The Hermetic Keys to the planetary Grid are inscribed on the - TopicsExpress


The Hermetic Keys to the planetary Grid are inscribed on the Messengers mythical Emerald Tablets, which summarize the 7 Hermetic Principles underlying all manifestation. These are the keys to Hermes Geomancy: The Principle of Mentalism (The Universe is Mental, the All is Infinite Mind, which is the fundamental reality and the womb of all universes). The Principle of Correspondence (Whatever is Below is like unto that which is Above, and whatever is Above is like that which is Below, to accomplish the miracles of The One). The Principle of Vibration (Nothing rests; everything moves and vibrates). The Principle of Polarity (Everything is dual, has poles, and pairs of opposites). The Principle of Rhythm (Everything has its tides, its rise and fall, its equal pendulum swings to the right and left, its peaks and troughs). The Principle of Causation (Every effect has its Cause, every Cause has its Effect, all proceeding by Law, never by chance). The Principle of Gender (Everything has its masculine and feminine aspects). The Grid is not something out there , away from us, safely, abstractly separate from our daily lives. Our molecular bodies and human consciousness as we walk on Earth live within the Grid. The Grid is like a unified tuning fork vibrating with our Light/Life/Electromagnetic spectrum for Earth as we receive it daily from our specific Star Evolution paradigm, the Sun, the astrophysical center of our local solar system Grid. Our King Sun is an evolving star, and our lives as humans on Earth are breathed within the Grid-mediated parameters of His body, our familiar solar system. The Grid is the forgotten nexus between humankind, as embodied, Earth-walking consciousness, and the starry heavens. The Grid is the spiritual link for the blending of cosmic and terrestrial energies in the consciousness experiment known as Humanity; it is the pervasive means for the harmonious fusion of the energies of the solar system in human consciousness. As Above, So Below. What exists in Heaven is embodied on Earth and in the Human but in specific manners appropriate to the morphology. This is the meaning of equal Logos (homo-logous), i.e., the same Word. Just as the human has an intricate subway system of acupuncture meridians, carrying chi, the life force, so has the Earth a myriad web-like matrix of ley lines and focal points, Eastern esoteric yoga informs us that the human has not only the apparent physical body, but a series of overlapping, multidimensional bodies which form a kind of Jacobs Ladder away from the familiar body of bones and flesh into the Body of Light. These bodies are variously described according to different traditions, but essentially they include the etheric/electromagnetic body (seat of the meridians and chakras), the emotional body (or astral body, the basic formative dimension for emotions as polarized expressions), the mental body (the sphere of abstract knowledge and concrete thinking, the realm of Forms), and the causal body (seat of the Soul, the timeless, spiritualized agent behind sequential human incarnations). These 5 Bodies form an interpenetrating consciousness grid, like a series of Chinese boxes, or like the layers of an onion, with always another inside. The Earth, similarly, has this multidimensional overlay of grid bodies. This convenient, linear abstraction of what is indivisible, whole, simultaneous, and synchronous, is nonetheless useful as a model in explaining the different functional aspects of the planetary Grid.
Posted on: Wed, 05 Mar 2014 03:19:43 +0000

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