The Farmer’s Almanac calls this Sunday’s Full Moon the Full - TopicsExpress


The Farmer’s Almanac calls this Sunday’s Full Moon the Full Worm Moon and it arrives at 12:08 pm CT! The name comes from the Algonquin tribes that range from New England to Lake Superior and is descriptive of the process where the ground thaws and the earthworms begin to move about again. This is the month that Spring officially arrives even though many of us still have snow on the ground. The Full Moon is in Virgo this month and can bring up all sorts of lovely habits, attitudes and thoughts to mind. Being in Virgo, the moon brings us down to earth to get organized and assess what details need to be taken care of and healthy habits need to be re-energized! The Virgo energy helps us see what needs to be put in order which may even include relationships that need a tweak. Be open to what occurs to you and if nothing else, jot down your thoughts and make a plan to address them later. The Virgo energy can help us to connect to our nurturing side and make truly heart-opening connections or can spin us into a hyper-critical and judgmental mode where we can be into perfectionism and obsessed with detail. You can choose the energy you want to acknowledge and feed. Remember it is always a balance we strive for and maintaining that balance requires awareness! We also have the Spring or Vernal Equinox this coming week on March 20th. This is a day of equal night and equal daylight and happens each Spring. This is a season of rebirth and resurrection as many plants and animals become active after a long winter. And the folklore symbol of this time is the chicken egg which is a very literal and obvious symbol of rebirth. We have egg decorating, Easter eggs to hide and even the old custom of ‘egg balancing’ on this day of equality. As has been observed before, balancing a raw egg on its end is much more about patience than the position of the planet on the Equinox. But go ahead and give it a try! However you choose to celebrate a Full Moon or Spring Equinox, it is a time that Nature calls attention to Herself so that we can be observant, aware and thankful for the changes we are lucky to witness during this season. Blessings Susan Kirk Reiki Bloomington Normal IL
Posted on: Fri, 14 Mar 2014 14:45:50 +0000

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