The Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, said to his - TopicsExpress


The Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, said to his daughter, Lady Fatima, peace be upon her: Our Prophet is the best of the Prophets and he is your father. Our martyr is the best of the martyrs and he is your fathers uncle Hamza and among us is he that has two wings with which he flies in Paradise wherever he wishes, and he is the son of your fathers uncle Jafar and from us are the two sub of this nation -- Al Hasan and Al Hussain, and they are your children, and from us is Al Mahdi (May Allah pleased with him well..). This Hadith was reported by Abi Ayyub Al Ansari in the reference of At-Tabarani. Ibn Masood reported: We went to the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, and he came out with good news and happiness was easily recognizable upon his face. When we asked him about a matter he would tell us about it, and we were never silent about anything until he spoke of it, until a party from the Bani Hashim passed by amongst whom were Al Hasan and Al Hussain, (May Allah pleased with them). When he saw them he hugged them with tears in his eyes, so we asked: O Messenger of Allah we see something has changed your face which distresses us. Thereupon he replied: We are a Family of a House for whom Allah has chosen the Hereafter rather than the present. After me my family will be refugees, driven out of countries until the Black Banners are raised in the east. They will ask for the truth but they will not be given it, so they will ask again for it, and they will not be given it , so they will fight and be given victory. Those of you or your descendants who live during that time go to the Imam of the Family of my house even if you have to crawl over ice to him. Indeed, they are banners of guidance. They will deliver it to a man from the Family of my House his name is the same as my name, and the name of his father is the same as my father, and he will fill the ground with fairness and justice. This hadith is in found in the references of Abu Dawood, Al Hakim, At-Tirmizi, Ibn Hibban, Ibn Majhah, Au Ash-Shaykh, Ibn Adiy, Abu Dhabi, Ibn Asakir and Abu Nuaym. The Holy Prophet, peace be upon him, said: A man called Al Harth will come from beyond the river. At his front is a man called Mansoor who will pave and establish the government for the family of Muhammad just as the Koraysh established it for the Messenger of Allah praise and peace be upon him. It is obligatory for all believers to support him or he said obey him. Muhammad, the son of Al Hanafiyyah said, We were with Ali, peace be upon him, when a man asked him about Al Mahdi. Imam Ali, may Allah honor his face said: But oh! Then joined his hands and counted seven fingers as he said: He comes at the end of Time when men (hypocrites) say that Allah has been killed! -Then Allah will gather the scattered nation for him like the scattered clouds, and Allah will arbitrate between their hearts so that they do not feel lonely, nor will they be happy if someone joins them. Their number is like that of the people of Badr. Neither those who are at the beginning overtake them, nor those who are at the end reach them. And their number is the same as Talmuts companions those who crossed the river with him. Imam Ali, peace be upon him, said, The trials are four: the trial of happiness, the trial of harm, the trial of gold, then, a man will come from the pure musked children of the Prophet, peace be upon him, and Allah will repair their affairs upon his hand. Imam Ali, peace be upon him, said: After a herald proclaims from Heaven that the Truth is in the Family of Muhammad that is the time in which Al Mahdi will appear -upon the lips of people. They will drink his love and their talk is only about him. I said, O Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, I have never seen a Roman city like the city of Antioch and I have never seen more rain than it has. Whereupon the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, said: Yes, that is because the Torah, Staff of Moses, Tablets, and the Table of Solomon, the son of David are in its caves. There is not a single cloud that comes from any direction to it that does not pour its blessing in that valley. And the days and night will not pass until a man from my musked children live in it. His name is like my name and his fathers name is like my fathers name; his manners are like my manners. He will fill the world with fairness and justice just as it had been filled by harm and transgressions. Reported by Tamin Ad-Dari, in the reference of Ibn Hibban Ad-Dufa. When the Holy Prophet, peace be upon him, slept in the house of Lady Ummu Salamah he awoke saying: There is no movement or power except from Allah. What makes you say that? asked Lady Umm Salamah. He replied: Because an army will come from the direction of Iraq to seize a man from Al Medina whom Allah protects. When they reach the desert in the direction of Dhi Hulayfah the ground will swallow them up. Those that are on top cannot reach those beneath, and those beneath cannot reach those on top up until the Day of Judgement. Their motivations are different. Lady Umm Salamah then asked: O Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, how is it that they will be swallowed up although their motives are different? He replied: Among them are those that have been coerced to join. This Hadith was reported by Anas and is found in the references of Ibn Majah, Al Busiri and Al Bazaar. Thawban, a companion said: Then he said something that I do not remember by heart -then continued to say that the Prophet, peace be upon him, said: If you see him give him your allegiance, even if you give him crawl over ice, because surely he is Kaliifah of Allah, Al Mahdi. If you see the Black Banners coming from Khurasan go to them immediately, even if you must crawl over ice, because indeed amongst them is the Caliph, Al Mahdi. The Black Banners will come to you from the East, their hearts are like iron. Whosoever hears about them let them go crawling even over ice! The preceding Hadith was reported by Thawban and is found in the references of Ibn Majah, Al Busiri, Al Hakim, Ahmad, Nuaym, Ad-Daylami, Al Hasan, son of Sufyan, and Abu Nuaym. When the dark people come after the Arabs they will be defeated and thrown into the lowest part of the earth. While these circumstances exist, As-Sufyani will come with three hundred and sixty riders until he reaches Damascus. After a month, he will be followed by thirty-thousand from Kalb ( Dogs ). so he will send an army to Iraq and kill a hundred thousand in Az-Zawra. Then they will go to Kufa and pillage. When this occurs a banner will come from the east led by a man from Tamim called Shuayb, the son of Salih who will restore what is in their hands from the captured people of Kufa and he will kill them. Then, another army from As-Sufyani will go to Al Medina and pillage it for three days and thereafter proceed towards Mecca until they find themselves in a desert. Then, Allah will send Gabriel and say to him, Chastise them! So he will beat them with his leg once and Allah will cause them to be swallowed up. None will remain except two men who will return to As-Sufyani to inform him of the swallowing-up of his army, but this will not scare him. Several men from the Koraysh will escape to Constantinople and As-Sufyani will send to the leader of the Romans who will return them to him and he will slit their throats together with their followers. At that time a voice will come from Heaven saying: O people, surely Allah prevents dictatorship, tyrants and their followers for you and gives leadership to the best of the nation of Muhammad. So join him in Mecca he is Al Mahdi! Then, Hudhayfah asked: O Messenger of Allah, how shall we know him? He replied: He is a man from my children, he looks like the men from the children of Israel, upon him are two white cloaks with frayed edges., His face is like a colorful, glittering star, upon his right cheek there is a black mole and he is forty years old. Al Abdal and those looking like them will come to him from Syria. An-Nujaba will come to him from the dwellers of Egypt and groups of dwellers from the east, and those looking like them until they all gather together in Mecca and so they will pledge their allegiance to him between Al Rukn and Al Makam. Then he will direct himself towards Syria with Gabriel at his front and Michael at his middle and the dwellers of Heaven and Earth will be joyful because of him. Water will be plentiful in his country and the river will be spread and treasures found. When he reaches Syria he will slay As-Sufyani under the tree, the branches of which grow in the direction of Lake Tiberias and he will kill Kalb. So the loser of that Day of Kalb is he who does not gain even a rein. Hudhaybah asked: O Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, how is it permitted to kill them when they believe in the Oneness? The Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, replied: O Hudhayfah, they are at that time apostates, -they claim that wine is permitted and do not pray. The preceding Hadiths were narrated by Hudhayfah and are found in the references of Abu Nuaym, At-Tabarani, and Abu Amru Ad Dani. To the people on pilgrimage standing on Arafat without an imam, a burning desire will come. The tribes will revolt against each other and they will kill each other until their blood flows on Al Aqabah. Then the best of them will go when the alarm is raised and they will reach him when his face is touching the stone of Al Kaba and it seems to me as if he is tearful, and they will say to him: Come to us so that we can give you our allegiance! But he will reply: Woe to you, how many promises did you break and how much blood did you shed! So, he is given allegiance under duress. Therefore, if you reach him, pledge your allegiance to him, because, surely, he is Al Mahdi in the Earth and Al Mahdi in the Heaven.
Posted on: Sun, 06 Jul 2014 20:58:15 +0000

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