The Disease, Drama, Danger, created by a single seed so painful - TopicsExpress


The Disease, Drama, Danger, created by a single seed so painful that few dare to discuss in the marketplace,or halls fortune 500 companies! A non-tangible incorporeal silent giant killer, more dangerous, claiming more lives, families, cultures and societies globally than the horrific disease Ebola ever will! It begins as an invisible passionate and deadly intruder knowing no boundaries or limitations. Unharnessed it consumes overtaking every living fiber, body soul and spirit. What is it? A seed that is planted and germinates in the body, soul and spirit of a human life. If left unchecked it becomes more lethal to its victims then the most deadly of diseases. What is it? Thinking the thought of a single corrupt idea! The following is an example of partial truth, an idea by human intelligence. It continues to put man at the center stage of all intelligence. This type of horizontal seed thinking will always leave man desperately striving reaching and motivated by external stimuli. The lie and love ... I must stay in control by more.... knowledge, wealth, and power! Today many of our lives, families, businesses, governments, are driven like the New York stock market by fear and greed to be in control of more... Its another Tower of Babel preparing to fall because of a single corrupt idea! Here is the norm philosophically, and or theoretically flawed ideology. “People will always act in accordance with their own perceived best interest unless YOU give them a compelling reason to do otherwise.” Professor Vernon Pollard If this quote is correct from a former student of professor Vernon Pollard then it needs an addendum edit from the word YOU to God. Self-motivation is truly an oxymoron of the most lethal kind. Man left to his own corrupt ideas has created a dis-eased world instead of a kingdom that was blueprinted in heaven. As a man thinks in heart, so is he Proverbs 23:7 Napoleon Hill wrote a book titled Think and Grow Rich There is a seed, that turns into a root, that grows up into a vast flawed system that can dis-ease the life of every human. What is it? It is that of thinking of I alone have had power to gain wealth as a self-made tycoon, entrepreneur, .... rich man. Then you say in your heart, my power and the might of my hand have gained me this wealth And you shall remember the Lord your God , for it is He who gives you power to get this wealth, that He may establish His covenant... Deuteronomy 8:17,18 Thinking the thought of a single corrupt idea. The lust of the eyes and the pride of life. The root of all evil… greed. Its the seed that corrupted the garden in the beginning. That dismantled entire ancient empires and generational legacies. The love of material more than that of all mankind is the seed, thoughts,and thinking that puts man in control momentarily rather than God. Vertical thinking… finding favor with God, and then finding Horizontal thinking... favor with man, is something you can find on a mountain top encounter with God solo persona and without another human giving you a compelling reason to not act in your own self interest. Remember the rule… The thought process of an original idea is a precept,this thought process becomes a concept, but if conceived by incorrect thinking it is not a concept but a miss-concept or misconception. Again As a man thinks so is he... The love ( or greed of more ) money is the root of all evil. Money alone is simply a tool, it is neutral, neither evil nor good! In the words of a great Author. Whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything worth praising think on these things. Philippians 4:8 HAROLD EATMON
Posted on: Thu, 16 Oct 2014 17:19:53 +0000

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