The Law of Number 5= Love (German: Die Liebe), The Love of - TopicsExpress


The Law of Number 5= Love (German: Die Liebe), The Love of God. Wednesday November 6ths Vibration (6+10+2+0+1+3) = 23/5. 5 = Love. The Law of Number 5 = Love, as the Love of God 5 is feminine energy,receptive, magnetic, sensitive, passive, negative polarity ,delicate intuitive perceptions and more importantly forms the Horizontal Beam or Arm of The Grail Cross of Creation and it is The Mightiest of all Forces in Creation. He who stands to fulfil and acts in accordance with the Will of God,that is, The Justice of God, will be complemented by the polarity of The Love of God. Whenever there is Justice complements the Love of God, then Purity of of God is called into being automatically in fulfilling the requirement of the TRIAD of Justice, Love and Purity. Todays vibration of 23 where 5= Love means that the one who humbly works and lives in the sense of the Perfect Will of The Almighty in His Justice and Love can be truly FREE and it cannot be otherwise! The symbol of the The Law of Number 5= Love is the 5 regular Pentagon, that is, five-pointed star, the pentagram, The Pentacle or the TETRAGRAMMATON which is The Sacred and Secret Name YAHWEH. Its peculiarity is that all the tracks can be found in the golden section ratio. Just as love quivering in The Law of Number 5= Love occupies the middle digit of the The Laws of Numbers 1 - 9, thus becoming the Balance and focal point of the the other Laws of Numbers...! The flower transforms into the fruit, which contains seeds. So the seeds of CHANGE can be sown today, ones that will flourish into a new way of living for you. Whenever 5 appears, change is afoot. This could be a change of mind, of long-held beliefs, or a change of direction, but at the heart of what might seem like an initial upset, a transformation is underway, and a deeper understanding of self is the new destination. 5’s energy calls on you to be adaptable and ready for anything because, indeed, anything can happen, and it is this element of surprise that the 5 thrives upon. 5 enables the regenerative and procreative process, and creates the cycle of seed, flower and fruit in nature. Notice how many flowers have 5 petals. In fact in Nature, all plants that bear fruits have 5-petalled flowers. The flower transforms into the fruit, which contains seeds. So the seeds of CHANGE can be sown today, ones that will flourish into a new way of living for you.When 5s energy is active it can mark a turning point in your life that articulates an important period of growth and evolution for you, a summing up of one phase and now clearing the path for the next steps in a new direction. While this may feel a little scary at first and make you apprehensive about what the future may bring, bear in mind that all these changes are natural and benefit your own personal evolution. Take a deep breath, and then go with the flow. Change is inevitable with the 5, resistance is futile! We have 5 physical senses that measure the differences between vibrations. To be in the earthly garment least intuit Divine Love, the Creator gave to man as a bridge to the spirit of the five senses. IThe Vibration of 5 invokes an inner stirring in seeing the beauty of mountains, forests, meadows, lakes and the magnificence of sparkling starry sky; when they hear the birds singing, splashing streams murmur of the sea, the blowing wind; when they feel a subtle scent of flowers; when it taste good mature fruit refreshes and revives and finally when his hand feels cold fresh spring? These are all perceptions that people closer to the unspeakable Love of God, which is also reflected in the nature of His great Work. Many flowers, at least most, with 5 petals and teach the child to understand the five fingers of the first numbers? In addition, followed by the fifth month, in the middle of pregnancy, the incarnation of human souls in the developing human body. . He who seeks the true Principle of the Grail, Justice, Love and Purity as the fulfillment in the requirement in the Complete Harmonics of The Grail Cross of Creation. In this alone will Humankind will be able to rise and raise itself to the Heights of The Light and without getting lost in the vanity, conceit and deceit of people chained to the Gross Material Uiniverse! Have A Great Day Filled With LOVE!
Posted on: Wed, 06 Nov 2013 20:13:58 +0000

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