The Future of Facebook Ad Revenue: Small Businesses Facebook - TopicsExpress


The Future of Facebook Ad Revenue: Small Businesses Facebook hit all the right numbers during its most recent earnings call last month. Revenue was up. Profit was higher than any quarter in company history. And user totals were up in almost every category imaginable, including monthly actives, daily actives and mobile Its a safe bet that Facebook will see even higher revenue growth in the upcoming quarter — the holidays always produce great ad revenue — but thats not the only reason to be optimistic about Facebooks future revenue stream. The social network has 1 million advertisers on its platform, a number first announced in June, and double the number of advertisers from a year before, said Dan Levy, Facebooks director of small businesses. One million advertisers is an impressive figure. Equally impressive is that Facebook has 25 million small businesses with active company pages, which means only 4% of companies that use Facebook to connect with customers are also using the site to advertise. Thats a lot of potential advertising revenue sitting close at hand. mashable/2013/11/23/facebook-advertisers-small-businesses/#:eyJzIjoidCIsImkiOiJfM21za3Z2NWZvczVsdHM0ZiJ9
Posted on: Sun, 24 Nov 2013 17:10:07 +0000

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