The Lady and the Tramp Chapter 1 You wake up from your hourly - TopicsExpress


The Lady and the Tramp Chapter 1 You wake up from your hourly slumber and realized that you’ve got so much paperwork to do. How could you fall asleep on the job? You thought to yourself. That was such a nostalgic dream though… as if it only happened yesterday. But you knew you were living your dream. Soon enough you snapped out of your daze. “Commander Irvin’s not going to like this!” You swore under your breath as you come across a file to one of the recent recruits to the Survey Corps. “Jaeger, Eren? He looks really familiar… almost like that boy I saw five years ago… don’t tell me?” You pondered hard and reminisced about that faithful day when the colossal titan came. Could he be the same boy you saw in the Shiganshina district? Just then, the door to your office flew open and you jumped out of your seat, throwing the papers into the air creating an organized sort of chaos. “(f/n), are you about done with those papers yet? We’ve got a big day tomorrow” the man said with his brooding, piercing eyes glaring at you. “Levi, if you really must do that, it’d be better if you came in with a warning?” You sneered at him as you disliked how people enter your territory without notice. “Have you been falling asleep on the job again? You know, I’ll have you on cleaning duty all night if you don’t follow my orders.” He reassured her. You were technically a rank below him. Recently you had just achieved the status of Lance Corporal as well, but everyone knew there was only one; and that was Levi. You were more of a co-leader to Levi in the Special Ops. You were acquainted with the team; however you never really get to go on missions as much, due to the fact that Commander Irvin has promised your safety as ordered by your parents. Nonetheless, your career still kind of backfires a bit. You wanted action and to save people. But you never were allowed to go on the extremely dangerous missions. One thing’s for sure, your superiors were the Commander and Levi. And while you aren’t working for the Commander as his personal assistant, doing odd jobs, you were left at the mercy of Levi. According to statistics, you are third when it comes to combat, right behind Mike Zacharias, who was just behind Levi in skill and combat. How you were annoyed with the fact that with your skill level, you still can’t match up with Levi or Mike. For the past five years you’ve trained under these men. And Hanji Zoe has become your good friend across the years. Together, they’re practically the closest people to your heart. Sure Mike can creep you out sometimes when he sniffs your perfume. Or that Levi can be really harsh to you to the point where you think he actually hates you. Hanji can be a handful with her fascination with Titans; you always get dragged into one of her experiments with them. Although, no one may know this but, you had a soft spot for the Commander. You’ve always admired his courage and bravery. The way he would encourage you to try harder and persevere. Even if he was a tad bit older than you, it would actually be a dream come true if he ended up having feelings for you in return. But what are the odds of that? Levi… on the other hand, he’s, he’s pretty difficult. Honestly, you care about your comrades, even Levi, but you always felt like he never really liked you back. He would be either harsh, rude, or mean to you. You don’t know why. Was it something that you had done? Or did he simply dislike you for who you were? Well, as long as he doesn’t find out that you actually look up to him, then there won’t be any problems between you now would there? Yes, after all these years, your motivation to become a top soldier and skilled combatant was because of Levi. You always felt that you can’t measure up with his skill. You wanted to be better. And this is how a fierce rivalry was born. Sure he can be a lil’ shit from time to time, but he’s still a dear friend to you. And you’d be devastated if something bad were happened to him. “Hey, (f/n). Were you even listening to what I just said? Tch, I’ll let you off this once, but you have be prepared for tomorrow. We’ll be meeting with the new recruits tomorrow night.” And with that, he left you in your pile of mess to clean up. You sighed, as you told yourself how can he be this difficult? It was the night of the recruits. You were standing in the stage where you could see Commander Irvin giving his speech to the recruits. You felt your heart tense as you listened to the Commander’s speech. He really did a well job at intimidating anyone who would want to join the Survey Corps. At this rate, no one will want to join. As soon as he finished, slowly but quickly, cadets started to turn their backs from the Commander. Nearly half, no, two thirds of them had turned their backs and left the sight of the Commander. When the footsteps stopped, Commander Irvin welcomed the new recruits. The only ones to stay from the 104th graduate class. They looked intimidated, but you knew they had courage within their hearts. You looked through the group and realized that these kids were probably around your age? You noticed a girl with a red scarf, similar to that girl you saw five years ago, but with shorter hair. And the boy she stood next to. He looks like an older version of the boy you met five years ago. Could it be? No way! You thought to yourself. You decided to jump off the stage and run towards him. He definitely grew taller! And he looked more mature than he was. But he had the same timid eyes as he stared at you in surprise. “Armin? Is it really you?” you asked him. As his face grew with disbelief and redness tinted his cheeks. You giggled as you told him your name. “Don’t remember me? I’m the girl you met back in Shiganshina! Remember when the Survey Corps returned?” His eyes widened with glee and surprise. “(f/n)?!? You’re, you’re alive!” He said in a shaky yet excited voice. “I’m not just alive, I’m technically a Lance Corporal! It’s been so long, and I can’t believe I’d see you here signing up for the Survey Corps!” you smiled at him as he answered back. “I didn’t recognize you at first! Your hair is tied up and I didn’t expect you to here! Not especially now that you’re a Lance Corporal!” He smiled so gleefully that you didn’t notice the hand that extended to your head and grabbed it. “That’s Lady (f/n) for you, Cadet. And for the record there is truly only one Lance Corporal and that’s me.” His voice pierced through your happiness as you knew he was a constant killjoy. And you don’t feel too comfortable with that title too much. It reminds you of your life in Wall Sina. “Lady (f/n)? Please… give me a break…” You thought to yourself. “L-lady?!? You mean to tell me that-?” Armin cried in confusion. “That’s right cadet, she is Lady (f/n) of the noble (surname) family. And with much respect it would be better if you refer to her in that title unless you want to get on my bad side.” Dear Lord was he merciless. Especially to poor Armin. “Uh, hey now let’s not get too hasty. Levi I think we need to get back to our rooms and let the Commander handle the recruits.” You said in a shaky voice as you pushed Levi to the other direction. “Sorry about that Armin, I’ll explain everything tomorrow alright? Please excuse us.” Apologetically, you turned your heel and elbowed Levi swearing at him because he was immediately rude to your friend. “Levi, you can’t just do that! How many times have I told you to stop calling me lady (f/n) in front of cadets or other soldiers!” you were annoyed at this point. “Hey, I’m in charge of you when Irvin isn’t so I get to call you as I please.” Difficult as always he was. Really, when were you two ever going to get along? ~Armin’s POV~ “I can’t believe this whole time I’ve been friends with lady (f/n) of the noble (surname) family!” He was both flustered and ecstatic. No wonder she immediately stole your heart. She’s just… words can’t explain her! “Armin, you never told me you knew about her.” Mikasa scolded him. “Sorry Mikasa, not even I knew that! It’s just, I’m lucky to have been able to meet her once again.” Blood rushed to his cheeks as he stared down at the floor. You went back to your bed, all excited to finally get to know Armin and his friends. Finally! Real friends who were your age. Well, not that the Commander, Levi, Mike, and Hanji weren’t your friends. It’s just that the age difference is overwhelming sometimes. You slowly drifted into slumber as you await the next day. After being formally acquainted with Eren Jaeger, you realized that he was the same boy you saw years ago. But you were too excited to meet up with Armin and the rest of the group that you forgot Eren still existed. It’s been a long day, and you can’t wait and sit with the rest of the recruits at the dining table. You quickly ran to the door and ever so not gracefully, slammed open the door. Only to see the recruits stare at you with awe. As you looked through the crowd you notice Armin in the corner with the girl he stood next to. You immediately ran to his side and sat down next to him. “Hey guys! How’s it going?” You said in a cheery voice. “Oh, uh! Lady (f/n)! I’m sorry about all those years ago, I didn’t know you were-!” You cut him off as you smiled at him. “Everything is fine Armin! You may call me (f/n). I don’t mind.” You smiled back at him as his face grew red. “It’s so weird isn’t it? To think I’d meet you again here as a Survey Corps recruit! Also, I’ve really only known you for like, twenty minutes! Yet you were still in my memories and I wanted to see you again!” You were sure his face was growing hot and flustered. “I’m sorry for Levi, he can be a lil’ shit but you’ll get used to him. Now to properly introduce myself, I’m (full name) and yes I am of nobility. But please call me by my first name?” “Uh, Armin Arlert! I’m from the village of Shiganshina and I’m fifteen years old! This, this is my childhood friend, Mikasa Ackerman!” “It’s a pleasure to meet you lady (f/n).” The dark haired girl replied. “So, uh (f/n) you look so young to be a lance corporal already. How’d you end up in here anyway?” Armin asked in confusion. You couldn’t help but chuckle at his remark. “You’re really silly Armin, I actually just turned eighteen years old. Yes I do look like I’m thirteen or so. Blame my height for that!” You merely stood at 5’0 feet. You looked really young. And everyone was in shock when they discovered that you were actually older eighteen rather than thirteen. “If you think that’s weird, you should find out more about Levi!” you couldn’t help but laugh at the fact that even though Levi was in his thirties, he only stood three inches higher than you. “Anyways, where were we? On that faithful day of the colossal titan five years ago, I actually ran away from home to see what life was in the outer walls. That’s where Levi saved me and then I wanted to be part of the Survey corps. Because I dreamed of seeing the world outside of the walls. I don’t want to live here caged for the rest of my life. I want to see the oceans and rivers that thrive in the outside world. I want to see open skies where it’s so limitless and be able to roam free without people calling out to me not to go far. Also, I wanted to protect people from the titans. I wanted to do something that will make the most out of my life. And that’s basically how I ended up here!” You gave them both a perky smile, a little bit embarrassed about the fact that Levi saved your life. You have to admit, that’s why you look up to him. “You have the same dream as Eren and I do! That’s really cool!” Armin’s eyes started to shine bright light diamonds. Although diamonds don’t shine, they reflect light to create the illusion of ‘shining’. No pun intended. But yeah. The three of you chatted all night until it was time for bed. “I’ll see you guys tomorrow, and have a restful night alright!” You waved to them goodbye as Armin and Mikasa waved back. They were really fun to be with. But you felt like you should get back to you duties as co-captain of the Special Ops team. You were exhausted by all the excitement that your attention to detail was really off. Because of that, you simply entered your room unbeknownst to you that while you collapsed on your bed you didn’t notice that someone was sitting on your chair by your desk. “Where have you been all night? Were you taking a huge shit that it won’t come out and you had to stay out later? Or were you flirting with the new recruits?” Your eyes shot open as all consciousness came back to you. You quickly stared at the person sitting on your chair and responded with annoyance. “Levi, what the hell are you doing in my room? Get out!” You were drowsy and you didn’t want to deal with Levi’s shit anymore for the day. “And for the record, I wasn’t flirting. I was catching up with events with my new friends. People who are actually close to my age. Unlike a certain someone who’s technically thirty-four.” You sneered at him as you dropped your head on your pillow. “A lady doesn’t talk with that tongue. Where are your manners?” “Oh Lord, not this again. Leave me be will you? I’m too tired to deal with your bullshit. I’ll do whatever your punishment is tomorrow; just leave me to sleep… I…beg…you…” And with that you were too exhausted to continue and consciousness drifted from you. “Whatever punishment huh?” He grinned to himself. For being a clean-freak, he’s got some dirty secrets locked up within him.
Posted on: Sun, 14 Dec 2014 04:36:15 +0000

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