The Magnificence of Being Human as a Creator Channeled message - TopicsExpress


The Magnificence of Being Human as a Creator Channeled message from the Energy of Gaia with the Violet Flame Greetings divine human, blessed human, beloved human, I AM the energy of Gaia and I AM merged with the transformational energy of the Violet Flame. Let me take you back in time to time before time, before there was light and dark when in the universe there was only love. It was filled with love but without a reference point it was not able to understand love. So the creative source energy chose to create a reference point. The creative source split some energy in the same way a big candle can lite many small candles. And the creative source energy said to these small candles, would you like to help us understand love better? If you would like to do that, it would mean you go through a process to forget what it is like to have love, to know all that is? You will have no remembrance of your divine self but you will have free choice to ask for our support. Well the little candles of course said yes, we’d love to do that. After many, many cycles, those little candles had their sights on earth. Those little spirit light candles came to earth. Those little spirit light candles came to earth in the form of human beings, stripped of all knowledge of love from where they came. Lifetime after lifetime on the earth, those spirit candles came back to earth, each time stripped of all their knowledge of love they were searching, searching for something. It is the spirit that is on the other side that lives and dwells in the energy of love that is able to understand how great that love is because the small spirit candles chose to come onto the earth, onto the earth plane, stripped of all knowledge, experiencing a physical life. All the time yearning for the love they missed. Each lifetime that the little spirit candle has had on earth, it experienced the opposite of love. It has experienced fear. Fear comes in many forms. Fear can come as anger. Fear can come as distrust, as submissiveness, as unworthiness. So you come to understand that in fear, you have experienced many sides of the lack of love. Up until this point fear has weighted heavily on the earth. It has had a lot of power and love has not had the same power. At this point in time there is a transitioning and you will know that the times are moving into different waters. You are becoming and indeed many have become multidimensional, and while you may want to attach a hierarchy to multi-dimentionality, where love rules there is no hierarchy. It is what it is. In the process of moving from the 3D personality into the multidimentionality so many of you have felt empty. Those moments are felt by Gaia. And that is why we come today with the transformational energy of the violet Flame. We wish to support you in this time of change so that in your transformation, you can remember your magnificence. For without your experience of being human, how can love understand the profundity of love? All your efforts, all your lifetimes on the earth plane, contribute to an understanding of infinite love. In each incarnation that you have, it is this infinite love that you have sought. What magnificent beings you are. The soul, the spirit that agrees to experience a lack, to experience all the elements of fear, unworthiness, incompleteness, anger, unsupported. Yet all the while you are supported. All you need to do is reach out. We wish to remind you again that in order to transform your energy, to be supported, find a moment in time when you have felt complete and utter joy. This is what your life on earth has taught us, that when you experience joy, laughter, love, for a moment your energy is walking with ours and you are without fear. We remind you to step into those moments, to feel them, to use your experience of the past to create potentials for your future. For when you remember those experiences and then transfer them and imagine what it would be like to experience that at a future moment, at a future event, you are one with the creative source. And the more often you can do that the more rapidly benevolence will come your way. Please realise that your time on earth is not intended to be difficult. Remember you have free choice and it is not until you ask for assistance and listen to what is given to you that any one on the side of love is able to give it to you. That is what you agreed to. So again and in closing we remind you to remember that moment of joy, of laughter, when you were so happy, so happy you could skip and hop and jump with excitement. Pause on that. Where do you want to apply it? Do you want to apply in on your home, do you want to apply it to your workplace, your employment. Do you want to apply it to your relationship? Then in the energy of Gaia merged with the energy of the Violet Flame, Violet Flame of transformational energy, project this excitement, this joy, this love, into the area that you want to see joy, excitement, love. Feel it. Feel it in the future as you have in the past. And the more you practice this the faster it will come. This is the promise of the Violet Flame. It will transmute that old energy. Because being human was never meant to be difficult. While we may say farewell for now, we invite you to continue to sit quietly in this energy for a moment. In this energy of the Violet Flame, grounded to the energy of Gaia. Just experience the love, the lightness and project it. Project it into your future. I AM the energy of Gaia, merged with the energy of the Violet Flame. And so it is.
Posted on: Sun, 26 Oct 2014 08:22:59 +0000

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