The Holy Day. Great Sunday Morning everyone! But let us - TopicsExpress


The Holy Day. Great Sunday Morning everyone! But let us concider together for a moment. I hear people say God understands. It dont matter what you call Him, He knows who your talking to. It dont matter what day you rest or worship on. And I wonder Are they just trying to convince themselves of these lies? Actually He does not understand why we His Children disobey His ever Word with week ass excuses someone told them about He understands!... Oh Hes real smart. He know who you talking to. But what about what He said Himself??? This is why the Messiah Yahshua said If you do not receive The Kingdom as a little child you will not enter into it. Because HE IS THE FATHER. YOU ARE THE CHILD. He doesnt need to understand you, you need to UNDERSTAND HIM OH SIMPLY MAN. YAHWEH (IAmWhoIAm) says For My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways, My ways, says Yahweh. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts. Isayah 55 vs 8-9. Not only he who deceives, but him who allows himself TO BE deceived, THEY ARE BOTH GUILTY. In the beginning Yahweh created the heavens and the earth. On th 1st day He separated light (righteousness) from darkness (evil). 2nd day he created sky/clouds. 3rd day, earth/sea/vegitation. 4th day, Sun/Moon. 5th day, sea creatures/birds. 6th day, Man. AND ON THE SEVENTH DAY HE RESTED FROM ALL HIS WORK WHICH HE HAD CREATED AND HELD CLASSES FOR THE MAN HE HAD JUST CREATED TO TEACH HIM HIS LIKENESS. Genesis 2 vs 2-3. And guess what? The next day He got back to work which would be the 1st day again. Look on any Calendar and please tell me what day is the Seventh and LAST DAY OF THE WEEK. IT IS MOST DEFINATELY NOT SUNDAY. Any good dictionary, if you look up the word Saturday, will tell you that it is the LAST AND SEVENTH DAY IF THE WEEK. So why cant any day our dumb asses choose be our day of rest? If At&t was holding interviews and had donuts for 2 dollars this coming Saturday and you showed yo a day late and a dollar short would you get the position??? You could show up on Sunday if you wanted. The day He chose to teach man His likeness can not be changed. He said this is a statute forever. But this is what Daniyl warned us The Beast would do, he would think to change His times and His Laws. Dan. 7 v 25. Why is the day you choose for yourself and your family to rest on? Exodus 31 v 13-17. Because it is a Sign between you and Him, a Mark of obedience to Him. It is your proof that you belong to Him and He has sanctified you, meaning set you apart from the doomed. Anyone who thinks themselves to have such great power in their tiny created body to make Holy any other day is a fool and will suffer for their folly. It was the Great Constintine, The Father of Christianity who subdued the Holiness of The Seventh Day Sabbath and replaced it with the Day of The Might Ball Of Sun in the sky. Which was indeed the GOD he worship because he could see it, but who is Not a Father like Yahweh your Creator. And all who follow Mr. Constintine on his holi day Sunday of rest, carry his Mark of disobedience in their right hand like a spiritual tattoo, and will never know the likeness of their Father although they are made in His image. This is why they war all the day long and have their pep rallies on the 1st day. Because the likeness of the Father was taught the day before. The Spirit of Holiness CANNOT be received by those who dont see Him nor know Him. John 14 vs 15-17. And you gotta keep the commandments to know Him. I john 2 vs 3-4. What is the fourth commandment???? Exodus 20 vs 8-11. KEEP THE SEVENTH DAY HOLY. What day do you keep? Ezekiel 20 vs 12-13 Moreover I gave them my Sabbaths as a Sign between Me and them, that they might know that I am Yahweh who sets them apart as Holy. But they rebelled against Me in the wilderness (fields of testings) and did not walk in my ways (but twerkled it all over town) and despised my judgments. Many say dont send me these no more. Yes they despise all His righteous judgements. Maybe I should be staring at Beyonce or something... Not. But now you know. And knowing is half the battle. :) In Yahshua. And by his authority I write these things to you. Chea.
Posted on: Sun, 10 Nov 2013 17:43:51 +0000

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