The Lord can supernaturally move thru to acomplish more at faster - TopicsExpress


The Lord can supernaturally move thru to acomplish more at faster speed at work or tasks..that those who feel need to compete will watch and try to..but cant... it cant be figured...because its the Lord making your hands to work faster... these funny signs and wonders even ..a grace/empowerment that makes them wonder....or hate...for theres their need to feel best... this is a funny thing HE is doing...blessing the works of HIS HOLY SERVANTS HANDS...they dont get it...tell em its jesusssssss... They dont understand hkw my hands move..niether why id go outta my way to actually care for someone a little extra ....the wicked dont get it..they scoff..they joy is larger and deeper than any cackle of a wolf...I tell u they need our Lord..they just dont get us...or it..... if u do any task just to do it done unto Him? May the Lord make your hands acomplish what he wants and at faster confounds the lost....we got somethin to share...dont chu think????? Its this jesus....its my jesus. ..its my Lord who sent me back from death.. They dont get why we sing They dont get our heart..they dont get why we can lose all and still love our God ...they dont get how storms alll....but we stand... Its My LORD Isnt that somethin Wait til I tell em I DIED And Met Jesussssss Oh Lord, MaKe your people to shine and to touch hearts at their place of work or service..and make wonders happen..cause opportunities to shine for u.. Make them signs amongst the people... that theyd know u are real.. Make our eyes flash the LIGHT..that even the blind will see like seer for even a moment in make em wonder how they can get that light within too.. Cause the hands of your servants to not only do the tasks set before them...but to have an empowerment to do a quality work of excellence and not because someones watching... Make them be empowered to move at un natural rates of speed that it confounds those who trust in their own arm of flesh and think that they are wise ... Make us to be ready so that if anyyyy ask of the hope that we have within, that in the appointed time , you would flow out of our mouth what u want to say.... That we dont miss one who walks in darkness as if they got it together..when we see thru truly the matters kf the Father help us to reach who u have been wanting to reach Gi e us utterance by your Spirit to say what they need to hear In jesus name We wanna make u famous Hehehehehe That jesus Somethin else Outta this world U already knew itttt Xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo Make em wonder LET HIM SHINE BE READY HES PRESSIN US FORWARD CAUSE WE DONT NEED TO BE HE SETS US UP Cuse we HIM UP YOU ARE THAT LAMP GETTING SET UP...Cause we all know a lamp uplifted can have larger coverage!!!!!!!! Jesus get em
Posted on: Fri, 05 Sep 2014 13:10:55 +0000

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