The Morning Report It has started out with rain and that is good - TopicsExpress


The Morning Report It has started out with rain and that is good because we need it, they predict rain for the next few days and then we will get another cold snap, but that’s okay; we’ve already had frosts that have done their job. I know that I don’t like cold weather anymore than anyone else but I also realize that it does do some good. There are plants and trees that need so many hours of cold to continue their growth cycle. I believe that the cold also rids us of a lot of unwanted insects, at least until it warms up. I know on the warm winter years, we seem to have a lot more of the undesirable insects, like mosquitoes and I know I don’t care for them. I would have thought that getting the newspaper through the internet would allow for it to be here at a timely fashion (like when I want it) and here we are at 5 AM and it isn’t here yet. Most of the time it is here at 4:30 AM or before but on Mondays, it always seems to be late, I guess that there is nobody pushing the right buttons when they should. By me not getting the paper, it has messed up my whole routine; I’m supposed to read my email, then the newspaper, then onto FB, and finish up with The Morning Report, today I’ve had to skip the paper and don’t have the material to think and write my opinions about, they have ruined my whole day, but I will survive it. Alvin and Mollie were really ready to go out this morning and both of them were back in our bedroom making sure that I was getting up; usually Alvin is not back there. This morning they did their best to trip me in the dark while I was trying to let them out, but finally they were on the porch and ready to go. When I stepped on the porch, I noticed that it was sprinkling a little and usually if it is wet and dark, Alvin does not like going out. This morning he ran out like it was bright sunlight and there was something to chase in the yard. I figured that it was good that they were out and continued getting ready, starting the coffee, brushing my teeth and ETC. When I had fixed my coffee (one spoon of sugar) and was taking my pills, I heard the rain start and in the middle of the pill taking, I rushed to the porch to let them in. They rushed in and shook and then proceeded into the house. Every time I let them in, they have to go check on Kathy and then Alvin usually goes back to their couch. This morning he went to the couch and proceeded to start playing with his pillow and I sort of figured that it wasn’t going to be a going back to sleep morning. Sure enough, back down the hall, he went and the next thing I hear is “Alvin get down!” from Kathy. That meant that he went back and woke her up. I was able to corral him and put him in his crate which is where he is now. I will let him out when I finish this report and I believe that he will be calmed down and ready to go back to sleep or at least he better be. I checked the cows yesterday and still no new calves. I put hay out the day before and they haven’t eaten it at the pace that they were a few days ago which is good. That means to me that they are full and just eating when they are hungry. When I checked on them, they were all the way to the far pasture and just doing a little grazing, eating what little suits their tastes. Grayson and Eeyore got their treats, Mathew stayed away. I’m not sure that Grayson would have taken one if Eeyore hadn’t take one first. Grayson is just so funny, I watched him chase some of the cows away from where he and Mathew were for some unknown reason other than he wanted to do it. I love seeing him run in the pasture, with his head up and tail up in a pony tail, flying across the pasture at great speeds, with his feet doing that Paso Fino move, I think that it is beautiful. Okay I’m going to end this and see if the newspaper has got here yet. Y’all have a great and wonderful day and remember to take a moment to smell the roses!
Posted on: Mon, 27 Jan 2014 10:30:27 +0000

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