The Kartik month (Damodara-Masa) is soon about to start (9th OCT - TopicsExpress


The Kartik month (Damodara-Masa) is soon about to start (9th OCT to 6th NOV). Its a wonderful period of the year to deepen ones relationship with the Lordships, & all spiritual activities performed during this month are multiplied a hundred to a thousand times! Here are some suggestions/inspirations what type of spiritual activities you can adopt during Kartika-masa. 1. Daily sing the Damodarastakam-prayer & meditate on its meaning. 2. Daily offer a pure ghee-lamp (lit with a Tulasi-stick from a departed Tulasi-bush) to Radha-Damodara with love & devotion. 3. Daily worship, water, circumambulate (min. 4 times) & chant in front of Tulasi Devi & pray for eternal residence in Sri Vrindavana-Dhama. 4. Daily hear Hari-Katha from elevated Vaishnavas (esp. the story about Gajendra, the elephant, from Srimad Bhagavatam) 5. Chant extra rounds of Hare Krishna maha-mantra on yr beads & perform extra Harinama-sankirtana (“jagaran” - try to stay up on certain nights, e.g. Ekadasi) 6. Practise brahmacarya all month & sleep on the floor. 7. Visit holy places such as Vrindavana-Dhama, Sri Dhama Mayapur & Jagannatha Puri & take bath in sacred waters (Radha-Kunda, Ganges, etc.) 8. Observe all the festivals during the Kartik-masa such as Goverdhana Puja, Diwali, etc. (BVT: “Festivals are the mother of devotion.”) 9. Give in charity to deserving Vaishnavas/Brahmanas. 10. Daily recite Sri Siksatakam & Upadesamrita & deeply meditate on the meaning of the verses. Also read different tikas (commentaries) on them by the Vaishnava acaryas. We wish you a lot of inspiration & deep realizations! Jaya Radhe Shyam! Sri Sri. Radha Damodar ji ki Jai!! Following are excerpts from some scriptures (Puranas) describing the glory of the pious Kartik month : “If somebody performs even a little worship of Lord Shri Hari in this month, He offers that devotee His own abode.” “If somebody burns a lamp in the temple of Lord Shri Hari even for a short time (in the month of Kartik), then whatever sins, he has acquired for millions of kalpas (one kalpa equals 1000 yugas ) are all destroyed. ” “A person , who for the entire month of Kartik eats only once a day, becomes very famous , powerful and heroic.” “A person who happily reads the Bhagavad Gita in the month of Kartik does not return to the world of birth and death. ” “Of all gifts, the gift of a lamp during the month of Kartik is the best . No gift is its equal .” “The pious result obtained by bathing in all holy places and giving all charities is not equal to one ten - millionth part of the result obtained by following the vow of Kartik.
Posted on: Sun, 05 Oct 2014 09:33:05 +0000

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