The Garrettss Christmas Miracle comes early; As I write this - TopicsExpress


The Garrettss Christmas Miracle comes early; As I write this tonight from my Tampa Florida hotel room, I am still overwhelmed by what I witnessed today. Approximately 5 years ago my wife began experiencing hair loss, memory retention loss, joint pain and recently bone pain that had become unbearable in the last two months. Being the wonderful nurse that she is, she knew something was wrong. She noticed that her blood calcium level had steadily climbed to an unhealthy level, so after researching she diagnosed herself with Hyperparathyroid Disease. A condition caused by a benign tumor growing on the parathyroid causing it to release way to much of a needed hormone. We went to a doctor in Birmingham who confirmed her diagnosis and recommended the Norman Parathyroid Clinic in Tampa. Two months of details later we arrive. At 830 this am Dr.Norman and his amazing team went to work and after a 15 minute surgery Julies tumor was removed and she is cured! One hour after surgery she reported all bone and joint pain was gone completely and mental clarity had returned. Im still amazed at how God put all the people and finances in place to make this happen. Thank you Kevin and Shannon Johnson for partnering with us, I couldnt have made this trip without you. Thank you to our family and friends at a2 Church and Church of the Highlands who covered us with your prayers. As Kevin said earlier you could sense the prayers working through the calm and confidence we experienced today. Our God is still in the miracle business and he uses amazing people to make them happen. I am thankful to be married to one of those miracles. We are headed home tomorrow healed and ready to see our boys and spend this holiday with the people we love. Below are two pictures; one of the tumor that although small was producing 44x the amount of hormone she needed and the other of my beautiful wife, happy and smiling knowing that her life is getting ready to change!
Posted on: Thu, 11 Dec 2014 04:12:35 +0000

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