The Heart is Deceitful ~ By Chaplain Greg McKee - TopicsExpress


The Heart is Deceitful ~ By Chaplain Greg McKee July 3, 2013 KJV Jeremiah 17:9 9. The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it? Pleasing self is man’s normal desire and what he does “naturally” … Pleasing self is the flesh side of man… we are born with a sinful nature that tends to turn away from God by default. We are all born with “unclean hearts” and can never do God’s will as long as we remain in that condition, but salvation changes all that. Salvation changes our hearts and lives ad “cleanses our hearts” with the blood of Jesus. By what was done at Calvary (Jesus’ death on the cross) the penalty for our sin was paid and taken care of… Jesus’ death broke its power over us and made it possible for us to escape the clutches of our sinful nature and become what God wants us to be.. When we receive Christ as our Savior, we became a new creation—with a heart sensitive to the Holy Spirit and our mind is renewed with a strong desires to know the Father better. Our new “clean heart” allows us to received the Spirit’s power to deny our selfish desires and obey God. With clean hearts, we can begin to realize the spiritual gifts our loving Lord has given us. When we have a “clean heart”, we are no longer selfish or self centered … as we are changed (transformed by the renewing of our minds .. Romans 12:2) we begin to love others with a Godly love and become more concerned for the welfare of our brothers and sisters, and we are no longer “deceived” by the thoughts of our sinful nature. I don’t mean that we never think sinful thoughts again, nor are we never selfish again … I mean that we are no longer “bound to those thoughts” by a wicked heart. The power of natural deception is broken and we “can be” free from it if we will but accept and walk “in The Lord”. The heart represents the deepest part of our mind, our will, and our emotions. When we work to keep it pure, we more easily see God’s plan. When our heart is clean, we can submit our will to His, and follow Him obediently. Father help us today … give us all “clean hearts” and strengthen us to keep them clean and help us not to allow the temptations we fall into regain control of our heart. Fill us with our Holy Spirit, oh God, and give us a true desire to serve you and help each other… I as this in the name of Your Son Jesus Christ … Amen I hope each of you have a blessed day and receive the peace that only Jesus gives. ~ Chaplain Greg McKee
Posted on: Wed, 03 Jul 2013 07:00:00 +0000

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