The Divine Intervention Designated for May 2014 By Patricia - TopicsExpress


The Divine Intervention Designated for May 2014 By Patricia Cota-Robles In the Heavenly Realms May is considered a Mystical Month because of all of the special events that occur during that month involving both Divine Intervention and special Celestial Gifts for Humanity. Following the monumental influx of Light we received in April, this May is going to bless Humanity in miraculous ways. May 1st is celebrated throughout the World as Saint Germain’s Ascension Day. Every year on that sacred and holy day, Saint Germain directs his Legions of Violet Fire Angels to bless the Earth with the Violet Flame for a 24-hour period. The Violet Flame is the perfect balance of our Father God’s Blue Flame of Power and Divine Will and our Mother God’s Pink Flame of Transfiguring Divine Love and Reverence for ALL Life. This Sacred Fire, which reflects the Divine Balance of our Father-Mother God, is the most powerful tool for transmuting negativity that is available throughout all Creation. The Violet Flame is known as the Seventh Solar Aspect of Deity, and it will be the predominant energy bathing the Earth during the next 2,000-year cycle, as we move through the Age of Aquarius. This May, because of the intensified purging Humanity and Mother Earth are experiencing, and because of Humanity’s ability to assimilate more Light than ever before, our Father-Mother God have granted Saint Germain with a special Cosmic Dispensation. This Dispensation is allowing Saint Germain and his Violet Fire Angels to bathe the Earth and ALL her Life, FOR THE ENTIRE MONTH OF MAY, in the most intensified frequencies of the NEW 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Violet Flame that Humanity and the Earth have ever received. This is a Gift of Divine Grace beyond our comprehension, and it will greatly empower Humanity’s ability to transmute our surfacing human miscreations back into Light. We each have the ability to be an instrument of God during this Cosmic Moment. Saint Germain has given us an invocation that will allow us to be the Open Door for this amazing Gift of Sacred Fire. Together we will make the Violet Flame readily available for every person on Earth whether he or she is aware of this unprecedented opportunity or not. If this facet of the Divine Plan resonates in your heart of hearts, please utilize this invocation throughout the Month of May and beyond, as your I AM Presence guides you to do. “I AM my I AM Presence and I AM One with the I AM Presence of ALL Humanity. As One Voice, One Breath, One Heartbeat, and One Energy, Vibration, and Consciousness of Pure Divine Love we invoke the most intensified frequencies of the 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Violet Flame that Cosmic Law will allow. Saint Germain and your Legions of Violet Fire Angels, we ask that you blaze, blaze, blaze this Violet Flame with the power and might of a thousand Suns in, through, and around every thought, feeling, word, action, memory, and belief that Humanity has ever expressed in any time frame or dimension, both known and unknown, that is reflecting anything less than Heaven on Earth. Transmute this energy cause, core, effect, record, and memory back into its original perfection and seal it in an invincible forcefield of God’s Infinite Light. We accept that this Activity of Light is being God Victoriously accomplished even as we Call. We also accept and KNOW that the Violet Flame is increasing daily and hourly, moment by moment, with every Breath we take until this Sweet Earth and ALL her Life have Ascended into the 5th-Dimensional Realms of Light on the New Earth. And so it is! Beloved I AM, Beloved I AM, Beloved I AM.” Another wonderful thing that occurs during the Month of May is that our Beloved Mother Mary opens the doors to her Temple of the Immaculate Heart in the Inner Planes and invites all of us to visit her in our finer bodies while we sleep at night. All we have to do is ask our I AM Presence to take us to Mother Mary’s Temple of the Immaculate Heart when we go to sleep and it will be done. Since we are One with all Life, we have the ability to ask the I AM Presence of every person on Earth to do the same. All we have to do is affirm, “I AM my I AM Presence and I AM One with the I AM Presence of ALL Humanity. What I ask for myself, I ask for every person on Earth in perfect alignment with his or her Divine Plan and the highest good for all concerned.” Mother Mary is working with each of us in wondrous ways. One of her greatest responsibilities is holding the Immaculate Concept for each and every one of us. The Immaculate Concept is our Divine Blueprint, which is the full Divine Potential that is encoded within our DNA. This month Mother Mary is going to work with our I AM Presence to help us bring the Immaculate Concept of our full Divine Potential to a conscious level within our hearts and minds. This is now possible because of Humanity’s initial activation into Christ Consciousness which occurred within every man, woman, and child on Earth after the Shift of the Ages, the Birth of the New Earth, and the activation of our pineal and pituitary glands. Another event that greatly adds to the Light of the World during the month of May is the Celebration of Mother’s Day, which takes place in several countries. Mother’s Day in the USA and Canada will be May 11th, and in Mexico Mother’s Day is always on May 10th. This year on every Mother’s Day celebrated throughout the World our Mother God and all of the Feminine Aspects of Deity are going to flood the Earth with higher frequencies of Transfiguring Divine Love than we have ever been able to experience. Everything is being accelerated, and as our bodies are transformed from carbon-based planetary cells into Crystalline-based Solar Light Cells we can receive and assimilate much more of our Mother God’s Love than ever before. This influx of Transfiguring Divine Love, working in unison with the influx of the 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Violet Flame, will cleanse us and lift us up in ways that will astound and amaze even the most skeptical person. Pay attention and expect miracles! All of these events will enhance the blessings Humanity and the Earth will receive during the Wesak Festival which takes place during the Full Moon in the Sun Cycle of Taurus, which usually occurs in May. This year the Wesak Full Moon will take place on May 14th. Wesak is the annual celebration of the Enlightenment of Gautama Buddha. Gautama Buddha is a vital force helping to bring Enlightenment and Humanity’s return to Christ Consciousness to fruition in ways we never perceived possible. This year during Wesak, we will each experience through our I AM Presence and our Body Elemental shifts of energy, vibration, and consciousness that will begin to open our hearts and minds in new and profound ways. The first way this shift will begin to reveal itself to us is through a gentler and kinder way of perceiving even the most recalcitrant of our brothers and sisters in the Family of Humanity. When we recognize the Divinity in ALL Life, we open our heart and mind to new ways of thinking and feeling which are infused with Divine Love and Reverence for Life. This in turn lifts us into a higher level of consciousness where we will clearly perceive viable solutions for all of the maladies still surfacing from the old Earth. The old concept of “us against them” is revealed as an illusion. Then the knowing that we are One and that it is only through cooperation and Reverence for Life that the problems of the day will be solved becomes a blatant and obvious reality. With this Awakening and shift of consciousness we realize profoundly that indeed, “We are the Ones we have been waiting for.” The wondrous Activities of Light we will experience in May of 2014 are going to be life-transforming and they will pave the way for the God Victorious accomplishment of the next phase Divine Plan that is scheduled for September 13-18, 2014.
Posted on: Mon, 05 May 2014 08:27:20 +0000

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