The House On Willow Lane (continued) parts 31-40 Part 31 of The - TopicsExpress


The House On Willow Lane (continued) parts 31-40 Part 31 of The House On Willow Lane Janet Adams comes to, looks around, and sees that she is in a cave. She cant remember a thing. How did I get here, and where is here? Janet wonders. Janet turns around in a full circle, then sees light coming from a good ways away, back behind her. Janet begins to walk toward the light. As she walks, the light begins to get brighter. After walking for a few moments, toward the light, Janet begins to notice writing and symbols on the cave walls. She looks at the wall, looks at the strange symbols and writing, then walks over to the wall. Janet begins to look at the strange symbols, she cant make them out, and wonders if they might be ancient Egyptian symbols. Janet is right and wrong in her thinking, the symbols are ancient, but she is wrong in her assumption that they are Egyptian, because the symbols are much older. They are from the caveman, and they symbolize the evil that resides in the cave below, the entity that is below in the cave has been there since the beginning of time. Janet looks at the symbols for a moment, then moves over to look at the writing. It is not as ancient, in fact some of it looks brand-new, and it is easily readable. It is a list of names, Janet isnt aware of it, but it is a list of the evil entities victims. She begins to read a few of the names, she doesnt recognize any of them. Shana Hill, George Addams, Bethany Blake, Elena Evans, Scott Keller, Carisa Richardson, Lynn Williams, Kristy Anderson, Cindy Bradley, Ellie Coffer, Carmilla Voelkers, John Templeton, Amy Daniels, Beck Holiguin, Karen Ingles, and Mary King. This is just one line of the list, the list has thousands and thousands of names on it, possibly millions. There is a screeching noise in the cave, it is a ways away, very faint, but Janet looks toward the noise. She sees nothing. After a moment, Janet turns back to the cave wall, to begin reading again. The screeching noise comes again, it is louder, as if whatever is making the noise is getting closer. Janet turns around, looks around the cave, but sees nothing. She begins to turn back toward the wall, the screech comes again, it is much louder now. What the hell is that, I have to get out of here, Janet thinks. Janet turns away from the noise, away from the wall, and begins to quickly walk toward the light. Janet doesnt notice a new list of names forming on the wall, beside the list that she has just been reading, as if it is being written by an unseen hand. If she hadnt noticed, it would have sent a chill through her. The list is of the victims from Willow Lane, and her name appears at the bottom of the list. The screeching noise continues to get closer, Janet begins to jog toward the light, then she begins to run. As Janet gets close to the source of the light, she sees a hole in the cave wall ahead of her. She realizes that it is the entrance and exit for the cave. Janet runs to the hole, looks through, and sees a wood floor, wood walls, and a wood ceiling. It is a very small area. Janet notices a small metal pole above her, it is attached to the two walls, to her right and left. To her left, she sees two coats hanging from the pole, on clothes hangers. What the hell is this, it looks like an old wardrobe cabinet. This reminds me of Narnia, only in reverse. The screeching noise comes again, it is much closer. It is followed by a thump that shakes the ground. Janet looks back over her shoulder, doesnt see anything, but a cold chill runs through her, all the same. I need to get out of here, I dont know what that is, it sounds big, so I really dont want to find out what it is, Janet thinks. Janet turns and climbs through the wardroom. She sees that she is in the basement, the floor is cement. Janet looks around, sees a stairwell leading up, and she walks over to it. The screeching noise comes again, and Janet runs up the stairs. When Jenna gets to the top of the stairs, she opens the door, and runs through. She quickly looks around, sees that she is in a cabin, and she sees the front door. The door is open, Janet hears the screeching noise, and she runs to the door. She runs through, looks around, and stops. The view is what has stopped her, it is breathtaking, there are mountains all around. Janet forgets where she is for the time being. Janet stands where she is, looking at the view, but she is snapped back to reality a moment later, when she hears the screeching noise. It is loud, right on top of her, and it echoes off the mountains. Janet slowly turns around and begins to scream. A massive creature is standing there, a giant. The creature has horns sticking out of his head, and all up and down its spine. It has yellow blazing eyes. The creature begins to reach down for Janet, her mind slips a cog, and goes away. **** Part 32 of The House On Willow Lane Linda Williams comes to, looks around, and doesnt recognize where she is. She is in the small hallway, it is old, and the paint is peeling off the walls. The little furniture that is in the hallway, is covered by white sheets. Where am I, what is going on? Linda wonders. Linda turns around, looks the other way, but doesnt recognize anything, it is just a hallway that way as well. Linda stands where she is for a moment, then she begins to hear whispers, they are faint, she cant make out any of the words. A cold chill runs to Linda, she shivers. Where am I, how did I get here? Where is here, and what are those whispers, they are creepy, Linda thinks. Linda looks both ways up the hallway, sees many closed doors, and after a moment, she begins to walk away from the whispers. As Linda walks up the hallway, she begins to try the doorknobs on the closed doors, they are all locked. The whispers continue, they get no louder, but they dont get any quieter either, they seem to be keeping pace with Linda. Linda picks up her pace, but the whispers keep up with her. As the whispers continue, memories begin the surface for Linda, and she remembers the house at the end of the street. Oh dear, Im in the house at the end of the street. The whispers are those creepy dolls. I have to find a way out of the house, Linda thinks. Linda picks up her pace even more, she begins to do a fast walk. She continues to check doorknobs, but the doors are all locked. The whispers keep pace with her, they dont get any louder, but they also dont get any quieter. Another noise joins the whispers, it is difficult to hear because it is almost covered up by the whispers, but it is there. The noise is a scraping, screeching noise, almost the noise of an old door opening, then scraping the floor because the hinges are weak. The scraping, screeching noise scares Linda even more than the whispers, both are of the unknown, but Linda has heard the whispers before. Linda begins to go faster, she begins to jog to each door, then pauses long enough to check the doorknob, before jogging to the next door. The whispers keep pace with her and the scraping, screeching noise does as well. They get no louder, but they also dont get any quieter. Linda is beginning to panic, a cold chill is running through her, and her arms have broken out into tiny goosebumps. The whispers are unnerving, but the scraping, screeching noise is worse. Linda begins to run, the hallway seems to be never-ending, she has been in it for sometime, and she cant see the end. She ignores the doorknobs and runs, the whispers and the noise keep pace with her, they get no louder, but they also get no quieter. After a few minutes of running, Linda realizes that the whispers and noise are intensifying. She is beginning to understand some of the words among the whispers, the words terrify her. Linda, come to us. Linda, you belong to us. Linda, you will be one of us soon. Linda, you will be with us forever, the whisper say. Even though Linda is running as fast as she can, she finds more speed, and begins to run even faster. The skin on the back of her neck tightens down, the hair on the back of her neck stands up, and it feels like it begins to crawl. Linda runs faster, the whispers and noise began to get louder. Linda looks back over her shoulder, a light far down the hallway turns off, then the light next to it turns off, closer to Linda. The light next to it turns off, then the next one, the darkness is coming closer, as one light after the other turns off, it almost appears as if the darkness is marching toward Linda. The whispers and noise get closer, as each light turns off. Linda screams, turns her head to the front, and begins to run even faster. The whispers and noise continue to intensify. Linda is running in an almost blind panic now, the darkness is closing in on her fast, and this terrifies her. Linda has always been terrified of the dark. Linda glances back over her shoulder, there are only three lights on now. As she watches, one light turns off, leaving only two on. Linda screams, turns her head back to the front, and runs even faster. Her heart is jackhammering in her chest, it is really beating on the inside of her chest, as if it is trying to beat its way out, so it can escape the horror that is approaching in the darkness. Linda sees a doorway to her right, up ahead in the hallway, open. Light floods into the hallway. The light appears to be sunlight. Linda runs to the open doorway, glances through, and sees a field beyond the doorway. It is wheat field, a normal looking wheat field. The sun is shining brightly, there isnt a cloud in the sky, it is a beautiful day. Linda doesnt even think, she runs through the open doorway, and runs into the field. She hears a doorway slam shut behind her, she looks back over her shoulder, and sees an amazing sight. There is a door in the field, just a closed-door and nothing else. The door isnt attached to anything, it is surrounded by the wheat field. Linda stops running, bends over, and begins to catch her breath. She is smiling. I got away, I made it. I dont know where I am, but Ill figure it out. It doesnt matter where I am, Ill figure it out, the important thing is that I got away from the House on Willow Lane, Linda thinks. As Linda catches her breath, the whispers begin behind her, they are faint at first, but they quickly intensify. Linda turns around, looks at the wheat field, it is just a wheat field. As Linda looks at the field, the wheat begins to disappear, it is replaced by walls. The hallway begins to appear before her, she can only see a little of it, because there is only one light on, the light above her. No, no, no, I got away, Linda screams. It was just an illusion, Linda. You will be with us for eternity, the voices whisper, in the darkness all around Linda. The light turns off over Linda, plunging her in the darkness, and she begins to scream. The cogs in her mind strip, her mind comes unhinged, and it goes away on a permanent vacation. Linda goes on screaming in the darkness, and the whispers continue in the darkness. **** Part 33 of The House On Willow Lane As the evil entity that is in the house at the end of Willow Lane waits for Bob and Janets minds to begin working again, it looks out at Willow Lane, at the final resident alive on Willow Lane. The resident is in the house at 500 Willow Lane. There were three living in the house to begin with, but the evil entity has already gotten John at the very beginning, he was the first victim. The evil entity has also gotten Jimmy, through the mirror, Jimmy is trapped with the children of lost souls. He is still alive, but you cant really call what he is doing, living. The evil entity looks at the final resident of 500 Willow Lane, Debbie Riley, it smiles. A dark shadow begins to creep toward 500 Willow Lane, from the house at the end of the street. Debbie Riley has only been up for a few minutes, she is awake, but not fully. Debbie isnt a morning person, she works second shift, so she doesnt have to be a morning person. Debbie is having her first cup of coffee, trying to wake up. Debbie hasnt checked on Jimmy, she is sure that he is up and gone already, already at school. He is good about that sort of thing, but she will make sure that he is gone, as soon as she finishes her first cup of coffee. Debbie hasnt checked outside, she had no reason to, because she heard John when he left. When Debbie finishes her coffee, she stands up, and walks toward the stairs. Debbie walks past the downstairs bathroom and stops. The door is closed, which Debbie finds odd, the door is never close unless someone is in there. No one should be in there because John is gone, she is sure of it, and Jimmy should be gone as well. Hello, Debbie says. There is no response from the bathroom. Debbie tries the doorknob again, as if the door mightve magically unlocked since the last time that she checked it, it is still locked. Debbie knocks on the door again, waits, and listens. The only sounds that she hears are the ticking clock and the dripping water, both noises seem louder than they should be, but the bathroom remain silent. A cold chill runs through Debbie, she shudders, and shakes yourself to rid herself of the chill. Why are you freaking out, its just a closed-door Debbie. Theres nothing to freak out about, Debbie thinks and stands there a moment longer. A closed, locked door, Debbie corrects herself. Debbie begins to turn away from the bathroom door, meaning to get the key from the kitchen, the key that hangs from the key board. The key that they decided to get after Jimmy locked himself in the bathroom, when he was three years old. Debbie hadnt been able to get it unlocked, no matter what she tried. Debbie had been in a blind panic that day, worried that Jimmy might get hurt, she had finally called 911. John had gotten a key made, hung it on the key board, and it has never been used. Debbie intends to get the key and use it now, a new panic is rising in Debbie, she cant put her finger on it, but it is there. Maybe panic is too strong a word, its more of a sense of dread at what she might find in the bathroom, the locked bathroom. The bathroom door shouldnt be locked, shouldnt even be closed, its never locked, and why isnt there any noise coming out of the bathroom. The noises out here present and accounted for, too damn present, they seem much too loud. Debbie begins to walk away from the bathroom door, a board creaks in the bathroom, and Debbie stops. Debbie turns back toward the door, listens, but doesnt hear anything, other than the ticking of the clock and the dripping of the water. Those two noises are there, the ticking and dripping, but she can hear no noises from the bathroom. Debbie turns back toward the kitchen, begins to walk away, and she hears a thump from the bathroom. Debbie stops, listens, but the noise isnt repeated. The sense of dread deepens, it sinks its claws in a little deeper, and she begins to worry. What if John or Jimmy are in the bathroom, and they are hurt. What if John went to the bathroom, locked the door for who knew what reason, then had a heart attack. It would be strange, hes only 36, but it wouldnt be impossible. The dread, that is slowly turning into a panic, gets Debbie moving again. Debbie walks to the kitchen, gets the key, and walks back to the bathroom door, the locked bathroom door. Debbie stands in front of the closed bathroom door, listening. The only sounds that she hears are the ticking clock, the dripping water, the sound of her own breathing, and her own beating heart. Her heart is really beating, jackhammering in her chest, because the dread has changed to panic. Debbie stands where she is, takes a few deep breaths, trying to ready herself and calm down. The breaths do neither, because her heart continues to beat as fast as ever, and the panic sinks in a little deeper, its prepared to stay for a while. Debbie finally screws up her courage, steps forward, and puts the key up to the lock. It takes several tries for her to get the key into the lock, because her hand is shaking. Debbie finally has to grab her hand, with her other hand, to steady it. Debbie turns the key, the door unlocks, it seems very loud unlocking, much louder than it should. Then theres silent from the bathroom, but the clock ticks on, the water drips on, her breath is still there, and her heartbeat is still there as well. The noises seem much louder than they should be, which isnt a good thing, it is nerve-racking, unsettling. Debbie grabs the doorknob, pauses, and takes a deep breath. The breath does no good, but she forces herself to turn the doorknob. The door unlatches and Debbie pushes the door open. Debbie looks into the bathroom, it appears to be empty. Debbie walks past the bathtub, the shower curtain is closed, but Debbie doesnt even look at it. Debbie is focused on trying to see around the end of the wall, to see the toilet that is hidden, because she can see a shadow on the wall, it appears as if someone is sitting on the toilet. Debbie takes a few steps forward, into the bathroom, and tries to peak around the wall. She cant see anything, she takes a step to her right, closer to the closed shower curtain, but can still see nothing. Debbie takes another step closer to the closed shower curtain, looks around the corner, and sees that no one is sitting on the toilet. Debbie is so focused on looking around the corner, looking at the unoccupied toilet, that she doesnt see the shadow on the shower curtain. The shadow is not her own, it is coming from inside the shower . The shadow moves, and an eye peaks out through the opening between the curtain and the wall. The eye is not a normal eye, not a human eye, it is a reptilian, snake eye. Debbie stands where she is for a moment, then she walks around to the toilet, and sees that no one is sitting there. Debbie take several deep breaths, calms down, then turns to walk out of the bathroom. She walks past the tub, the shower curtain is now open, but she doesnt notice. Debbie walks to the door, takes the key out of the lock, and carries the key back to the kitchen. She begins to put the key on the key board, a board creaks behind her, and she spins around. Debbie knocks the board off of the wall, it falls to the floor with a clatter, the keys fly off, and land on the floor with the jangle. Debbie looks all around the kitchen, there is nothing there. Debbie puts her hand to her chest and takes a deep breath. Calm down Debbie, youre acting silly. You just made a big mess that you have to clean up now, because you are being silly, Debbie thinks. Debbie turns back to the wall, bends over, and picks the board. She stands up and hangs it on the wall. Debbie doesnt notice the shadow behind her in the kitchen, it isnt a normal shadow, it is much too dark, and there is nothing around to throw a shadow. The shadow begins to move toward Debbie. Debbie been over, picks the keys up, then stands up, and hangs them on the board. When Debbie finishes hanging the keys on the board, she turns around, and walks out of the kitchen. She walks past the bathroom, the door is open. She can still hear the clock ticking in the living room and the water dripping in the kitchen, but the noises seem normal now, just part of the background noise that you hear and dismiss, because they are familiar. Debbie walks to the stairs, goes upstairs, and walks to Jimmys room. The door is closed, but this doesnt bother Debbie, it is normal. Jimmy likes his privacy, hes a teenager. Debbie opens the door, peaks in, and sees the bed is empty. You were just freaking out over nothing. John and Jimmy are gone, you are all alone, like normal, Debbie thinks. Debbie closes the door, walks to her bedroom, and walks in. She gets a change of clothes to take a shower, and walks to the master bathroom. The door is open, as it should be, and Debbie walks in. Debbie shuts the door, walks past the tub without a glance, the shower curtain is closed. Debbie puts her clean clothes on the sink counter, then begins to get undressed. After Debbie finishes undressing, she walks to the tub, the shower curtain is open. She turns the water on, mostly hot water. The closet door creaks behind her, as it begins to open, but Debbie doesnt hear it over the running water. Debbie climbs into the shower, pulls the curtain closed, and turns the shower on. Water begins to spray from the shower head, Debbie steps under it. She doesnt notice the shadow on the shower curtain, it grows as something moves closer to tub. After Debbie has stood under the water for a few moments, she reaches down to get the soap bottle. She glances at the shower curtain, sees the shadow, and jumps back. Debbie has to catch the rag holder to keep falling. A cold chill runs through her, and even though the water is hot in the shower, Debbie is shivering. Debbie grabs the soap bottle like a knife, raises it over her head, and eases toward the shower curtain. The shadow is still there, on the curtain, it looks human size, but not exactly right for a human. Debbie peaks between the curtain and the wall, looks around, there is no one outside the tub. The shadow is gone. Debbie takes a deep breath, then begins to laugh, as she realizes how she is holding the soap bottle. Im going to stab someone with a soap bottle, that would do some major damage. Someone call 911, I just got stabbed by a soap bottle, Debbie thinks, the she begins to laugh, its a real gut busting laugh. When Debbie gets the laugh under control, which takes several minutes, she moves back under the water. The shadow is back, it moves closer to the curtain. As Debbie begins to open the soap bottle, she sees movement out of the corner of her eye. Debbie jerks her head around, sees the shadow, and jumps back. A scream escapes her lips. Debbie drops the soap bottle, soap begins to spill out, but she doesnt notice. Debbie has to grab the bag holder to keep from falling. Debbie hears a creaking board, the shadow moves, and Debbie scrambles forward to get the shampoo bottle. She grabs it like a knife and raises it over her head. The shadow is still on the curtain, but if is still. Debbie stands like she is for several moments, then she moves forward and peaks through the crack between the curtain and the wall. There is nothing there. Debbie take several deep breaths, calm down, then puts the shampoo bottle down. Debbie bends over, grabs the soap bottle off of the shower floor, stands up, and screams. The shadow is back, but now there is an eye peeking through the crack at her. Debbie jumps back, her feet slip on the spilled soap, and she begins to fall. Debbie grabs for the rag holder, misses, and falls to the shower floor. Her head hits the floor, and darkness overtakes her as she is knocked unconscious. **** Part 34 of The House On Willow Lane Bob Adams comes to, looks around, and sees that he is in an old hallway. He doesnt recognize where he is at first, but then he hears a scraping noise behind him, and the memories come flooding back. The memories of the hallway, this hallway, of being trapped by the moving walls, and the floor turning into quicksand. Bob spins around, looks everywhere, there is no one around, its just a hallway. Bob looks at the wall, it isnt moving. As Bob turns away from the wall, he hears a whisper of movement behind him, its very faint, but its definitely there. Bob spins around, looks all around, there is no one there. He stands where he is for a moment, looking and listening, but he sees and hears nothing. Bob finally turns around and looks at the window. It is open, there is something different about it, but he cant figure it out it first. Then it comes to him, he was on the second floor before, now he is on the first floor, the ground is right there. As Bob stares at the window, he begins to hear whispers of movement all around him, possibly fabric on fabric movement. The whispers of movement are faint, but they are there, and it sounds like a lot of movement. Bob spins all around, trying to see everywhere at once, there is no one around. The hallway is deserted, except for him. Im getting the hell out of here and right now, Bob thinks. Bob walks over to the open window, begins to put his hands on the window sill, then he pauses, as the memory of the window slamming down on his fingers comes to him. Bob looks down at his fingers, they look normal, and there is no pain when he wiggles them. The window slammed on my fingers, and trapped me, but the fingers look fine and there is no pain. I know the window slammed on my fingers, I remember it, but the fingers look fine. It happened, I know it happened, because I remember it, Bob thinks. Bob continues to look at his fingers, and might possibly have went on looking at them for quite a while, but then the whispers of movement begin again. The movement is louder, and the movement is everywhere. Bob spins around, looks up and down the hallway, he is still alone. Thats it, everyone out of the pool, the partys over. Im getting the hell out of here and right now, Bob thinks. Bob turns toward the window, it is closed. What the hell, the window was just open, Bob thinks. Bob reaches down, pulls the window up, it slides up easily. Bob fails to see the figure standing behind him, its reflection is in the window, and the reflection is crystal-clear. The reflection shows that the figure looks almost human, except for the eyes, they arent human, they are snake or demonic eyes. If Bob had of seen the reflection on the window, he probably wouldve jumped through the closed window instead of trying to open it. The figure is grinning, but it isnt a normal grin, the grin is the grin of a lunatic. The eyes, along with that grin, make the figure look demonic. When Bob gets the window up, he looks at it for a moment, and sees his own reflection staring back at him. His reflection looks tired and haunted, which is just how he feels. Time to get out of this house, I have had my fill of it, Bob thinks. Bob puts his hands on the window sill and begins to climb through the window. He can see the ground below him, it is close. Bob turns around in the window, begins to climb out, and tries to put his feet on the ground. He is hanging from the window, outside of the house, and his feet should now be firmly on the ground, but they arent. Bob frowns, glances down, and screams out in terror and surprise. The ground is not below him, as it should be, it is thousands of feet below him, its as if he is hanging from the top of a tall skyscraper, instead of the first floor window of a house. Bobs bladder lets go, but he doesnt notice the warmth spreading from his crotch and running down his legs. Bob only notices how far down the ground is, thats his only concern at the moment, and it blots out the small annoyance of the spreading warmth from his crotch. Bob begins to try to get his feet on the side of the house, but they keep slipping off. He is hanging on with just his hands, he has a good grip, but his arms wont allow him to hold on like this indefinitely. Bob continues to try to to get his feet on the side of the house, they slip off as soon as he gets them on the house, the side of the house is as slippery as ice. Bob hears a whisper of movement above him, he glances up, and screams. His bowels lets go, then his bladder lets go, but there are just a few drops released from the bladder, it is mostly empty. Bob notices neither of these things, the bowels and bladder have become non-issues. His attention is focus fully on the thing above him, the thing that is looking through the open window at him. It is the figure that was behind him a moment before, the one that he didnt see in the reflection on the window, but he sees it now, crystal-clear and in living color. The figure is dressed in black, it almost appears to be human, except for the eyes, they arent human at all. The eyes are the eyes of a snake or possibly a demon, they are red, and they are focused on Bob. Bob screams, begins to let go of the window sill, then he remembers that the ground is no longer where it is supposed to be. Oh shit, Im going to die, Bob thinks. Bob looks around wildly, his mind is threatening to run away in full revolt, the cog isnt just trying to slip, its trying to strip loose entirely. Youre not going to die Bob. Not yet anyway. I still have plans for you Bob, Im not done having fun with you yet, the figure in black says. Hands grab Bobs wrist, and yank him into the house. Bob lands on the floor, he looks up, and sees the figure above him, it is grinning. Bobs mind slips a cog and goes away, the lunatic grin and the snake or demonic eyes have done it in for the time being. Bobs mind goes on a temporary vacation, by the time it is over, Bobll wish it had gone on a permanent vacation. Contrary to Bobs wish and desire for the party to be over, it is just getting started, its only warming up. Bob doesnt get a say on when the party ends, that is the figure with the lunatic grin and the demonic eyes call. When he decides that the party is over, its over, and hell turn out the lights on Bob permanently. When that happens, the party will truly be over, and Bob will be no more. **** Part 35 of The House On Willow Lane Janet Adams comes to, looks around, and doesnt recognize anything. She is standing in the hallway of a house, she looks around, there is an open door nearby. Janet walks to the open door, looks into the room, and screams. There are human bones everywhere that she looks, hanging from the ceiling, sitting on every available flat surface, and there are stacks of bones in the corners. Janet puts her hand to her mouth, begins to back away, and bumps into something soft and yielding. What, you dont like my human bone collection? Thats just a small part of my collection, you should see the rest of my collection, a voice says from behind Janet, it is a low, evil sounding voice. Janet spins around, looks all around, there is no one there. Janet begins to back up, she continues to look all around. Watch out where you are going, you already ran into me once, the voice says from behind Janet. Janet spins around, looks all around, there is no one there. What the hell is going on? Janet wonders. Janet begins to back away, begins to look around for a way out, but she can only see the hallway and the room with all the human bones in it. Boo, the voice says from behind Janet. Janet screams, spins around, there is no one there What the hell is going on, I have to get out of here, Janet thinks. Sorry, there is no escape from my house, the voice says from behind her. Janet spins around, looks all around, there is no one there. What the hell is going on, whos in here with me, can it read my mind? Janet wonders. Of course I can read your mind, Im the bogeyman. I can read your mind, and I know your worst fears, the voice says from right behind Janet. There is an exhalation of breath and Janet feels the breath on the back of her neck. Janets heart is racing, it has been racing since this began, but now it skips a beat, then it begins to beat even faster. Janet spins around, screams, and takes a few quick steps backwards. A man with gray skin and crazy wild eyes, is standing there. Why are you screaming Janet, aint nothing to scream about, not yet anyway, the gray skinned man says. Because Im looking at something scary, Janet thinks, then she takes another step backwards. Theres something scary in here, where, I want to see it, the gray skinned man says. Right in front of me, Janet thinks, then she takes another step backwards. The gray skinned man turns around, looks, then turns back to Janet. I dont see nothing scary, you must be seeing things, the gray skinned man says. Youre the scary thing, Janet thinks, and takes another step backwards. Naw, I aint scary, the scary stuff aint here yet, itll be here soon. Im normal, but the thing thats standing right behind you now, that aint normal. Thats some scary shit, I wouldnt turn around if I were you, the gray skinned man says. Janet hears an exhalation of breath, she feels the breath on the back of her neck, and she smells a rotting, decaying smell, it fills her nostrils. Janet turns around, screams, then turns and begins to run in terror. Janet is running from the beast that she has always feared, the beast that she always imagined was in her closet or under the bed. It is the tall creature, with pale white skin, blazing red eyes, and claws for fingers. It is the fiend that she always feared would snatch her in the middle of the night, and drag her to a world filled with nightmares. Janet runs as fast as she can, down the hallway. She is trying to escape the beast that she imagines is right behind her, ready to grab her at any moment. Her mind hasnt slipped yet, but it is teetering toward another slip, it is very close. Janet keeps running, she hears something to her left, she glances over, and sees the gray skinned man is running with her. Oh dear God, I have to get out of here, Janet thinks. The gray skinned man turns his head, looks at Janet, and grins. I told you not to turn around, but did you listen, no. Can we slow down a little, can we run just a little slower, its hard to keep up with you. My bones are old and the joints are a little rusty, the gray skinned man says. Janet begins to run faster, she begins to pull away from the gray skinned man for a moment, but he picks up his pace, and he is back beside her in a minute. You do know that faster is the opposite of slower, right, I think you ought to slow down. You cant get away anyway. You arent going to escape, so running faster wont do you a bit of good, itll just make you tired. Oh, I want to show you something, this is really funny, youll get a kick out of it, the gray skinned man says. The gray skinned man grins at Janet, then his head spins around several times, and he grins at her again. Janet screams and begins to run even faster, her mind teeters a little closer toward a slip. There you go again, trying to speed up. Did I tell you that the scary thing is just up ahead, I can hear it breathing, it smells the fear on you. If you keep running this fast, you will meet it in just a few seconds, then itll probably smell something else on you, eau de shit, the gray skinned man says. Janet looks away from the gray skinned man, looks at the hallway ahead of her, and screams in terror. Her bowels let go, but she doesnt notice, because her mind has slipped a few cogs, and is going away on a short vacation. The gray skinned man laughs, nods his head, and stops running, Yep, thats a healthy dose of eau de shit Janet, you mustve taken a bath in it, the gray skinned man said, then laughs. The thing that has made Janet scream in terror, and fill her shorts with eau de shit as the gray man termed it, is something far worse than Janet couldve ever imagined. Her mind couldnt and wouldnt accept the sight before her. It is a creature of massive size, in the shape of a lizard, but with humanlike hands, and the face of a bat. The creature stands where it is for a moment, looking at Janet, then it eases away into the darkness. It goes back to where it belongs, back into the darkness, to wait and watch. **** Part 36 of The House On Willow Lane Debbie Riley comes to little by little. The first thing that Debbie becomes aware of, before she opens her eyes, is that she is getting wet. She feels drops of water hitting her face. The second thing that Debbie becomes aware of, is that she has slept in an uncomfortable position, and on something very hard. She is stiff and she believes that she has a crick in her neck. The third thing that Debbie becomes aware of, is that she has a very bad headache, which is brought to her attention by pain shooting through her head. Debbie becomes aware of these three things, in the space of a few seconds, all before she opens her eyes. When Debbie opens her eyes, and her eyes have had a moment to adjust, she sees that she is in the tub. The water hitting her in the face is from the shower head, and she realizes that she hasnt been asleep, she has been unconscious. The memories begin to rush back to her, Debbie remembers the shadow on the shower curtain and eye peeking in at her, the not human eye that was peeking through the crack. Debbie quickly sits up, pain shoots through her head, but she ignores it for the time being. Debbie moves back to the corner of the tub, turns her head, her neck pops, and pain shoots through her neck and down into her shoulder. She ignores this, looks at the shower curtain, then at the crack between the curtain and the wall. The shadow and eye arent there. Debbie sits where she is for a moment, then she begins to rub her neck. She doesnt have a crick in her neck, as she first thought, its just pain and stiffness. After Debbie rubs her neck for a few moments, the pain and stiffness ease up, and she is able to move her neck almost normal. The headache is still present and accounted for though, her head sends out fresh pain, each time she moves it. Debbie feels the back of her head, finds a nice goose egg, its about the size of a golf ball, and a bolt of pain shoots through her head when she touches it. Debbie looks at the shower curtain again, its just a curtain, there is no shadow on it. Debbie begins to get to her feet, its a slow process, because her body is not very corporative, it is very stiff. Also her head sends out new pain, each time she moves it, but she finally gets to her feet after about a minute of trying. When Debbie does stand up, she stands where she is from moment, then bends over, and turns the shower and water off. A new pain shoots through her head and dizziness washes over her, she has to grab the hot water knob to avoid falling face first to the tub floor. After a moment, the pain subsides and the dizziness passes. Debbie stands up, and takes a few deep breath. Debbie doesnt notice that the shadow is back, it is on the shower curtain, and the not human eye is peeking in at her. When Debbie feels a little better, she turns, and opens the shower curtain. Debbie looks around the bathroom, she is alone as she knew she would be. Debbie fails to notice that the closet door is open a crack, and she fails to notice the eye that is peeking out at her, the not human eye. Debbie grabs a towel off of the towel rack and begins to dry off. As Debbie hangs the towel up and begins to walk to the sink counter to get her clothes, she hears a door creak. Debbie turns around slowly, terrified of what she might see. The closet door swings open, Debbie looks into the closet, and sees nothing out of the ordinary. Debbie puts her hand to her chest, takes a deep breath, and walks over to the closet. Debbie grabs the door, closes it, then turns around. Debbie begins to walk away, the door creaks, and Debbie looks back. The closet door is open again, it is swinging open. Debbie frowns, walks to the closet, looks in, theres nothing out of the ordinary in the closet. Debbie grabs the door, closes it, then makes sure that it is securely latched. It is. Debbie turns, begins to walk away, and the door creaks. Debbie looks over her shoulder, the door is swinging open. Debbie stops walking, frowns, and stands where she is. This is nuts, the door must be messed up. Ill tell John when he calls. Im not going to worry about it, I need to get dressed, I have things to do. I also need some Tylenol, Debbie thinks. Debbie turns her head, walks over to the sink counter, and grabs her panties. She bends down, puts her feet through the openings, and begins to pull the panties up. She fails to see the movement from the closet, it is easily seen in the mirror, but Debbie isnt looking. Debbie pulls her panties up, straightens the elastic band out, then looks at herself in the mirror for a moment. Youve still mostly got it Debbie, Debbie thinks and smiles. Debbie reaches down, picks up her bra, and begins to put it on. Shes no longer looking at the mirror, so she fails to see the movement in the closet, and she fails to see the not human eye looking out at her. Debbie grabs the rest of her clothes, walks to the bathroom door, opens it, and walks into her bedroom. Debbie did not look into the closet, as she walked past, but she would have seen nothing out of the ordinary, if she had of. Debbie walks over to her bed, put your shirt on the bed, then sits down the put her pants on. Debbie begins to put her pants on, begins to pull them up, then stands up. As Debbie stands up, she glances at the dresser mirror, and screams. There is a thing dressed in black standing behind her, it almost looks human, except for the eyes. The eyes are solid red, they look demonic. Debbie spins around, almost falls, because her feet tangle together, but she is able to catch ahold of the dresser, and keep her feet. There is no one there, the room is empty, except for her. Debbie spins around, looks at the mirror, there is just her reflection in the mirror, there is no one else in the room. Debbie laughs, then stops, because her laugh scares her. It is very loud in the silent house, and the laugh doesnt sound quite right. Debbie bends down, grabs her pants, which have fallen down to her ankles. She pulls them up. As Debbie stands up and begins to button her pants, she glances at the mirror, and screams. The figure in black, with a demonic eyes, is standing right behind her. Debbie spins around, looks all around, there is no one there. Debbie spins back around, looks at the mirror, the room behind her is deserted, there is no one there. Debbie puts her hand to her chest, take several deep breaths, and tries to calm down. Debbie hears an intake of breath, it is right behind her, she looks at the mirror, and screams. The figure in black is behind her, it smiles at Debbie, revealing a mouthful of sharp teeth. Debbie spins around, looks, there is no one in the room with her. Thats it, Debbie thinks. Debbie buttons her pants, zips them up, and walks over to the bed. Im not looking in the mirror again, its just my imagination, Im alone in the house, Debbie thinks. Debbie begins to pull her shirt on, when she has the shirt over her head, she hears an exhalation of breath, and feels the breath on her back. Debbie screams, jerks the shirt down, it rips, but she doesnt notice. Debbie spins around, looks, there is no one there. Debbie sees movement, from the corner of her eye, she looks at the mirror, and screams. The figure in black is behind her, it reaches for her neck, and she feels fingers brush the back of her neck. Debbie screams out in horror and revulsion, because the fingers that are brushing her neck are rotting, decaying fingers. Debbie jumps forward, away from the figure and those fingers, and she spins around. There is no one there. Debbie puts her left hand to her chest, leans against the dresser, and begins to take deep breaths. As Debbie is beginning to calm down, she sees movement from the corner of her eye. She looks at the mirror and screams in terror. The figure is in the mirror, it reaches out of the mirror, with those rotting, decaying fingers, and grabs Debbie. Debbie screams out, tries to pull away, but the figure begins to drag Debbie toward the mirror. Debbie goes on screaming and struggling, she keeps trying to pull away, but the figure drags Debbie through the mirror. Debbies mind, never very stable in the first place, slips a cog, and goes away. **** Part 37 of The House On Willow Lane Bob Adams comes to, looks around, and realizes that he is in an old hallway. He doesnt recognize it, and has no clue as to how he got there. Bob stands where he is for a moment, looking up and down the hallway, then he begins to walk up the hallway, the way that he was facing when he came to. He doesnt even look at the window as he passes it. Bob has no memory of where he is, or how he got here, his mind is back but the horrors that he has went through over the last few hours have been wiped from his mind. As Bob gets a little ways down the hallway, he begins to hear whispers, they are faint, he cant make out any of the words. Bob stops, tries to determine where the whispers are coming from, but they are too faint for him to pinpoint. Bob begins to walk down the hallway again, he is trying to figure out where he is, and how we got here, but his mind refuses to give him the answer. He remembers who he is, what do you did yesterday, but he has no memory of today, none. As Bob continues to walk, he begins to hear a rattling noise, and just like the whispers, it is faint. As he listens, he begins to realize that the whispers and rattling are coming from up ahead. He figures this much out by doing a quick experiment, he stops walking, turns, and faces the wall. He covers his right ear with his hand, and he can hear the whispers and rattling, from the direction that he has been walking toward. He then uncovers his right ear and covers his left ear, he cant hear them back the way that he is come from. After Bob completes his little experiment, he uncovers his ear, turns, and continues to walk the way that he has been going. Bob continues to try to remember something that has happened today, remember how he got here, but no memory surfaces. As Bob walks, the whispers and rattling noise begin to get louder, it is a gradual process, so Bob almost doesnt realize that they are getting louder, until Bob hears one word, his name. Bob stops walking, listens to the whispers, but he cant make out any more words. After a few minutes, Bob begins to walk again. As the whispers and rattling gradually get louder the further that Bob walks, he begins to hear a new noise. The noises is very faint, it is almost buried by the other noises, but it is there. This noise is a whisper of movement, fabric against fabric, but Bob cant determine whether it is coming from in front of him, or behind him. Bob continues to walk. Up ahead in the hallway, a light flickers on and off, it almost creates a strobe effect. Bob stops walking for a moment, looks at the light, it is not strobing as fast as the light bar of an emergency vehicle, it is much slower. Bob stands there for a moment, looking at the light, then he notices a figure in the hallway, under the light. Bob cant see the figure, when the light is on, he can only see it when the light flickers off. Bob cant make out anything about the figure, because he only sees the figure when the light is off. The figure is human shaped, Bob can at least see you that much, but it is just a dark shadow that Bob sees when the light flickers off. Bob continues to watch the flickering light for a moment, then looks down at what he is wearing. He sees that hes wearing the clothes that he wore to work the night before, and he sees his cell phone clipped to his belt. Bob pulls it all out, pushes a button, and the screen lights up. Bob pulls up the camera, then when the light flickers off again, Bob raises the camera, and looks at the screen. Bob screams and almost drops the phone. What Bob sees on the screen, fills him with horror and revulsion. The figure is human like in shape only, the face looks demonic, and the eyes are solid red. The light flickers on, Bob looks at the screen, the figure is gone. When the light flickers off again, the figure is back, but it is much closer. Bob hollers out, almost drops the phone, then the light flickers on and the figure is gone. When the light flickers off again, Bob sees the figure on the screen, it is closer. Bob screams out and begins to back up in a hurry. He is backing toward the light behind him. As Bob gets to the light and is standing right under it, this light flickers off. Bob screams out and drops the phone, because the figure is standing right in front of him. The figure is even more horrifying up close, with its demonic looking face and its solid red eyes. Boo Bob, the figure whispers. Bob screams and goes on screaming, his mind slips a cog, and goes away. **** Part 38 of The House On Willow Lane Janet Adams comes to, looks around, and doesnt recognize where she is. She is in a long hallway, there are no doors that she can see, and there is no one around. Janet stands where she is for a minute, trying to remember where she is and how she got here, but she can remember nothing. Janet looks up and down the hallway and sees that the walls up ahead change colors, they are white for a while, then they change again a little ways past that, and become dirty white or faded white. The walls look strange somehow, but Janet cant determine why. Janet begins to walk in that direction, up the hallway, to find out why the walls look strange. As Janet gets closer to where the walls change color, she finally realizes why the walls look strange. The walls arent normal, they are built with human bones. Both walls, for as far as she can see, are built with human bones. Janet stops walking, opens her mouth to scream, but her throat muscles are locked closed. Her stomach begins to churn, she knows what is about to happen, but she is unable to stop it. Janet bends over, vomits, then wipes her mouth. Memories come rushing back, Janet remembers everything. Janet hears laughter behind her, she spins around, there is no one there. Janet hears a scraping noise behind her, she spins around, there is no one there. This is the rest of my collection of human bones, I see that you must not like it. Ill be adding your bones to my collection soon. Im going to put your bones in the wall of bones, I hope to one day have enough bones to build an entire house with, a voice says behind Janet. Janet spins around, looks all around, there is no one is there. Too slow Janet, the voice says from behind Janet. Janet spins around, looks, there is no one there. You are funny. Humans are so funny. You get scared at the least little thing, the voice says from right behind Janet. Janet spins around, looks, there is no one there. There is a low laugh behind Janet, then the laughter becomes louder, and it seems to be coming from everywhere. Janet turns away from the walls of human bones, preparing to run, and she screams. The gray skinned man is back, he is standing there, grinning at Janet. I see were back to that again. There is absolutely nothing to scream about, the scary stuff aint here yet. Im normal looking, the gray skinned man says. Janet screams again, turns, and begins to run down the hallway, past the walls of human bones. Thats the wrong way, thats a bad idea, very bad. Going that way can be hazardous to your health, the gray skinned man says. Janet ignores the gray skinned mans advice, and keeps running. She looks back over her shoulder, expecting to see him running with her like before, but he was gone. Janet turns her head back to the front, screams, and stops running. All of the lights are off in the hallway ahead of her, but she can see two giant red eyes floating in the air ahead of her, in the darkness. Janet cant see what the eyes are connected to, what those eyes belong to, but whatever it is is big, very big. Janet turns to run, there is a loud hiss behind her, she looks back over her shoulder. The thing with the red eyes slithers out of the darkness, it is indeed massive, and she screams terror. The thing looks like a giant snake, with red eyes, and a long body with spikes all up and down it. The creature opens its mouth and Janet sees a mouthful of sharp fangs, dripping with poisonous venom. Janet screams out in terror and begins to run. She continues to look back over her shoulder, as she runs, and the snakelike creature slithers after her. It begins to catch up, the snake is almost on top of her, and its mouth begins to close. Janet turns right, trying to get away from its mouth, she forgets where she is, and she isnt paying attention to where she is running. Janet runs into the wall of human bones, hits her head, and is knocked unconscious. Janet falls to the ground, the snakelike creature stops, and looks at Janet. After a few moments, the snakelike creature slithers back into the darkness. In a moment, the only thing visible are the red eyes, then they arent even visible. The snakelike creature watches, it waits in the darkness. **** Part 39 of The House On Willow Lane Debbie Riley comes to, looks around, and sees that she is in her room. She cant remember exactly what is going on, she cant remember anything that she has done since she got up. Debbie looks around the room again, something doesnt look quite right with the room, Debbie cant pinpoint what it is. Debbie looks around for a moment, then dismisses it. Debbie looks at herself in the mirror, and sees that her shirt is ripped. Everything comes back to her in a flash, Debbie looks all around, she is alone. Debbie looks at the mirror, remembers being pulled through, by the figure in black. Debbie looks around the room, everything appears to be normal, then she looks at the mirror, and looks at the room in the mirror. It is the same room that she is in, a reflection, and Debbie breathe a sigh of relief. You are losing that Debbie, none of that stuff happened. It was just your imagination or a nightmare, it didnt happen, Debbie thinks. There is a low laugh behind her, it is faint, and Debbie almost misses hearing it. Debbie spins around, looks all around, there is no one there. As Debbie looks around the room, the furniture begins to shimmer, then it becomes transparent, then it vanishes entirely. What the hell, what is going on? Debbie wonders. Debbie turns, looks at the mirror, the room looks normal in the mirror, everything is as it should be. Debbie turns back towards the room that she is standing in, looks around, it is empty of furniture, but the walls are still the walls from her room. As Debbie continues to look around the room, she notices that the walls are beginning to change color. She looks at the walls more closely, the paint begins to fade, then it begins to peel off of the wall. What the hell is happening, what is going on? Debbie wonders. As Debbie watches, holes begin to appear in the walls, and she begins to hear a lot of movement inside the walls, scampering noises. She then begins to hear squeaks coming from the wall. Debbie turns, looks at the mirror, the room showing in the mirror is still her room, it still appears normal. Debbie walks to the mirror, touches it, it is solid. There is a laugh behind Debbie, she spins around, there is no one there. As Debbie looks around the room, the room changes dimensions, doubling in size, then tripling. The room continues to grow, by the time it stops growing, it seems like it goes on forever in all directions. Welcome to the nightmare that is real Debbie. Its time to play, lets have some fun, a voice says from right behind Debbie, it is a sinister voice. Debbie spins around, there is no one there. Walls begin to form all-around Debbie, it appears that a maze is forming before her eyes, it looks massive. The walls grow all around Debbie, and she is standing at the entrance to the maze. Time to go into the maze and see what kind of fun awaits, the voice says. Debbie turns away from the maze. Im not going into the maze, screw that, Debbie thinks. Oh, well see about that. I have a few tricks up my sleeve, the voice says. All the lights turn off in front of Debbie, the only lights that are on are in the maze behind her. Debbie begins to hear movement in the darkness, lots of movement, and lots of squeaks. Debbie looks into the darkness, trying to see something, but she can see nothing for a moment, then she sees thousands of red eyes in the darkness. The eyes are low to the ground, they glow, and what they revealed to Debbie, horrifies her. Debbie sees thousands of rats coming toward her. Debbie screams, turns, and runs into the maze. I told you that I had a few tricks up my sleeve, the voice says, then it begins to laugh. Debbie can hear the movement coming behind her, she runs into the maze, and begins to turn left and right randomly. She isnt trying to find a way out of the maze yet, she is just trying to escape all those rats, they horrify her. Debbie runs through the maze, she has become like a rat in a maze herself, it is a never-ending maze. Debbie will run through the maze, becoming more and more terrified, until she first goes insane, and then until she is no more. Debbie is having no fun, but the evil entity is loving every minute of it. It has a front row seat to the nightmare that has become Debbies life, and it is enjoying the show. Debbie encounters many horrors in the never ending maze, before she finally meets an untimely death. The maze is filled with many horrors, they continue to drive Debbie to the brink of insanity, then on beyond. She witnesses many unspeakable horrors, before her heart finally gives up and beats no more. **** Part 40 of The House On Willow Lane Bob Adams comes to, looks around, and sees that he is in an old hallway. The paint is peeling off the walls, Bob doesnt recognize where he is and cant remember how you got here. Bob looks around, up and down the hallway, there is no one around. Where am I, what is going on? Bob wonders. Bob looks up and down the hallway again, sees a window nearby, and walks over to it. Bob looks out the window, sees Willow Lane, then sees his house. He realizes that he is in the house at the end of the street, then the memories come back to him rush. He remembers everything that has happened to him in the house, and he looks up and down the hallway, there is no one around. The hallway is much too long for the house, it goes on for as far as Bob can see in both directions. Bob sees no doors in either direction, and no windows, except for the one that he is looking out of. Bob hears a scraping noise, it is faint and he cant determine which direction it is coming from. Bob looks up and down the hallway, he sees no one. As Bob is looking up and down the hallway, a reflection appears on the window, it is the humanlike figure with the demon face and the red eyes, and it is right behind Bob By the time that Bob looks out the window again, the reflection on the window is gone, the only reflection left is Bobs reflection. Bob looks out the window, Willow Lane is right there, all he has to do is open the window and climb out, the ground is right there. Bob steps forward, reaches for the window, then pauses as he remembers what happened the last time that he tried that. There is a scraping noise in the hallway, it is very faint, Bob cant determine where it is coming from. Bob looks up and down the hallway, there is no one around. As Bob is looking up the hallway, the reflection appears on the window, the figure with the demon face and red eyes is grinning at Bob. By the time that Bob looks back at the window, the reflection is gone I have to get out of here, I cant take much more of this house, it will drive me crazy, Bob thinks. Bob looks up and down the hallway, sees no other way out, and he looks back at the window. He reaches out, grabs the window, and pulls it up. As Bob gets the window up, he hears the scraping noise, it is still faint, but it seems to be closer. Bob looks both ways up the hallway, and sees no one. Bob looks back at the window, the window is shut. What the hell, I just opened the window, how did it get closed? Bob wonders. Bob raises the window, hears the scraping noise, he looks both ways up the hallway, there is no one there. Bob looks back at the window, it is shut. What the hell, what is going on? I opened the window, I know I did, how did he get closed? Bob wonders. Bob raises the window, waits for a moment, but the scraping noise doesnt occur again. This should make Bob feel better, but it doesnt, it is disquieting. Bob looks up and down the hallway, there is no one there. Bob steps forward, without looking at the window, meaning to climb through, but he runs into the window instead. Bob hollers out, looks around, the window is shut. There is a laugh nearby, it is faint, but it is closer than the scraping noise has been. A cold chill runs through Bob, and he breaks out in goosebumps. Bob yanks the window open, hears the scraping noise, and ignores it. Im getting the hell out of here, screw this place. I have to get out now, its starting to drive me nuts, Bob thinks. Bob climbs through the window, and puts his feet on the ground. Bob smiles, turns around, begins to walk, and runs into the window. Bob hollers out, looks around, and realizes that he is back in the hallway. What the hell, I got out, how did I get back in the house? Bob wonders. Bob looks up and down the hallway, there is no one in the hallway, except for him. I have to get out of here, Bob thinks. Bob looks at the window, reaches out, and yanks it open. Bob climbs through, steps on the ground, and turns around. Bob screams out because he is back in the hallway,. There is a laugh, this laugh isnt faint, it is very loud and it is behind Bob. Bob looks over his shoulder and screams. The figure with the demon face and the red eyes is standing there, grinning at Bob. Bob begins to run, without turning his head, and he runs into the window. Bob hollers out, falls backwards, and lands on his ass. The figure begins to laugh, then reaches for Bob. Bob jumps to his feet. I have to get out here, this cant be happening, this isnt real, Bob thinks. Bob begins to run, he is thinking of nothing, except for trying to get away from the figure. In his hasty to get away, he has forgotten about the window, he has forgotten almost everything. Bobs mind hasnt slipped yet, but it isnt working very well either. Bob runs into the window, falls backwards, and lands on his ass. The figure begins to laugh, reaches for Bob, and Bob jumps to the feet. You probably ought to turn one direction or the other, or you will run into the wall and window again. I can keep this up all day long, but I doubt that you can, the figure says. Bob ignores with the figure has said, couldnt even really make it out, because even though it was an English, it sounded like gibberish, at least in Bobs mind. Bob begins to run, runs into the window, falls backwards, and falls on his ass. The figure begins to laugh, reaches out, and grabs Bob. Bob screams out in terror, his mind slips a cog, and goes away.
Posted on: Tue, 16 Dec 2014 05:52:14 +0000

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