The Institution of Marriage and the role of Government! If - TopicsExpress


The Institution of Marriage and the role of Government! If government issues a license then it it reasonable to also have certain requirements for that license. It is entirely fair and reasonable for a brain surgeon to meet certain requirements before performing brain surgery on a patient. Likewise it is reasonable for an electrician or a plumber to achieve a certain level of competance before practicing their trade. I have no issue with you plumbing or wiring your own house, or for that matter performing brain surgery on yourself! Before a plumber is issued a license they must know how the parts fit, absent that, they are not issued a license. Likewise with a marriage license, there are only two parts...hardly a difficult task to learn how they fit and is not unreasonable for government to have certain requirements for the issuance of a Mirrage License. In otherwords, the license is issued to a male and a female! That does not restrict your rights, anymore than limiting who becomes a brain surgeon! I personally would argue for the government to get out of the business of licensing marriages all together, it is just simply a matter of revenue and control. Then if you want to form an organization and issue a document and make it official according to the rules of your association I have no issue with that. But when you require that everyone approves of and endorses your little charade, that is an invasion of my rights! As for a Christian marriage, the government has no authority over the Church or the institution of marriage under the 1st Amendment, either to marry or divorce, that is simply a violation of religious liberty!
Posted on: Sat, 09 Aug 2014 15:23:09 +0000

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