The Executive Breakfast with Golf wrote: 8 GREAT BUSINESS/LIFE - TopicsExpress


The Executive Breakfast with Golf wrote: 8 GREAT BUSINESS/LIFE WISDOM IMPORTED FROM THE GOLF PUTTING GREEN The putting green is the ultimate spot where every hole ends. It is home to the hole or cup, into which you are required to sink the ball and as the good book says- better is the end of a thing than the beginning thereof. It is one spot where the fate of every player is most likely decided. A player who climed the green with great minimal shots can end up with terrible score at the given hole, courtesy the ruthless green. It is delicate. It is sensitive. It represents height that takes character, knowledge, precision and studiousness to climb, stay on and record success with minimal MIS-takings from. The green is identified from distance by a flag otherwise known as the pin. Flags are symbolism of sense of belonging, authority and sovereignty of an entity. The green is surrounded by aprons that thwart your little speed when you (ball) climbs sluggishly. It is flanked by sand traps that you descend into when you use power without restrain. It represents the boardroom. It represents the war room. It is an icon of leadership and managerial prowess. Here are timeless wisdom imported from the surface of a putting green: Detailed Preparation 1. Detailed Knowledge- it’s cool to know a thing, but what gives you an edge is knowledge of each of its components. First and foremost, you need to know that the putting green is an height that you cant climb with casual attitude. You also need to know that a standard round of golf and golf course comprises 18 holes with variables and peculiarities. There are greens that are like express lane to the ball. There are, on that same golf course, others that absorb velocity. There is a right point of entry unto the green. As a sloppy surface tilted towards the left, if you make your entry from the slightly hilly right, you stand a chance of your ball making a convenient stop somewhere near the pin and even if the speed was much; the apron might just be able to wrestle the velocity and prevent you from making the hazard. But, if your point of entry on same green is the sloppy left, you most likely won’t be able to negotiate your fall into the sand trap or fall-off the height. Just like life, before you show up on a terrain to perform any form of enterprise, be sure to have a detailed knowledge of its ‘landscape’. That’s why professionals, especially, do have practice rounds before the main event- to get acquainted with the land they are about conquering. Life is about conquests that one finds answers about before the quest. 2. Be studious and Sharpen Your discretion- just as human resources are too limited for you to take uncalculated chances with, so is one extra stroke that you would incur for not been mindful of certain things before you take your putt, because it just might cost you winning. Prior knowledge of the landscape is great, but there are things you can’t discover until you get on to the scene. And you are only afforded some hundreds of seconds to take snappy study and take a decision. A burrowing animal could create a tiny burrow on the green over night and you believing that you played the course yesterday just decided to follow exactly same line, only for you to see your ball brushing off the edge of the cup because an ‘insignificant force’ slightly rolled it off the ‘line’. There are insignificant things, in human estimation, that prove themselves able of leaving a crack on the wall when we dont pay a little more attention. I know you have been signing that same document before now, but why not take a few minutes to study it closely to see if there is a hidden new clause you need to probe into? Some have sunk a lifetime chance and a career for same reason. I know you have spent a decade doing that same thing and you know feel like a czar at it, but could you take a second look at what currently obtains on that landscape, lest you get faced-out? As our planet rotates to shuttle between day and night, so is something shifting per time- trends, vogue, motives and behavioural pattern. 3. Detailed Preparation- Before you climb the green; measure your backswing, watch your alignment, be deliberate about where you want your chipping shot to make its first landing on the green and or on the apron- practice swing- and when you get on, look for burrows, tiny stones, ball marks, hole plugs and leaves- repair or get them off your ‘way’ before you take the ‘shot’. Nothing good comes in its whole form without detailed and deliberate preparation. 4. Overhaul/Service your tool- there is only one piece of equipment that every player uses for every shot- the golf ball. You have been hitting it from the tee box, into the rough, on to the fairway, probably into the sand trap and eventually unto the green. Now that you are on; mark your ball, pick it up and clean it to aid a smooth putt and in preparation for the next hole. Whatever tool you use in driving the wheel of the corporate goal, be it objects or humans; do not abuse. They have been at the service of the organisation almost all year- let staffers take a leave, call for retreat, and sponsor them on trainings/special courses. Ensure timely servicing of machines. It would reflect on productivity and ultimately the bottom line. 5. Observance- it is some form of advantage to have your competitor putt before you, you would find how he succeeded at getting that 5-foot putt into the cup at a single stroke or why he overshot, didn’t ‘make the pin’, or went too wide- that’s if you pay enough attention while he takes his shot- and you could use one or two lessons from his success or mistake in making yours a signature putt. All you need to know is that everyone who has been before you in any area of human endeavour has succeeded or failed for you. Make use of lessons from their lives and you stand a chance of ending better than they did. 6. The big break- one of the chief things going on in the mind of a golfer on the green, trying to get his ball into the hole is the search for the ultimate ‘break line’. It is the ultimate line because, though it may not directly point towards the pin, it is a route that when plied with caution and good calculations can help you sink a 6-foot putt into the hole, for a birdie. It is surer than most other lines that seem to lead to the pin. For that good-doing brand image to be achieved, for the significant share of mind and pocket to be arrived at, for that turn over to be doubled; there’s a way to go, there is a route (line) of ‘big break’ to be plied- you have just got to find it. 7. Best practices- of all the zones of the golf course; the putting green and its environ (inclusive of the bunkers) have some of the most stringent etiquettes, ethics and rules that guild conducts on that terrain and it is one place where content and strength of a golfer’s character- competence and integrity- is most tested. What the green is simply telling you about life is that if you will end up with birdie-like success in your endeavour, without baggage of extra strokes that leave you with bogie in its multiple; go for best practices. 8. As being well-mannered endear you to people, so does courtesy powered by observed golf etiquette/ethics earn you credibility, which is one of the things everyone needs to attract business and social relationships. For examples; it is wrong to stand on another player’s line of putt, practice-putt, talk or move while he’s putting. Consideration and fairness, we say, is the number 1 rule in golf. Whatever you do, consider the good of others.
Posted on: Wed, 23 Jul 2014 05:52:51 +0000

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