The Lord has pressed onto my heart to help those receive him in - TopicsExpress


The Lord has pressed onto my heart to help those receive him in other nations. I will be forming a plan for outreach in Haiti to start out with. It is not far from Florida yet it is stricken with poverty. I want to help those receive Jesus and know him. There had to be more we can all do. I ask everyone for your prayers that Jesus will bless this ministry he has given me. This ministry that will reach out beyond our boarders and do works within them. I need all your prayers. Agree with me and let our voices reach God whom sits in heaven. Like a flood of voices to his throne. In Jesus name I pray this and ask you agree with me in the blood of Jesus that this ministry, mission and Church body will grow without bounty. Flood us with donations to bless others. I ask nothing for myself. Nothing. I ask it all for others. We must help those know Jesus in our country and others. We must cloth, feed and shelter. Lets come together to and build homes, build shelters, everyone needs a home, everyone needs clean drinking water. Most of the world does not have this. We are blessed. Even when we feel we have nothing we still have our lives, our homes, our clothes, others have nothing. Let reach out and show them Jesus through our Acts. A whole book was devoted to the Acts of the apostles. Let us also have a book written about us in heaven. One where we banded together and save many through Jesus. Where we feed, clothed and sheltered our brethren. I am here for you, I was Bon to serve. I was made to die for my father, I chose his will for me. I pray everyone hears this. I pray everyone sends this to another. When you bless others Jesus blesses you. When we agree in Jesus name the father in heaven makes it so. If we bind he binds, if we loosen he loosens. Agree with me in the blood of Jesus. Praise him. Thank you. And I agree with you.
Posted on: Tue, 23 Jul 2013 03:54:29 +0000

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