The Faith Connection! We mentioned earlier that you need to load - TopicsExpress


The Faith Connection! We mentioned earlier that you need to load your Spirit man with positive things the Lord has done to build your faith in receiving healing. I join my faith with you, and I see the Lord working through you to lift you by his word. Your coming across this message is divine and timely, no matter when you get it because heaven is about to step into your case and mould you to the shape that your creator originally designed. Amen. It is a tragedy that a lot of people are not following God’s original design for their lives, some are what their parents want them to be, some are what the society want them to be, some are what the enemies want them to be and a lot more are what friends want them to be, but I prophesy to your life, that as you believe these messages, you will be transformed in the name of Jesus. The Bible is the perfect manual to run the life of man as it is the trusted word from the creator who says we are his workmanship created for good works. Ephesians 2:10. The world is perishing because of the problem of lack of faith, because we are Justified by faith in the act of omnipotence of the creator(Romans 5 Vs 1. And it is this faith that gives us ultimate peace with God, and answers all lives questions. It is by faith we have ACCESS TO GRACE THAT MAKES US TO KEEP STANDING. (ROMANS 5 Vs 2). Faith is not cheap talk, it is a journey! But it is the best route to the best of what eternity offers. I personally can testify that faith is the thing! Now let’s examine the greatest enemies of faith. Please read meditatively with your bible by your side to digest the following scriptural references. At the fall (Gen 3:22) in the garden, man who was created soulish (sense conscious) Gen 2:7 , was left at the mercy of his 5 senses (see, taste, feel , smell or touch) and every contact that he has with the world and everything he knows about the world is through these five senses. To aid his senses in search for reality, man has developed the microscope, telescope and spectroscope, yet, these instruments have only aided his senses in contact with the world around him. However, he has discovered that there is a spiritual world i.e. (dreams) that he can not contact/control through his senses, he knows also that the universe is held by a force that he can not explain through his senses, then, in his quest to dissolve mysteries, he delves into psychology, Christian science, new age, philosophies, myths, and several religions but all could not contact God and could not unravel the problem of sin and eternity. Then in his foolishness, he concludes that God must be a kind of universal mind. All the above gave birth to the sense knowledge that has been the problem of man. Sense knowledge can not contact God. God is a Spirit and can only be contacted in the realm of the spirit. (John 4:24) 2 Cor. 4vs.18 makes us understand that ‘ anything that is seen is temporal’ while the unseen realities are the things that have eternal value. Once the senses can have a grasp of a thing or an action, it does not have eternal value. Sense knowledge has limited man’s walk of faith with the God ‘WHO QUICKENETH THE DEAD AND CALLETH THOSE THINGS WHICH BE NOT AS THOUGH THEY WERE’ (Rom 4:17). The God that has called forth these things has given us knowledge that is higher than sense knowledge and it is called the REVELATION KNOWLEDGE. The revelation knowledge requires that men will belief first before they see. Man however is so sense ruled that he wants to see before he believes. The foolish thing in these is that ‘SCIENTIFIC THEORIES ARE FIRSTLY BITS AND PIECES OF GUESSWORK CALLED HYPOTHESIS BEFORE IT IS ACCEPTED AS THEORY’ and this is the backbone of today’s inventions that man has trusted so much. The ‘REVELATION KNOWLEDGE‘ also requires that man will first receive God’s Word and believe and act upon the Word to see results, (Jeremiah 1:12) says I will hasten my word to perform it. But man has kicked against this revelation knowledge and has suffered for it greatly. We’ll share two common examples in the scripture now. In Luke 17 vs. 11-19, some lepers went to meet Christ to be healed and he didn’t lay hands on them to heal them as expected of them, but he told them TO GO AND SHOW THEMSELVES TO THE PRIEST, AND ON THEIR WAY THEY WERE HEALED.NOTE THAT AS AT WHEN THESE PEOPLE LEFT JESUS, THEY WERE NOT HEALED BUT WHEN THEY ACTED ON HIS WORD, THEY RECEIVED THE HEALING.WE CANNOT PRESCRIBE TO GOD THE EXACT WAY WE WANT HIM TO MOVE IN OUR SITUATION BUT WE CAN MOVE HIM BY OUR ACT OF FAITH AND UNWAVERING TRUST IN HIS WORD. WE CAN ALSO FULFIL SOME PARAMETERS AND ENFORCE OUR HEALING. The man of God, Smith Wigglesworth said ‘if the spirit does not move me, I move the spirit’. In the case of Jesus Christ encounter with Peter in Luke 5 vs. 5, ‘ Peter who happened to be a professional fisherman said to Christ ‘master, we have toiled all night, nevertheless, at your word, I will let down my net’ NOTE : AT THY WORD. Christ is the ‘WORD MADE FLESH’ that answers all life’s questions on the totality of our existence. THE WORLD IS HELD TOGETHER BY THE WORD OF HIS POWER. (Heb 1:vs3). When we pray for healing, it is because the person we pray for, can not see/accept that he has been healed as in Isaiah 53:5. He now has to come under another scripture that says ‘we shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover Mark 16:15. Many will also not be moved until they are anointed with oil which is also scriptural! I HAVE THE REALITY OF ISAIAH 53:5 IN MY SPIRIT, AND THAT IS WHY I ALWAYS SAY/PREACH, I CAN NOT BE SICK. BELOVED, DO NOT MIS-INTERPRETE ME, I DO FEEL SICKNESS SOMETIMES, BUT IT CAN NOT STAY, BECAUSE THE REALITY OF THE WORD IS HIGHER THAN THE CONSCIOUSNESS OF SICKNESS. Most people who claim to have faith do not really have faith, they only say it as a mental assent, it is not REAL!. STURBORN FAITH IS UNWAVARING IN FACE OF REALITY OF SENSES AND OBVIOUS OPPOSITIONS.!!!!!!!!!! I have laid hands on the sick sometimes and pray saying ‘be healed in Jesus name’ and I ask the sick person ‘are you healed? Then he says ‘the pain is still there.’ Such a fellow should concentrate on his doctors because he has not received the Word of faith and COULD only healed by the sovereign act of the Almighty God. Some also place their faith in experiences. All these is sense knowledge and will not achieve results. Beloved, you need to know that the devil is clever and his demons are present EVEN when prayer is being offered for the sick,(Job 1:6) THEY ARE PRESENT WHERE EVER THE ANGELS OF LIGHT ARE TOO. THEY ARE CLEVER LAWYERS WHO CAN EASILY ACCUSE YOU OF THE SPIRITUAL CRIME OF UNBELIEF. IT IS AMAZING THAT WE HAVE SO MUCH FAITH IN HUMAN ORGANISATIONS LIKE BANKS. WE WRITE A CHECK IN OUR NAME AS LONG AS WE HAVE THE MONEY, WE EXPECT THE BANK TO HONOUR IT. WE INVEST IN SEVERAL ORGANISATIONS AND EXPECT RETURNS AS PROMISED. BUT THE LORD HAS GIVEN US THE WORD AND HIMSELF AS GUARANTEE TO BACK IT UP (JER 1:12) BUT WE SCORN IT! Before we round up on faith message, we will share the spectacular act of faith by the man of God Elijah in turning the hand of God by faith. In the book of First Kings, Elijah had locked up the heaven and was now going to open it up after slaying the Baal prophets. In the beginning of the mighty act of faith demonstrated by Elijah, (verse 41),He challenged the king to prepare for rain without any doubt. As at this time, he had not even informed God in prayer as to his intention of re-opening the heaven. Then he sent his servant seven times to check the rain when he was on his knees petitioning the Lord for rain, and immediately the servant reported that he saw something like a man’s hand rise out of the sea he announced his FAITH BREATHROUGH WITHOUT DELAY AS HE SENT A MESSAGE TO THE KING TO RUN AHEAD OF THE RAIN WHILE HE OUTRAN THE KING. ALLELUJAH! HE HAD THE OPTION TO WALK AND NOT RUN BUT HE HAD TO PERFECT HIS FAITH ACT WITH DEMONSTRATION! FAITH IS AN EVIDENCE, IT IS NOT CHEAP TALK!!!!!!! Beloved, why will Elijah go through all these when he could have just prayed casually and rain would come? Let us not forget that man is in complete charge over the affairs of the earth as God is in Heaven, GEN 1:28, PSALM 115 :16. There are other demoniacal forces that are operating on earth until their time runs out in the second advent. These forces can cause delay in receiving answers to prayer. In Daniel 10 verse 11-14, we can see how these forces cause delay, and how persistence in the alter of prayer and violent faith dislodge these forces. Arise beloved and take your position in the victory provided for you in Christ Jesus. You can change that situation, you can turn around those events, you can make a difference now in your situation. Only believe!!!!
Posted on: Thu, 11 Dec 2014 09:04:52 +0000

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