its balance of all things working perfectly together in perfect order was instantly thrown out of its perfect order and balance as the one being that had the God-given ability to choose to remain in perfect order of obedience or to choose not to obey God, threw the whole world out of perfect order by an act contrary to the order of God. The entire system of perfect created order was damaged as the one key piece chose to break a link in the perfect chain of world order. Disobedience to the designed order of God affected every part of the created world. Sin and death were released into a world of perfect life. The works of the powers of darkness were released into a new broken system of what had been perfect order, and the entire world suffers. The corrupted world order is out of kilter and unable to right itself. Every aspect of the created world is tainted with the corrupted order and imbalance of the confused and disjointed world system. Spiritual death and darkness resulted from the corrupted system that was separated from the life and order of God. Christ Jesus is the redeemer and restorer of God’s designed world order. The cross of Christ provided for a lot more than the salvation of man. The plan was and is for the whole world to be redeemed and restored to God’s design. The penalty for all sin and disorder of the world was paid at the cross with the supreme sacrifice of the blood of Jesus. The way was opened for restoration of the world to the perfect order of God. Both the death and the resurrected life of Christ are greatly significant to the salvation of man and the world. Reconciliation is by the DEATH of Christ Jesus. Restoration (full salvation) is by the LIFE of Christ Jesus, the resurrected Son of God, now abiding in His people. Romans 5:10: For if when we were enemies we were reconciled to God through the death of His Son, much more, having been reconciled, we shall be saved by His life. The hope of glory is the reality of the Spirit God, Christ Jesus, living His pure holy resurrected life in maturing sons of God (sons is not gender specific). Multitudes of people across the world filled with the love, power and wisdom of the Spirit of Christ Jesus are the hope of glory of the world being restored. Full redemption and restoration of the world will be accomplished by Christ in a multitude of mature sons of God with myriads of holy angels working with them. Col 1:27: To them God willed to make known what are the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles: which is Christ in you, the hope of glory. God’s perfect order in the world is the rule of God from heaven, the kingdom of heaven on earth. Jesus proclaimed and demonstrated the kingdom of God while on earth in His incarnate body. He is again proclaiming and demonstrating the same kingdom on earth now in and through His many membered Body and Bride. Jesus’ message of the kingdom threatens the existing corrupt secular and religious world systems. The opposition to Jesus’ message is as fierce now as it was in the first century. The religious spirits would not allow the Pharisees of the first century to enter into the kingdom of God reality for themselves and caused them to block the way for others. The pharisaical religious spirits are still at work today doing the same thing: preventing religious people from entering the fullness of kingdom and causing many others to be turned away from the restoring love and power of Christ in His people. Thus religious spirits continue to hinder the bringing forth of the reality of the pure and holy rule of God now on earth. Matthey 23:13: But woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you shut up the kingdom of heaven against men; for you neither go in yourselves, nor do you allow those who are entering to go in. A powerful work of anti-Christ is inflaming both religious and secular people to violently oppose the work of Christ Jesus bringing forth His kingdom in the world today. In some nations of the world, believers are being slaughtered and driven from their homes, their businesses looted and destroyed, and their daughters abducted into forced marriages. Even in the western world respect for people who name the name of Jesus is rapidly eroding. Among the most despised believers in the western world are those in whom Christ Jesus is proclaiming and demonstrating His message of the kingdom of God now coming forth on earth by the Holy Spirit. The persecution of God’s people and the rejection of the government of God, the kingdom of God, will not go unanswered. All that man has built will be tried by fire, and that which is not of God will be burned. A great crash of the world’s systems, both religious and secular, is occurring on Planet Earth. Governments and economies are failing. Physical and natural systems are suffering as the loftiness and pride of man and all that has lifted itself against God are dissolving under the roaring purification fires of the powers of heaven coming upon the earth. Acts 14:22: Strengthening the souls of the disciples, exhorting them to continue in the faith, and saying, "We must through many tribulations enter the kingdom of God." Yet, the message of the real kingdom will not be stopped and will bring forth its fruit in the midst of persecution. We are now coming into a time of awesome miracles beyond anything we have seen or imagined before. God will show Himself strong in His humble, pure-hearted people who love not their lives to the death but live only for Christ to live in them and do His work through them. Food will multiply, battles will be won without effort, provision will come from seemingly nowhere, awesome humble leaders will emerge in the time of need, love will abound among the people of God, and many from the opposing forces will join up with the sons of God. The enemy will flee when no one approaches as holy angels do their works among the living. Psalm 23:5: You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. Matthew 24:14: And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations…. From the midst of great turmoil and chaos, order will come forth by the Spirit of God among those who endure to the end. The power and wisdom of God is far above and beyond anything in the natural world. Now would be a good time to come into a deep love relationship with God the Father through God the Son by God the Holy Spirit. Now is not the time to look to our own understanding or trust in the minds of men. Now is the time to turn to God with our whole hearts and our entire lives. Hear God and receive His direction and impartation. Tap into heavens frequency in the Spirit to hear and receive far beyond natural understanding. All of the knowledge of man pressed down and gathered together in one place would be as a grain of sand compared to the immeasurable vastness of the knowledge, creativity, and wisdom of Almighty God. There is nothing beyond our God; absolutely nothing is beyond His reach and understanding. Nothing or no one can give counsel to God. All creation, celestial or terrestrial, honors the one and only Father who has caused all things to exist and consist. The deep inexhaustible glory of the substance of God calls for the spirit of man to humbly come to Him to become one with Him - the two becoming of one Spirit and one mind. 1 Corinthians 6: 17; But he who is joined to the Lord is one spirit with Him. Ephesians 5:30-32: For we are members of His body, of His flesh and of His bones …. The two shall become one flesh. This is a great mystery, but I speak concerning Christ and the church. Keep on pursuing love. It never fails and His kingdom never ends. Ron McGatlin openheaven [email protected]
Posted on: Fri, 13 Sep 2013 19:38:28 +0000

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