The Moon is in Libra today. Blood moon rising! Our first eclipse - TopicsExpress


The Moon is in Libra today. Blood moon rising! Our first eclipse will be forming in the next two days. No aspects from the Moon today. CNN Headlines: Black box batteries might be dead. What can a black box tell us? Magic 8 Ball Reading: my reply is no. :-) As mercury in Aries has been applying to conjoin Uranus and oppose Mars in Libra, its been a good time for challenging ideas. Especially those that challenge our most delicate need for balance. But lest we become possessed by the gods of challenge, today is a good day to shift focus from challenge to the idea of matter. The reason we challenge others and the reason we receive challenge is because we have a sense of the gravity of something..the weight and heaviness...the density, earthiness, or matter. Lets look at Pluto in the sign of Capricorn (an earth sign). One of the leaders of the grand cross that is forming. In fact...sometimes Pluto is like the Jimi Hendrix of the planets...always gathering a massive crowd, always taking the crowd by vice grip, and always setting the stage itself on fire. We love talking about Plutos resurrections, or his life giving power, but we commonly misunderstand these ideas. When we talk about Plutos death scene we have to stop right at the point where we take death literally. Even physical death shouldnt be taken literally. Once weve established this very simple idea: there is no such thing as absolutely literal death, then notice how the urgency, the excitement, the burning need to shout out the word resurrection!!!! fades away. Only when the idea of death has been absolutely concretized...absolutely literalized, does an urgency and equalizing literalism about resurrection and LIFE! present itself. So when we see people posting all about Plutos phoenix qualities, all about Plutos transformations and evolutionary leaps, its possible that were witnessing the literalizing reactions to a death that was never supposed to be so literal in the first place. What does Plutos underworld and death symbolize for us if not transformation or rebirth? First and foremost it symbolizes death. Whereby death represents the process of some thing being broken down. There is no hard and fast rule about what must be taken down to Plutos underworld. Necessity is the guide of things to the underworld...because all things die. When we use the word transform or evolve we are too often speaking the language of the ego..whose always trying to sneak the foot back in the door and remain in tact. When we talk about energy neither being created or destroyed but only displaced, were also too often finding a sneaky way of saying, I ... will live forever. Watching so many egos fall apart during ayahuasca ceremonies over the years, including my own obviously, my perception of Hades has been less about rebirth and more about the breakdown of certainties...the things that keep us from soulfulness. Whereby soulfulness is not equated with the positive growth but by the close-in-ness of matter with death. With Pluto in the earth sign of Capricorn we are each being asked to look at what matters to us. Not in terms of life and positive growth, or in concrete materialisms, but in terms of death. When things fall apart and we travel to Hades, to the underworld, we are in the realm of psyche and soul. Our soul finds its health, finds what truly matters, because it stays close in to the final resting place of soul...which is not a static state but rather an ongoing movement...never to be fully seen, always in the shades, drawing us inward so that our waking life might be in service to the cause of death..which is the wealth of souls. One of the reasons we struggle so much to feel ensouled in our everyday lives is because the experience of death is so far removed from our material sensing and literalizing. The sign of Capricorn refers to our most cherished images of what matters in this material, waking world. Capricorn is like an emblem of status, success, achievement, civilization, and structural integrity. Which is all beautiful when ensouled. Think of a pyramid holding a dead king or royal family, placed in line with the stars. The image of an ensouled Capricornian monument. Think on the other hand of all the office buildings and sub-divisions....functional but soulless...hard matter but hardly mattering. Pluto in Capricorn doesnt just tear down the structures, in other words, it also helps us to see what matters to the soul...where matter is both something physical and functional but also soulful....close in to death. Simple advice for this grand cross time: look at your life and what means the most to you. Contemplate its eventual death. This too will die. In fact it may be dying already. Keep close in to the soul. Then restructure your life, or rebuild with this soulfulness, this upside down and crumbling tower, in mind. Prayer: Oh Pluto, lord of souls, may we stay close to death so that by living we might share in your wealth.
Posted on: Sun, 13 Apr 2014 14:36:08 +0000

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