The Motivated Scorpio Ox Personality The influence of the Ox - TopicsExpress


The Motivated Scorpio Ox Personality The influence of the Ox from Chinese Astrology is believed to be strong in all people born in their designated astrological year. This sturdy hard working animals presence is believed to bring with it great motivational characteristics to a personality. This motivated spirit is usually most strongly apparent in the Scorpio Ox individual. These people often have a real zest for life and never seem to get tired. The Scorpio Oxs elevated energy and enthusiasm can be inspiring but it can also be tiresome. These individuals are often always on the go and seem too busy to just sit and chat as many of them consider actions to be more powerful than words. A scorpio Ox is happier when he or she is doing things, rather than just talking about them. These personalities are not very talkative but they do enjoy the company of others especially when working. The Scorpio Ox may not be highly sociable but they are more reliable, considerate and less flirtatious than most typical Scorpios. The placid calmness of the Ox dampens the usual attention seeking Scorpio. These people are relatively balanced in respect of the emotional side to their personalities. For the majority of the time to others they are calm and collected, compassionate, warm, kind and loving. These Scorpios prefer to work in jobs where they will be useful to others and the work will be meaningful. Their high motivation and tireless natures help them sometimes take on responsibilities that others find too demanding. Their motivated caring attitudes equip them with quite mature and sensible personalities that are perfect when parenthood comes along. People seem to admire the Scorpio Ox personality for the way they pick themselves up after a set back and bounce straight back. They are rather personally self relient and rarely bother others with their worries, prefering to consult themselves. Scorpio Oxs like to travel and many of them will want to learn to drive as soon as they are old enough. They love the freedom of the open road and visiting and exploring new places and interesting historical sites. The Scorpio Ox tends to have a lot of interests that partners will have to be happy to share. In relationships these Scorpios will look for soul mates that are quite flexible and who will understand their need to get away every now and again. In friendships these individuals opt for a small circle of companions who they can completely trust, rather than lots they cant. An easily aroused temper and boastfulness are the main weakness points in the Scorpio Ox personality. They are thought to be a combination of the Oxs stubborness and the over confident sting of the Scorpion. The Scorpio Ox can soon become agitated if they are proved wrong and a little too boastful when they are confirmed to be right. The Scorpio Ox can be prone to bad moods, obstinacy and bragging. In these instances their motivation in the quest to win an argument can be too intense for some people to handle.
Posted on: Sat, 23 Nov 2013 00:15:06 +0000

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