The Great Principle of: I. MENTALISM THE ALL is MIND; The - TopicsExpress


The Great Principle of: I. MENTALISM THE ALL is MIND; The Universe is Mental By Correspondence: The Crown Chakra and the Pituitary Gland First gland to appear in the Human Embryo. II. CORRESPONDENCE As above, so below; as below, so above. By Correspondence: The Brow Chakra and the Pineal Gland The Pineal gland produces Melatonin that controls the waking and sleeping cycles. III. VIBRATION Nothing rests; everything moves; everything vibrates. By Correspondence: The Throat Chakra and the Thyroid Gland The Thyroid gland produces Thyroxin to convert oxygen and food into usable energy. IV. POLARITY Everything is Dual; everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites like and unlike are the same; opposites are identical in nature, but different in degree; extremes meet; all truths are but half-truths; all paradoxes may be reconciled. By Correspondence: The Heart Chakra and the Thymus Gland The Thymus gland produces T cells for the immune system of the body. V. RHYTHM (The Cycles) Everything flows, out and in; everything has its tides; all things rise and fall; the pendulum-swing manifests in everything; the measure of the swing to the right is the measure of the swing to the left; rhythm compensates. By Correspondence: The Naval Chakra and the Adrenal Gland The Adrenal gland produces Hydrocortisone that regulates the use of food and helps the body adjust to stress. VI. CAUSE AND EFFECT Every Cause has its Effect; every Effect has its Cause; everything happens according to Law; Chance is but a name for Law not recognized; there are many planes of causation, but nothing escapes the Law. By Correspondence: The Spleen Chakra and the Lyden or Spleen The Spleen produces Macrophages to cleanse the blood and is vital to the immune system of the body and a persons health. VII. GENDER Gender is in everything; everything has its Masculine and Feminine Principles; Gender manifests on all planes. By Correspondence: The Root Chakra and the Sacral or Reproductive Glands of Male and Female in all Species. The reproductive organs of male and female in all Life forms that exist. WHERE FALL THE FOOTSTEPS OF THE MASTER, THE EARS OF THOSE READY FOR HIS TEACHING OPEN WIDE. Source: Pymander IO.
Posted on: Wed, 10 Dec 2014 05:27:18 +0000

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