The Essence of Health At the end of last year I had the honour - TopicsExpress


The Essence of Health At the end of last year I had the honour of listening to Dr David Katz speak about getting back to basics – talking about food, not just nutrients. His holistic approach to health and wellbeing is what I work with my clients on every week and is something I have always believed in. However, with all of the confusing nutrition messages and fad diets out there, I have been feeling a little disheartened about where things are headed in the nutrition world. Dr Katz reminded me that what I already know and believe about nutrition truly is enough to make a huge, positive impact on people lives. There are so many food experts out there with a different take on nutrition or a new ‘magic’ way of eating and they are all really good at selling their point of view. However, when you take a step back and focus on what we know and what we can all agree on – it is that health outcomes are far better when we eat more real food. To debate the exact details about how many carbs or how much protein we should be having is just not important. Michael Pollen has already said it well – ‘Eat food, mostly plants, not too much’ and Dr David Katzs’ take on this is to eat ‘wholesome food in sensible combinations. As well as eating real food – Dr Katz reminds us that nutrition is only one facet of over all health. We need to be active every day in some way, avoid smoking, get good quality sleep, reduce stress and form strong social bonds. Lets start by getting these things right first and then, only then, should we start to debate the details. Make small improvements every day to try and eat more real food, sleep well, stress less and love the people who are important in your life. I truly believe this is the answer to many of the health problems we face today. If you have an hour of free time, watch the presentation for yourself – it is well worth it ☺ https://youtube/watch?v=mBa0qUCszhE&
Posted on: Tue, 13 Jan 2015 03:45:00 +0000

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