The Five Phases of the Spread of Islam The spread of Islam is - TopicsExpress


The Five Phases of the Spread of Islam The spread of Islam is not a new phenomenon. Ever since Muhammads troops spread out from Mecca in the 7th century, Islam has been expanding globally. But the spread of Islam in Western democracies is a new trend and one that is gaining momentum. This spread of Islam in Western nations is led by the Muslim Brotherhood and other international Islamic groups that endeavor to maximize the spread of Sharia law and Islam in the targeted nations while minimizing detection and push-back. This is achieved in five phases: Spread of Islam Phase 1: Arrival When the first Muslims arrive in a Western democracy, they keep a low profile and make few if any demands on the host nation. Many quietly work as students, business owners, professors, doctors and other professionals, making good first impressions and gaining vocational respect. Phase 2: Recognition When a sufficient number of Muslims gather, they request recognition of the Sharia law being applied within their own community. To preempt resistance and suspicions, they publicly condemn radical Islam and even seek well-publicized inter-faith dialogue and gatherings. They position Islam as a religion of peace whose Sharia law is not a threat to the host nation, especially since it would never be applied outside the Muslim community. Often, they are supported by the host nations un-informed leaders who are eager to be seen as progressive. Phase 3: Penetration When Muslims gain critical mass in a few cities, they begin to penetrate the host society. They create an alphabet soup of front and umbrella organizations that inflate their reach and unity, and use them to lobby the government, support (pro-)Muslim political candidates, conduct public relations campaigns and file lawsuits against alleged islamophobia, pressure public schools with Muslim students to hold prayers towards Mecca, endow Islamic studies departments at universities, place imams as chaplains in armed forces and prison units. Phase 4: Confrontation When Muslims become a significant minority in the host country, they demand incorporating into its legal system elements of the Sharia law. Often, this demand is made while rogue elements from the Muslim community threaten or engage in violence (e.g., Europe and UK). Phase 5: Imposition When the Muslim population becomes the majority and/or Islam gains control of a nation (e.g., Taliban in Afghanistan), Sharia law is imposed on the host society, which is then locked down against non-Islamic influences, including Christianity. The ideal Islamic state is Saudi Arabia, where Sharia law is the only law of the land and enforced without mercy.
Posted on: Sat, 01 Nov 2014 10:49:25 +0000

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