The Female Training Bible Proverbs 31:30 Grace and beauty - TopicsExpress


The Female Training Bible Proverbs 31:30 Grace and beauty can fool you. But a woman that respects the Lord should be praised (honor). The chase of some worldly physical ideal will slowly slide down the list of why you will show up to Gym, Cross Fit, Power weightlifting or Weightlifting everyday and basically torture (pain) yourself. You will get totally addicted to the feeling you get when you do things that were simply (easily) impossible (not possible) for you a few months ago. The body you get is nothing more than a by-product (result). It takes discipline (control) in the kitchen to perform (physically, mentally, and spiritually) your best so keep in mind that you should… Galatians 5:16 So I tell you: Live by following the Spirit. Then you will not do the evil things your sinful selves (behavior) want. In all areas of your life and you will be healthier and happier because of it. This will be my one and only post about Cross Fit, Gym, and Power weighting or Weighting making you bulky. Training and eating like an athlete who wants to be a generally capable human being in all areas of fitness (Cross Fit, Power weightlifting or Weightlifting) makes you look like a healthy human being. Please avoid Cross Fit, Power weighting or Weightlifting, if you are scared to look like Christmas Abbott and Melanie Roach, keep calm, WOD (Workout of the Day) on, and God bless. Cross fit, Power weightlifting or Weigh lifting will make you strong and fit. I know you want to hear words like toned, sculpted and firm. I know you do. Here they are: if you get fit and strong, and if you eat right, you will look toned, sculpted and firm. Focus on actually being able to perform the exercises, and the fit, feminine looking body you are after will come. The majority of the Female bodybuilders are NOT weightlifters. They are not worried about becoming stronger, or better conditioned. Essentially (mostly) the opposite of Cross Fit and weightlifting. Let me make it clear that I am not trying to bash the sport of body building. These people are among the most dedicated (clear) and hardest working athletes in the world. That being said, their entire sport is basically (more or less) built upon the idea of looking good. The judges in bodybuilding don’t award (honor) points for anything else. Lets face it, how many women do you know who say they wont step foot in a weight room because they think they will get big and bulky? Im sure you know someone who uses this as an excuse. Sure, women can get muscular like men ... if they use steroids. Other than that, the answer is simply no. Women do not produce enough testosterone to build muscle at the same rate as men. It is physically impossible for them to get big, bulky and extremely muscular. Can women be stronger than men? Sure! There are plenty of women out there who workout that can out-lift a good portion of the male population. It seems hard to believe, but its true. It is clear that women do not have the hormonal support (testosterone) to gain muscle mass like men. Therefore, the fear of becoming big and bulky and looking likes Arnold Schwarzenegger. Now you may be saying, I have seen some women bodybuilders who are very muscular and look similar to men in their build. The real reason they look like that is they are most-likely using exogenous testosterone injections (shot) and/or other anabolic steroids. When women use exogenous testosterone/steroids they may show signs of hair growth on the face and chest, increased muscle mass, a redistribution of body fat from a female pattern of storage to a male pattern of storage, deepening of the voice, and other effects. Don’t Fear the Weight Room Women who want to look healthier by either putting on some lean muscle or by losing some stubborn fat should not fear or afraid grabbing a pair of dumbbells. For the women who are already in the gym and telling the guys to quit hogging the bench or squat rack, good for you! More power to you. For those who only see what a weight room looks like from the cardio room, shame on you! There is nothing to be afraid of in the weight room. The guys in the gym wont make fun of you for using lighter weights. Most guys in the gym are there minding their own business trying to get a workout into their busy schedule just like you. Who knows, you might just find that you can lift just as much as some of the guys! In fact, women can do the same workout that men do (with the total weight being the only difference) same amount of reps and sets. I actually recommend that women train like men and push themselves every time they weight train with increased weights. There is no use going to the gym and cutting your progress short by selecting weights that dont push your body to change. Lets break down all the benefits women achieve from weight training: Become Stronger More Energy Burn More Calories/Fat Tone Muscles Feel Better Look Better Decrease (cut) The Risk of Coronary Disease Prevent (stop) and Fight Osteoporosis Improve Balance You are all Age Better Greater muscle mass percentage in older women is strongly associated with better mobility, faster gait speed, lower body weight, and lower fat mass. Gaining muscle now will help you stay leaner, maintain stronger bones, and avoid pain as you age. You will live longer Women who have more muscle mass will live longer. Being stronger means you will have better mobility and muscle power as you get older, which is another primary indicator of longevity. A related bonus is that by getting strong, lean and muscular at a young age, you will avoid what is being called sarcopenic obesity (age-related loss of muscle mass and strength), or being fat and having low muscle mass when you are old. Although it unclear whether older people gain fat first or lose muscle first, these two physiological (healthy, functioning) actions go hand in hand. Once you start losing muscle, you are just about guaranteed to get fat if you don’t take action by lifting some iron! Cross Fit is not for you and to be totally honest I probably don’t want you as a client. Go hit up the elliptical for 20 minutes for 3 days week at the gym. That being said, we get girls and women in here who start with this mentality and adopt a new one when they start to FEEL what REAL fitness can do for you physically, mentally, and spiritually. Looking like a 12 year old girl is for 12 year old girls. You are a WOMAN. And if you think you already have too much muscle I hate to break it to you but you don’t. YOU JUST DON’T. If you’re fat or super skinny and happy with it then so are we. Every girls or women never lift barbell and I think pretty much everyone is ok with that. You don’t have to be fit to be a good person. So ladies, dont afraid the weights.
Posted on: Mon, 22 Sep 2014 18:24:54 +0000

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