The Moon applies Mars today in the sign of Libra. Were only a few - TopicsExpress


The Moon applies Mars today in the sign of Libra. Were only a few days from the Spring Equinox. Today is a good day to cut psychic ties. Looking carefully at friendships from the past, looking carefully at all the different relationships and situations in your life, where are you overly committed? Where do you show up 3x as much as someone else? Or where do you show up 3x less than someone else? Why have the scales been out of balance for so long? What lies beneath the surface of the imbalance? A Libran rule of thumb: the right relationships are the ones that feel proportional, where the sacrifices are shared, and the value we place upon one another feels (Moon) equal (Libra). This doesnt mean that everything in life should always be fair. The obvious truth is that things arent always fair, and thats part of reality. But when it comes to the Moon and Mars in Libra, sometimes we need to sever relationships that simply dont feel equal enough. Part of what keeps us locked into unequal or unfair relationship dynamics is the way they either empower us or they keep us reliving old stories about our worth in comparison to others. When the Moon and Mars merge in Libra there is the opportunity for a peaceful severing. A diplomatic, Im done. Sometimes this doesnt even need to be spoken. Or written. Or stated on facebook. We just love to state it to everyone when were done with a relationship. Its empowering, after all. But the problem with this is that it often comes from a place of childish resentment. Whenever I see a client and they are talking about being done with someone theyve been dating, I can always tell whether or not theyre really done, based on the feeling I get when theyre talking about it. A fifteen minute rant about how done they are with an ex girlfriend or boyfriend usually means, this has one or two more rounds to go. They may not ever date that person again...but the pattern is likely to repeat because they are still fighting with the ghost of that person...with a god of their own psyche. On the other hand, when someone comes into a session and they say theyve recently broken up with someone, but they dont make much of a fuss about it, there is a simplicity and an ease. Because we dont cut psychic ties through emotionally enmeshed statements about cutting ties. We make the cut and thats it. It happens. Obviously none of this is black and white. But we should get the point. With Mars retrograde in Libra conjoining with the Moon there is an opportunity to cut psychic ties today, but the question is, can we do it peacefully? So look at your life--where do relationship cords need to be cut? How can you do this as simply and maturely as possible. No big fuss. No big text message. No big facebook post or tweetering. Youll know its done because you will feel (moon) as though its already been done. Prayer: Help us cut the cords, simply and peacefully. The best choices are sometimes the easiest. No big fuss. Thank you.
Posted on: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 15:41:52 +0000

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