The Hooliganisation of Parliament by the Imperialist Bloc - TopicsExpress


The Hooliganisation of Parliament by the Imperialist Bloc By Ian Beddowes U.S imperialism and its allies are becoming very desperate: their economic system is facing collapse – and so is their world dominance – and it is not only communists who are saying so. Marin Katusa, Chief Investment analyst at Casey Research, had this to say in a recent article published in Business Insider under the title “The Media Won’t Touch This Story About the end of the US Dollar”. “As the worlds emerging economies gain ever more prominence, the U.S is losing hold of its position as the worlds superpower. Many on the long list of nations that dislike America are pondering ways to reduce American influence in their affairs. Ditching the dollar is a very good start.” Desperate about losing control, the USA is using every means possible to hang on to and even expand the territory which they control. In Ukraine, Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan they are using war, and have used openly Nazi organisations in Ukraine and Islamic extremists in the Middle East to assist them. They are now moving towards a scenario in the Middle-East where the organisation which they have funded for at least two years to bring down the secular government of Syria led by President Assad, and which is known in the press as ISIS or ISIL, following its invasion of Iraq, is now, conveniently, beheading Americans and Brits, thus providing an excuse to yet again bomb Iraq and yet again send in U.S troops. Yesterday U.S President Barrack Obama announced that they will arm the “Syrian opposition” to fight ISIS. This is double talk. There is no real opposition in Syria. In fact what Obama’s administration will do is to boost terrorist capacity against Syria. Back to South Africa. Mindful that GEAR, the 1996 Class Project has only worked in the interests of white capital and the black tenderpreneurs, the ANC under the leadership of President Jacob Zuma (but still with a significant number of tenderpreneurs in the broader movement) has introduced state planning and worse still, in the eyes of Western Imperialism and its South African allies and agents, South Africa has joined BRICS – and worse again, has agreed that the African Regional Centre for the new bank will be in Johannesburg! Thus the whole continent will have access to an alternative source of funding to the Washington based International Monetary Fund and World Bank. BRICS is already moving away from the dollar standard in its trading practice, the new bank could inevitably hasten the collapse of the dollar. Therefore it is of prime importance to the U.S government that this must be “nipped in the bud”. In South Africa there is a well-co-ordinated destabilisation campaign being waged by the DA and its right-wing allies, in particular the well-funded EFF led by the plunderer of Limpopo, Julius Malema. Hence the pushing of the Nkandla Report while at the same time we hear nothing about the two Public Protector’s Reports on Julius Malema which found him to be a direct beneficiary of numerous tender scams in Limpopo Province, from which he fraudulently and unlawfully acquired money. Hence the same media, such as the apartheid creation The Citizen which vilified Malema when he was a member of the ANC is now putting him on the front page – a hero on the same level as Verwoerd! And hence the right-wing, Imperialist Bloc of reactionary parties in Parliament after seeing their EFF storm-troopers disrupt parliament, have now wasted more valuable parliamentary time by bringing a motion of “No Confidence” against speaker Baleka Mbete. Having no real arguments that can make South Africa a better place, the Imperialist Bloc is bent on making hooliganism in Parliament acceptable and making South Africa a better place only for the richest 1% and their imperialist backers. From the trivial arguments presented in Parliament on the failed motion of no confidence it was obvious that they were attacking our constitution even calling for an unelected person to be the Speaker of Parliament. Comrade Ian Beddowes is professional revolutionary and former MK intelligence operative, writing in his personal capacity.
Posted on: Fri, 19 Sep 2014 13:48:16 +0000

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