The Legacy of Sandy: Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and - TopicsExpress


The Legacy of Sandy: Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and Anniversary Reactions. A nodal event is an event in a persons, familys, communitys or countrys life that affects it profoundly. Some events are positive, like the election of a president or the birth of a Royal baby. Some events, however, are so negative, that they throw everything out of equilibrium. Sandy was such an event. The coastal and mainland communities, and those who were personally affected by the storm, know that things will forever be different. We, as individuals, families and communities, have been knocked off balance. Everything has changed, and we are trying to understand the new normal. Most of us have Nixle on our smart phones, follow Extreme NJ Weather on Face Book, and feel our anxiety ratcheting up whenever a tropical storm or nor’easter looks like it is heading our way. Fortunately, many people, especially those in the beach communities, seem to be recovering well. However, one year after Sandy, many members of our mainland communities, especially, remain in deep trouble. The disillusionment stage of long-term recovery has set in. Many people remain displaced, and are still desperately trying to figure out how to move forward. They are understandably frustrated by what must feel like a general indifference to their plight. As we approach the one year anniversary of Sandy, this incredibly negative nodal event, we may find that we somehow dont feel right. We may become symptomatic in a variety of ways, physically, emotionally or behaviorally. Some people my get quietly drunk, others may be loudly angry or irritable, and some may actually become physically ill with a cold or a bad stomach ache. Nor is it unusual to feel depressed, sad, anxious, edgy, or panicky to mark these anniversaries. Why? Do we decide this is how we are going to observe the anniversary of Sandy? No, it is not a conscious decision. Each individual is part of a system: a family, a community or a country. And if the system is out of equilibrium, there are shockwaves that reverberate throughout all parts of the system, bringing on symptoms. For those who have been badly traumatised, the anniversary reaction can be particularly hard. So, if in the next week or so, you dont feel right, realize that you are not alone in feeling this way, and that we have all been knocked for a loop. But there is help. There continue to be formal and informal support groups. Neighbors are supporting neighbors, and friends assisting friends. Churches are still feeding the hungry, and consoling the displaced. These are our people, and our communities, and all of us still feel a bit off-balance. But, although we may not be stronger than the storm, we are Jersey strong, and we will “Keep Calm and Carry On.”
Posted on: Tue, 29 Oct 2013 02:28:17 +0000

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