The Magic Mirror Zarahs mother died in child birth , and her - TopicsExpress


The Magic Mirror Zarahs mother died in child birth , and her father, the King, marries Julia, the most beautiful woman in the land and raises Zarah. One day, the king leaves to fight a great evil that has invaded the land but never returns. Queen julia rules in his absence and keeps Zarah in the palace. Ten years later, Zarah having turned eighteen, desires to see her kingdom. Defying Queen Julias orders, she leaves the palace. Arriving at a forest, she meets Prince Andrew who has been robbed by thieving dwarves. She and the Prince are drawn to each other but go their separate ways. Zarah arrives in the town, and finds the once-happy townfolk are destitute due to Queen Julias greed. Meanwhile, Prince Andrew finds his way to the palace. Queen Julia realizes he comes from a wealthy kingdom, and throws a ball to woo the Prince to solve her financial problems. Zarah secretly attends the ball, planning to ask the prince to help her restore the kingdom. Queen Julia notices them dancing and orders her manservant Nathan to take the princess into the forest and feed her to the Beast that lives there. Nathan takes Zarah to the forest, but he releases her and urges her to run. Zarah flees the Beast and collapses at the door to the Seven Dwarves house. She wakes up to find the dwarves Danny, Butcher, Sebastian, Jordan , Half Pint , Joe, and Chuck Lee . Queen Julia levies another tax among the starving people to pay for the parties she throws for Prince Andrew. Nathan collects the taxes, but, on the way back to the palace, the dwarves rob Nathan and steal the money. Zarah sneaks away to return the money. The townspeople and the Town Magistrateare overjoyed to have their money back and Zarah lets the Dwarves take credit for it, earning them the peoples acceptance and gratitude. Meanwhile, Queen Julia informs Andrew that Zarah is dead. When the Prince finds out that the bandits have robbed Nathan, he goes after them, unaware of the awful things the Queen has done. In the forest, Andrew discovers that Zarah is alive and in league with the bandits. Each believing the other to be in the wrong, Zarah and Andrew duel. Andrew returns to the Palace defeated and informs the Queen that Zarah is alive. Queen Julia goes to her Magic Mirror , within which lives her reflection, the Mirror Queen. Displeased that Nathan had lied about Zarahs death, Queen Julia has the Mirror Queen turn Nathan into a rat (for a short time). The Queen requests a love potion so she can make the Prince fall in love with her. The Mirror Queen repeatedly warns Queen Julia that there is a price for using black magic, but Queen Julia refuses to listen. The potion, however, turns out to be a cat love potion and the Prince becomes devoted to her like a Cat. Under this spell, the Prince agrees to marry Queen Julia . She then uses dark magic to create two giant wooden puppets in the forest and uses them to try and kill Zarah and the Dwarves. Zarah is able to cut the strings of the puppets and break the spell. Zarah and the Dwarves crash the royal wedding and capture the Prince before Queen Julia and Nathan arrive. Back in the forest, the still-cursed Prince wishes to return to the Queen. Zarah kisses Andrew and the spell is broken. Zarah encounters Queen Julia who reveals that she can control the Beast that has been plaguing the forest and sends it after Zarah. Prince Andrew tries to save Zarah, and after the struggle, the Beast captures the princess. However, the Beast hesitates in killing her and Zarah sees that it wears a necklace with a moon charm on it similar to the one the Queen wears. She cuts the chain with her fathers dagger and the Beast suddenly becomes engulfed in light. Queen Julia begins to age, and the Mirror Queen says this is her consequence for using black magic. The Beast turns out to be Zarahs father, who has no memory of the last ten years. Grateful to Andrew for his assistance, the king agrees to let him marry Zarah. During the wedding celebration, a crone in a hooded robe appears and offers Sarah an apple (which is poisoned) as a wedding gift. At first, Zarah accepts the gift, but as she is about to bite it, she realizes that the crone is Julia. Then Zarah pulls out her knife and cuts a piece from the apple and gives it to Julia, she says that sometimes you must admit that youve been defeated. Accepting defeat, Julia apparently eats the apple, poisoning herself as the Mirror House shatters upon the Mirror Queen while she declares that it was Zarahs story all along. In End of story,it reveals what happened to the Dwarves. They comes out of the magic spell casted by the Queen and returned to there old life. Now they can live happily ever after. :) The End... A story by #Midhun_S_Unnithan
Posted on: Tue, 18 Nov 2014 16:00:22 +0000

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