The False Prophet Jesus reveals to Maria that the Antichrist will - TopicsExpress


The False Prophet Jesus reveals to Maria that the Antichrist will be assisted by the “False Prophet” - a religious figure who will rebel against the Pope and establish a “new” and “modern” Catholic Church. The Pope will be driven out of the Vatican, and the False Prophet will take his place and desecrate the seat of St. Peter. He will appear to be a loving and holy figure, and will be considered by many people as a living saint. But the reality is that he is allied with the Evil One. He will merge the Catholic Faith with all other faiths to form a false, one-world religion. Jesus warns priests, bishops and cardinals about the coming “False Prophet”: "My Holy Vicar Pope Benedict needs your prayers. Pray for him daily for he needs protection on every level to take him through the torment that lies ahead. It is important that My followers keep alert to any new Pope that may come forward for he will not be from God... You must acknowledge that the False Prophet is about to seduce you. Charm you. Convince you that he represents the truth. You must now show your allegiance to Me, and My Eternal Father..." (7 June 2011) In another message, Jesus elaborates on the coming partnership between the False Prophet and the Antichrist: " with clear eyes the False Prophet who will attempt to lead My Church for he does not come from the House of My Eternal Father. He will seem like he does. But this will be false. Watch too for the friendship he will display with the Antichrist for they will be two of the most deceitful followers of Satan – dressed in sheep’s clothing. They will have powers, which will seem like the miracles of old but these powers will be Satanic... pray for the graces of discernment so that you may see this False Prophet for what he truly is. A demon sent to distract you, from the depths of Hell." (19 February 2011) According to Jesus, the False Prophet will change the interpretation of the Holy Mass, and will deny the real presence of Jesus in the Eucharist. Together with the Antichrist, he will persecute those priests, bishops and cardinals who will remain loyal to the one, true Catholic Church. Loyal priests will be forced to hold Masses in secret. It will be the most severe persecution in Church history. This abolition of the Eucharistic Sacrifice to be perpetuated by the Antichrist and the False Prophet is prophesied in the Bible in passages referring to the End Times, particularly the Book of Daniel (12:9-12): "Go, Daniel," he said, "because the words are to be kept secret and sealed until the end time. Many shall be refined, purified, and tested, but the wicked shall prove wicked; none of them shall have understanding, but the wise shall have it. From the time that the daily sacrifice is abolished and the horrible abomination is set up, there shall be one thousand two hundred and ninety days. Blessed is the man who has patience and perseveres until the one thousand three hundred and thirty-five days." The Gospel of Matthew likewise speaks of this prophecy: "When you see standing in the holy place the abomination that causes desolation spoken of through the prophet Daniel – let the reader understand – then those who are in Judea must flee to the mountains, a person on the housetop must not go down to get things out of his house, a person in the field must not return to get his cloak – for at that time there will be great tribulation, such as has not been since the beginning of the world until now, nor ever will be. And if those days had not been shortened, no one would be saved; but for the sake of the elect they will be shortened." (Matthew 24:15) Finally, in her messages to Fr. Gobbi (which carry the Imprimatur from numerous cardinals and bishops), Our Lady explains this “horrible abomination” prophesied by Daniel: "Beloved children, in order to understand in what this horrible sacrilege consists, read what has been predicted by the prophet Daniel... The Holy Mass is the daily Sacrifice, the pure oblation which is offered to the Lord everywhere, from the rising of the sun to its going down. The Sacrifice of the Mass renews that which was accomplished by Jesus on Calvary. By accepting the Protestant doctrine, people will hold that the Mass is not a sacrifice but only a sacred meal, that is to say, a remembrance of that which Jesus did at his Last Supper... And thus, the celebration of Holy Mass will be suppressed. In this abolition of the daily Sacrifice consists the horrible sacrilege accomplished by the Antichrist, which will last about three and a half years, namely, one thousand two hundred and ninety days."
Posted on: Tue, 30 Jul 2013 13:56:30 +0000

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