The Illusions Behind Global Warming Concerns: Follow The - TopicsExpress


The Illusions Behind Global Warming Concerns: Follow The Money: This is a little long, but please take the time to read it. Feel free to share, if you feel compelled to do so… (CNSNews) The figure, from a recent report from the Congressional Research Service (CRS), shows that despite another year of $1 trillion deficits, the Obama administration continues to pursue its policy of using foreign aid funds for anti-global warming measures – known as the Global Climate Change Initiative (GCCI). According to CRS, the government has spent a total of $2.5 billion on GCCI since 2010 on overseas anti-global warming efforts in Latin America, Asia, and Africa. For 2013, the Obama administration has requested an additional $770 million for its policy, a figure that if approved by Congress would bring total foreign climate change spending to $3.3 billion. The administration uses the money to fund three types of anti-global warming foreign aid: adaptation, clean energy, and sustainable landscapes. Adaptation, according to CRS, seeks to help developing countries insulate themselves from the effects of climate change by giving farmers and government planner’s access to better climate data. It also aims to aid countries by teaching them new agricultural and land use methods, as well as methods to protect against the rising sea levels, floods, and increased droughts said to be the result of global warming. Me: Ok, how much exactly does it cost to exchange data? How much does it cost to teach someone agricultural and land use methods? We have wildfires raging all over this nation, as I type this, and we are spending money teaching other nations on how to deal with droughts, floods, and somehow giving them advise about how to protect themselves from rising sea levels. Who in the hell is getting this $3,300,000,000, and how in the hell can we justify that spending? Clean energy funding seeks to aid poor countries in developing their own clean energy infrastructures in order to offset the fact that developing countries are the single fastest growing source of greenhouse gas emissions. The federal spending supports the creation of so-called green jobs in the developing world as well as the creation of clean energy projects. Me: The last three presidential campaigns have been riddled with promises of cleaner energy sources in America, as those who were on a quest for a stay in the Oval Office presented our own energy sources as being outdated, unsafe, and environmentally dangerous. And yet, nothing has been done to correct our own energy sources, as we spend $billions in other nations telling them how to do what we have failed to do within our own borders. Sustainable landscape projects seek to stop developing countries from cutting down forests, particularly in tropical areas, for farming or logging – or at least teach them to develop more modern logging and farming techniques, laws, and regulations. Me: Let me try to wrap my mind around this one. How much does it cost to tell other nations to not cut down trees, and who says they will listen to us, or even follow our advice in the first place? Send them a frickin’ email…That will not cost us $3.3 billion in overseas funding, that we do not have anyway. The “global warming is bad-government is good” mentality is not very convincing, or even logical, yet that is basically the initial mental formula that serves as the foundation for this monetary driven venture. We have a government that is using scare tactics that are based upon guesswork and predictions on what may or may not happen in the next 1000 years, and people are tripping all over themselves supporting their unsubstantiated and unproved scientific suggestion. And they are doing so without understanding the financial side of the story. There is no money. We are dealing with the Federal Government of the United States of America, who has not been know to represent the truth for a very long time. The government is funding this project, and is willing to spend whatever it takes to convince the public that our survival is only possible if we continue to allow them endless financial support on this illusive venture. In reality, anything related to massive spending is an illusion, as the money literally does not exist. The Federal Reserve (A private bank, having nothing to do with our government, or even our nation) is the true foundation for our economic system. Our tax dollars do not pay for anything, but go to the Federal Reserve to pay interest only on money that never existed in the first place. Until people understand the true financial system, they will never see the reality of what is actually before us, as opposed to what we are told. When you buy a $350,000 house, you are not given actual money to pay for the house by the bank; you sign a collection of papers and you are given a copy of those papers. Based upon that piece of paper, you give the bank money every month for as much as 30 years, and with interest, you end up paying about three times the original price of the house. With the housing crisis, loans were intentionally made to those who actually did not qualify for the loans based upon normal required criteria. The banks did not care, as they had the loans insured for as much as three times the cost of the actual loans. In addition to this, many of the loans had balloon payments whereas after a certain time, the house payment would increase as much as double from what it was in the beginning of the contract agreement. They not only were not concerned about your ability to pay the loan, they actually hoped that you would default on the loan. In that situation, they would not only get three times the cost of the loan, they would possibly get that money in a year, instead of thirty years. Multiply this by the millions who found themselves in foreclosure because of the economic recession and you see a serious problem that was created without actual money for a specific reason. The banks made out like a bandit, yet our wonderful government took a very strange course of action. They bailed out the banking industry that did not need a bailout. It was not a bailout; it was an investment that continued to feed their lifeline, as they controlled the economy by their deceptive presence. I am including this thought process to indicate that the government is not truthful with its presented scenarios, and this is simply an example of how we should not just assume that the government has the interest of the people or the nation as a driving force. Follow the money. It will always show the true government. Just as with the banking industry, the citizens of this great nation are being economically abused with not only the housing industry, but with credit cards that again, do not involve actual money. The banks are funded by the Federal Reserve, which is not related to anything with our nation, and even will not allow congress, or even the Supreme Court Justices access to that entity. We also do not have the authority to monitor or audit the Federal Reserve, which should tell anyone with a fully functional brain that there are secrets that are not to be revealed to us under any circumstances. Money is printed, which is nothing more than paper, and each time it is printed, the value of the dollar is actually decreased. This money is forwarded to the actual banks within our nation, and they loan the money and interest is paid on the illusion of monetary value. The same illusion applies with the funding of all components of our economy, the environmental concerns, the government functioning, the energy concerns, and a massive investment in military concerns, and as we are told of the financial structure behind all of these components of our economy, we still never actually see the money. For any of this process to exist, it requires the fruit of our labor in the form of taxation, which is the true representation of any monetary value. We the people are financing a government agenda, and as this massive deception smothers us, many remain ignorant and support the government unconditionally and allow them to simply make unjustified statements and actions with no true questioning of their intentions. And with the “global warming” project, many remain blind with the economical representation of that project, and do not see the monetary trails being left with each step that is taken. It is not an environmental concern, regardless as to what you are told by these government-funded scientists; it is a business venture. And when the final data is gathered, and the monetary concerns are in order, there will be a guaranteed component to this venture. Your tax dollars will be greatly needed, and many of you are just walking down the tracks, and cannot hear the train coming. Taxation is not going to lower the temperatures around the globe, but then again, we are not going to lower the temperatures with any known scientific knowledge, either. Vic Damico 2013
Posted on: Sat, 24 Aug 2013 20:51:49 +0000

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