The Gospel - An Inward Experience ..According to brother Law, - TopicsExpress


The Gospel - An Inward Experience ..According to brother Law, salvation is an inward experience, and a spiritual operation of God in man. No one can know the truth of salvation by a mere rational consent to that which is historically said of Christ. Only by an inward experience of His cross, death, and resurrection can the saving power of the gospel be known. For the reality of Christs redemption is not in fleshly, finite, outward things, much less in verbal descriptions of them, but is a birth, a life, a spiritual operation, which as truly belongs to God alone as does His creative power. Brother Law also addresses the disparity between many professing Christians position in Christ and their outward living. Many Christians are careful to observe certain times, places, and rituals of worship; but when the service of the church is over, they are but like those that profess no regard for religion. In their manner of life, in their cares and worries, fears and pleasures, indulgences and diversions, it is often impossible to distinguish professing Christians from the rankest unbelievers, until they once again unite to sing of their love and devotion to Jesus. Little
Posted on: Sun, 30 Mar 2014 00:14:15 +0000

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