The Linda Ekeji debacle has thrown more light to things I believed - TopicsExpress


The Linda Ekeji debacle has thrown more light to things I believed but was really not sure. Having a university education does not automatically confer on you etiquette and wisdom. While I am not sure if I have ever visited her blog unintentionally I do know I have never for once gone looking for her blog page, until yesterday Lots of people might have a geniue case against her, so also are the opportunistic noise makers wanting to go on record that they had it out with an internet sensation. I have had my updates copied and pasted by people and they did not acknowledge me as the originator. I have also had to do same in time past until I knew better. Lots of times when little minions have issues with the big person, they allow pettiness and being overzealous ruin a perfect case. The sheer knowledge of having a go at a bigger person overwhelms their sense of strategy. Now she is back and through her being back online, google strongly believes she has no case to answer or at best the case against her was circumstantial. Now she has the last laugh. Rantings do not win battle, strategy does. Now whatever she might have done, she has gotten away with it, all because the small man did not have the larger picture. Even the confession of the lead instigator showed that a lot of people were co-opted into project bring Linda down! He has apologised and his attack dogs have all been reigned in with a leash. For all those who were relentless in the project, I hope you know better. I have lost a misguided friend over this issue and I would not loose sleep over it. His reckoned 5minutes of fame never took off all because he does not exist in the stratosphere were serious people like Linda interact. Her radar never picked his bleep! For whatever atrocity she had committed, tact and patience would have given those she had truly offended time to wage a war of attrition and possibly get a settlement. We all got our higher education by violating the intellectual copyright of lots of authors. When our lecturers encourage us to make photocopies of certain pages of any textbook without getting the express permission of the author is a violation. We have not been properly educated on the topic here in Nigeria. That is the truth. If handouts are produced by just lifting certain pages off a textbook and then sold to students for commercial gain is another form of copyright violation.
Posted on: Sat, 11 Oct 2014 05:25:26 +0000

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