The Fat Vegan... Fat vegans have failed one important animal: - TopicsExpress


The Fat Vegan... Fat vegans have failed one important animal: themselves. Furthermore, their audiences of meat-eaters and animal-abusers may be so distracted by their appearance that they cannot hear the vital issues of animal rights and the environment; resulting in an unacknowledged setback for a fat vegan’s hard work for change. Most vegetarians are overweight?!!! - That got your attention, huh? And don’t health advisors do a better job of counseling their associates when they eat better and have healthier diets themselves. Everyone knows we should be eating less meat and more vegetables, but few of us know how to make that a daily reality. Question: How do you make vegetables appealing enough to be the main course at most meals? How do you adjust your diet such that the body responds in a way contributing to one’s healthy appearance? Blogger writes: “My mom informed me of this the other day, exclaiming that all vegetarians she knew were overweight. I think she actually said fat, but I wont use such demeaning words. Now, I didnt respond with, Well, most omnivores I know are overweight, but I did tell her that obviously, just because someone is vegetarian or vegan doesnt mean that they will eat healthy. Are most vegans or vegetarians you know overweight? I always thought that especially vegans have an easier time with weight control/maintenance because our bodies can use the calories we put in, assuming we are eating our fruits and vegetables and whole grains.”
Posted on: Sun, 30 Mar 2014 14:19:44 +0000

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