The God Connection; Smashing some limiting beliefs that hog up - TopicsExpress


The God Connection; Smashing some limiting beliefs that hog up all our being-ness, consume precious moments and days which feel like lifetimes. Doubt is great. Fear is great. It means we get to prove to ourselves why we matter. We get to stare doubt in the face and give it a classy look that would scare even a shadow. It’s there because part of us wants us to be miserable, so we can have pity parties. And most of our lives we have let that small-minded fearful talk run the show. Emotions are like friends. We have to accept them or we won’t have any. The idea of what we’re supposed to feel like dominates what we actually feel like. We are ghosts in our own bodies. I get mad at people, because they allow this silly notion of having to go within and look into the mirror for silly beliefs when an emotion arises, 90% of your time, you have conjured it up in our minds. And this notion of fighting for your life? I hear often from people. I think about walking around the room and screaming in their face and karate chopping them across the shin. But really I just want to give them the little push they need to be self-governing greatness. Sometimes we quit on ourselves and then go home; and when we get home we don’t like who we are. Then head into a How to do manual, to kick ass some stuff that wasnt there in the first place. Challenge is growth. No challenge is stagnation, Prozac, and hours of television every night. It’s shockingly miserable and it’s killing your soul. You should be arrested. I should be able to come to your house and throw you into the van and spend a couple of days in a retreat, throw away your Prozac or Lithium, give you a pen and paper, and say now draw! And you know that it comes from inside and not outside of you. You don’t need anyone but your God self to realize who you are. Who really cares enough about failure to let it run their life? That’s old news. The most successful people in the world fail every day, and they learn to love it. It’s learning, it’s living. It’s so simple I want to reach through your screen and kiss you in the face. I think we care too much. About the wrong things. We care too much about our feelings, about other people’s opinions, about politics, and about that Mirror. And I’m certain we care too much about feeling sorry for ourselves. It is some kind of spell that we are afraid to break. A lot of people live under this spell to avoid the work that lies ahead of them in their quest to be happy, in which it is in this non doing. We’re all tired of the game. We’re just waking up in the morning and mailing it in. Our hope is diminishing (?) Nope not on my watch. But at the first sign of rebellion we become wide awake. We remember it’s not buried too deep. It just needs a little push. Just a nudge. Don’t wait for it. Someone else is waiting for you to do it. Just be the one and do it already. You won’t be alone and you’ll know exactly what to do once you start. Rebellion writing.
Posted on: Tue, 01 Apr 2014 18:54:41 +0000

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