The Glorious Divine Play ..... and How - TopicsExpress


The Glorious Divine Play ..... and How to Enjoy It Things are not as they appear... For most people, the greatest obstacle to discovering true peace is their feeling of control... the false belief that they themselves can really cause this or that to happen solely by their own personal will. Alas, there is very little that is solely caused by any person. This is not meant to suggest that our will is not important, but rather that we can greatly benefit by learning to recognize the power behind our power, the One who is the cause behind the cause. When one thinks deeply about the origin of drama, one finds that drama belongs to the origin of life itself; not only has man invented dramatic art, but God has produced a play in the form of this manifestation. Very often, inquiring souls raise the question of why, if God is kind and loving and merciful, must there be these tragedies in life — suffering, disappointments, and failures. And the best answer that could be given to this question is that He has arranged this play. Would we say that it is unkind to give someone the part of the victim in a play, or that it is wrong of the producer to give an actor the part of a murderer? But when we look at it as a play, we see that all these different parts are given in order to produce one effect, in order to get to the essence. For every character in the play, from beginning to end, the king and the slave, the murderer and his victim, the lover and the one who hates, the cruel one and the one who is kind-hearted, the one who is just and the other who is unjust — they are all helping to produce one ultimate effect, and it is for this effect that the whole play has been arranged
Posted on: Tue, 01 Apr 2014 00:32:41 +0000

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