The Holy Wedding of YeonJin Moon & JeungJin Moon. September 13, - TopicsExpress


The Holy Wedding of YeonJin Moon & JeungJin Moon. September 13, 2014 at 2:43pm From : FFWPU International Headquarters Date : 8.20 by the heavenly calendar in the 2nd year of Cheon Il Guk (Sept. 13, 2014) Re. : The Providential Significance of Yeon-jin Nim’s and Jeung-jin Nim’s Joint Holy Wedding May our Heavenly Parent’s and the True Parents’ blessings and love be with all regions, mission nations and providential organizations. Following the announcement of Moon Yeon-jin’s and Moon Jeung-jin’s Joint Holy Wedding [Official memo FFWPUI 2014-76], we would like to explain the providential significance of this event. The content below is based on a paper prepared by the FFWPU Korea Headquarters. We hope that all leaders around the world will read this and use it when educating their members. Furthermore, a selection of reflection papers, written by participants in the Holy Wedding Ceremony, was submitted to True Mother. We will soon send a separate memo with these reflection papers. The providential significance of Yeon-jin nim’s and Jeung-jin nim’s joint Holy Wedding Under the grace and blessing of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind, the joint Holy Wedding for Yeon-jin nim and Jeung-jin nim, the youngest among True Parents’ children, was held on 8.19 on the heavenly calendar in the second year of Cheon Il Guk (September 12, 2014) at Cheon Jeong Gung. More than three hundred world leaders and invited guests were present at this ceremony, which True Parents officiated. The Foundation Day of Cheon Il Guk was proclaimed last year centering on the eternal realm of victory of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind, who had perfected, completed and concluded the providence of restoration. The Holy Wedding was held on this foundation. Thus, we would like to invite all members to contemplate the providential significance of this Holy Wedding while engraving in our hearts the meaning of the Blessing and the absolute,unique, unchanging and eternal stature of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind, who are the owner of the providence and the owner of the true lineage. True Parents’ stature First of all, we must have a clear understanding of True Parents’ stature. As we all know, the> significance of the Blessing Ceremony lies in the fact that it transforms the fallen lineage into the true lineage by engrafting the wild olive tree to the true olive tree (Romans 11:17–18). Originally, human beings were supposed to uphold God’s commandment (“…but of the tree of the> knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat” - Genesis 2:17), complete the three great blessings described in Genesis 1:28, and live centered on God in the Garden of Eden, the kingdom of God on earth. However, due to the fall of Adam and Eve, our first ancestors, the first human beings lost God’s lineage, the ideal of the three great blessings, and were driven out of the Garden of Eden. As a result, human history has in fact been the history of the providence of restoration through indemnity for the purpose of receiving the Messiah and of being restored into God’s lineage of goodness. From this, we can see that the four-thousand-year Old Testament Age was part of the history of the providence of restoration for establishing the foundation of faith and foundation of substance to welcome the Messiah who brought the heavenly lineage. However, the Messiah suffered on the cross and was unable to complete the history of salvation through which, together with the substantial Holy Spirit, he would have restored the lineage. Christianity emerged on the foundation of God’s love for humanity. During its two-thousand-year history, the spirit of Christianity moved from Rome to Britain and the United States, passed through Japan, and arrived in Korea, the third Israel, where the Lord at the Second Advent was born. During this time, Heaven also prepared the Holy Spirit in substance who, together with the returning Lord, would emerge from the land of Korea in order to connect humankind to the lineage of goodness. In the beginning, God already had Eve in mind when He created Adam. In the same way, just as there was a providence to send the Lord to earth at his Second Advent, behind the scenes, another providence was underway to send the substantial Holy Spirit. True Parents’ Holy Wedding was finally held, marking the beginning point of the Blessing that restores the lineage—for which God had waited six thousand years. The reason we value and commemorate the anniversary of True Parents’ Holy Wedding (16th day of the 3rd month on the lunar calendar; April 11, 1960), as well as True Parents’ Birthday, is because it marks the day that Heaven’s true lineage could substantially emerge on earth. The significance and value of the Blessing and the fruition of providence. With True Parents’ Holy Wedding serving as a turning point, twelve major Blessing Ceremonies were held, for 3 couples, 36 couples (including the original 3), 72 couples, 124 couples, 430 couples, 777 couples, 1,800 couples, 6,000 couples, 6,500 couples, 30,000 couples, 360,000 couples and 3.6 million couples. As the Blessing passed through these twelve stages, it was held both vertically and horizontally at eight stages from the individual to the family, tribe, people, nation, world, cosmos and God. Through this victory, the tradition of the Blessing Ceremony has been firmly established on earth. In 1992, True Parents publicly proclaimed that they were the returning Messiah and began to set conditions to restore important rights: The right of the eldest son was restored through the 30,000-Couple Blessing Ceremony held that year; the right of the parents was restored through the 360,000-Couple Blessing Ceremony; and God’s kingship was restored through the 3.6-Million Couple Blessing Ceremony. On the seventh day of the seventh lunar calendar month in 1997, True Parents’ proclaimed “the Realm of the Cosmic Sabbath for the Parents of Heaven and Earth.” Through this declaration, they established the stature of the Parents of Heaven and Earth both on earth and in the spiritual world. On this foundation, four years later, on January 13, 2001, True Parents offered the Coronation for the Kingship of God. In this way, God’s providence developed in line with True Parents’ life course. On this foundation,the effects of the Blessing, of giving new life through restoring the lineage, was manifested in stages from the individual, family, tribe, people, nation, world and cosmos encompassing the spiritual and physical worlds. The scope and standard of the Blessing has gradually expanded and, as a result, True Parents have opened the Blessing to all people. Furthermore, True Parents spoke about how in the future the wall dividing the Blessing for first and second-generation members would disappear and a time would come when salvation would be brought to all people. The significance and value of the Blessing lies in its power to engraft us to Heaven’s lineage of goodness. When we think about this, we can understand that whether the victorious True Parents bestow their grace and blessings or harvest the fruits of the providence, this is well within the boundaries of their absolute authority and power. In this way, the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind have been victorious in the providence of rebirth and the restoration of the lineage through the Blessing. The grace of the Blessing has expanded to the entire cosmos, reaching all people on earth and in the spirit world.Through its expansion, True Parents were able to perfect, complete, and conclude the entire providence, and on this foundation they proclaimed Foundation Day of Cheon Il Guk on the 13th day of the 1st month on the heavenly calendar in 2013. After the proclamation of the Cheon Il Guk Foundation Day, True Parents initiated a new providence in earnest to substantiate Cheon Il Guk centering on the stature of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind. Now is the time of providential fruition, the time to find substantially and establish the three main elements required for the building of Cheon Il Guk: namely, its governance, environment, and people. True Parents have decreed the name of this nation,the national anthem, national flower, and the Cheon Il Guk national flag. They have compiled three major Holy Scriptures, the fundamental root of Cheon Il Guk, and have announced the Cheon Il Guk Constitution. In alignment with the constitution, True Parents shall wield the sovereignty of Cheon Il Guk throughout the earth, centering on the Cheon Il Guk Supreme Council. They will advance without stopping. Yeon-jin nim’s and Jeung-jin nim’s joint Holy Wedding While presiding over this era, which is governed by the sovereignty of Cheon Il Guk, True Parents granted permission for Yeon-jin nim’s and Jeung-jin nim’s joint Holy Wedding. We are more grateful for this heavenly grace because this Holy Wedding was possible due to True Parents’boundless grace and blessing for humanity. True Parents, who have been victorious in all aspects of the providence, had until now allowed blessed families to engraft themselves into True Family’s lineage. Now, True Parents, while still on earth, have opened wide a new era, allowing people from the realm of Cain, representing the seven billion people of the world, to be engrafted to the true lineage of the True Family. A new age has begun in which the satanic lineage, which resulted from the fall of the first human ancestors, and all of humanity, can be cleansed and restored centering on our Heavenly Parent and True Parents. The Blessing centered on True Parents’ teachings and tradition What is important is the fact that the gates of rebirth, centered not on the satanic culture of the world but on True Parents’ teachings and tradition, have opened wide. In the Old Testament Age the people of Israel were meant to enter the land of Canaan, establish a united kingdom, and restore and assimilate the gentiles into the realm of heavenly culture centered on God, Jehovah. Yet they were unable to accomplish this. Through this Holy Wedding, the realm of Cain has been absorbed according to the tradition and standard of the Blessing that should be upheld by the Unification family centered on True Parents, the owners of the true lineage. Consequently, a foundation has been laid that will preserve True Parents’ teachings and tradition, and allow the spiritual work of the Blessing centering on True Parents to embrace all seven billion people of the world and to eternally take root on earth. The early Christian communities preserved Jesus’ teachings and preserved their purity. Roman leaders and aristocrats began to admire and respect the lifestyle of these Christians, and began to marry Christians. This allowed the heavenly tradition and God’s word to take root, and ultimately led to the victorious providence of the Roman Emperor Theodosius making Christianity the state religion of the Roman Empire. In the same way, the joint Holy Wedding of Yeon-jin nim and Jeung-jin nim, as a Blessing centered on our Heavenly Parent and True Parents, shall surely become a providential occasion that reflects Heaven’s grace and love, and a basis from which Cheon Il Guk will be further substantiated. For this Holy Wedding, True Mother instructed the two couples to take part in a special forty-day. Furthermore, Mother offered deep prayer and devotion in preparation for the ceremony. In full unity with True Father in the heavenly world, True Mother endured the spiritual labor pains of conceiving and re-creating new life in order to weld them into Heaven’s true lineage. Yeon-jin nim and Jeung-jin nim renounced everything in order to take part in a forty-day workshop in Cheongpyeong together with their partners, whom True Parents have accepted. They prepared for the Holy Wedding and have received the Blessing on the condition of maintaining a standard of absolute faith, absolute love, and absolute obedience centered on True Parents’ teachings. Following their joint Holy Wedding, Yeon-jin nim and Jeung-jin nim will offer a special forty-day period of devotion, and on that foundation will embark upon their journey toward building ideal families. We would especially like to invite all leaders and blessed families of the Unification family to participate in spirit during this special forty-day devotional period, to reflect on our past inadequacies, to connect with and inherit True Parents’ heart, and to show our gratitude for True Parents’ grace and blessings, which have been given to us for the sake of the development of God’s providence. Our Mission Beloved pastors and leaders of the Unification family! The question now is, What should we do at this important time? At this time of providential fruition, we should offer our deepest appreciation to our Heavenly Parent and the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind, who have given permission and blessed Yeon-jin nim’s and Jeung-jin nim’s joint Holy Wedding with a heart of true love in order to embrace and save all humankind. We, as blessed families, should honor True Father’s final words and attend True Mother as our center, fulfill our mission as tribal messiahs, and become mature providential leaders who, as true parents, true owners, and true teachers, can open the era of Cheon Il Guk in our communities. We sincerely pray that the grace and great blessing of our Heavenly Parent and True Parents be with you and your family for all eternity.
Posted on: Sun, 14 Sep 2014 00:08:32 +0000

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