The Holy Spirit And You The Holy Spirit Is the One occupying - TopicsExpress


The Holy Spirit And You The Holy Spirit Is the One occupying the Office of Christ on Earth in our Time. Meaning we are Followers of the Holy Spirit as We are followers of Christ. We are Disciples of the Holy Spirit. Jesus Said He will ask the Father to Send another Helper, The Holy Spirit. Your Life depends totally on the life and ministry of the Holy Spirit.The More you know him , the more effective you will be in Life. The Holy Spirit is sent to us so that we are well taken care off.Therefore Develop an intimate relationship with him and you will be effective and victorious in your walk As we continue to seek the face of God, let us get closer and deeper in our walk with the Spirit of Liberty. Say Holy Spirit You are Welcome. John 14:16-18,26 16And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever— 17the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you. 18 I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you.......... 26 But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you. Confessions and Prayer points 1.Holy Spirit I want to be moved by You-(Luke 2:27) 2.Holy Spirit I Drink of You -1 Cor 12:13 3.Holy Spirit Lead me into all truth -John 16:13 4.Holy Spirit I choose To pray In a tongue and I choose to Interpret it -1Cor12:14-15 5.Holy Spirit Speak what you hear and tell me what is yet to come- John 16:13 6.Holy Spirit Give Me Life-2Cor 3:6 ,John 6:63 7.Holy spirit Teach Me what I should say -Luke 12:12 8.Holy Spirit I have the word of God and You without Limit- John3:34 9.Holy Spirit Teach Me all Things- John 14:26 10.Holy Spirit I receive power from you. Acts 1:8 11.Holy Spirit testify to me about Jesus- Rev 19:10,John 15:26,1John5:6 12.Holy Spirit Convict me of Sin, Righteousness and Judgement yet o come- John 16:8-11 13.Holy Spirit You bring freedom 2 Cor3:17 14.Holy Spirit I leave By you -Gal 5:6 15.Holy Spirit I sow to please you and i reap eternal life - Gal 6:8 16.Holy Be poured Out on Me - Acts 2:17 17. Holy Spirit show me what God has prepared for me Because I love God. 2Cor2:9-10 18.Holy Spirit Give me your thoughts , words and your expressions- 1Cor2:13 19.Holy Spirit give me understanding of what God has freely given me- 2Cor 2:12 20.Holy Spirit , God has anointed me with you, I go about doing good , Healing the sick and all those who are under the power of the devil, because God is with me - Acts 10:38 21.Holy Spirit I embrace and draw from God the love of God you have put in my heart 22.Holy Spirit I anoint me to preach the good news to the poor, to proclaim freedom to the prisoners,Recovery of sight for the blind, to release the oppressed.- Luke 4:18 23.Holy Spirit fills me and speak boldly through me- Acts 4:31 24.Holy Spirit Strengthen and encourage me Acts 9:31 25.Holy Spirit circumcise my Heart - Romans 2:29 26.Holy Spirit teach me to pray by the spirit - Romans 7:6 27.Holy Spirit, I want my mind to be set on what you desire- Rom 8:5 28.Holy Spirit be my counselor, comforter, strengthener and encourager.-John 15:26 29.Holy Spirit write on my heart and mind. 2 Cor 3:3 30.Holy Spirit , I pray in the spirit to be built up in my most holy faith - Jude 20 31.Holy Spirit give me ears to hear what you are saying to the Church. -Rev 2:7 32.Holy Spirit , fill me with your presence. Eph 5:18 Use these Confessions to build up your relationship with the Holy Spirit.
Posted on: Fri, 31 Jan 2014 13:34:20 +0000

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