The Municipal Telecommunications Private Industry Safeguards Act, - TopicsExpress


The Municipal Telecommunications Private Industry Safeguards Act, introduced in Kansas says: Except with regard to unserved areas, a municipality may not, directly or indirectly: (1) Offer to provide to one or more subscribers, video, telecommunications or broadband service; or (2) purchase, lease, construct, maintain or operate any facility for the purpose of enabling a private business or entity to offer, provide, carry, or deliver video, telecommunications or broadband service to one or more subscribers. The purpose of the Municipal Telecommunications Private Industry Safeguards Act is to keep cities from competing with private companies, companies who likely happen to be ALEC members. This would outlaw the internet systems some cities have set up to provide broadband to their schools, public services, and citizens. An area with cell phone service could end up not to be considered under-served. This ALEC Model bill will likely be introduced in a number of other states. ARE YOU AWARE OF (KOCH BROS) A.L.E.C ? DO YOU KNOW WHO THEY ARE? ARE YOU WILLING TO SHARE THIS? ARE YOU WILLING TO ASK OTHERS TO SHARE THIS? Municipal Telecommunications Private Industry Safeguards Act Summary The Legislature recognizes the importance of the widespread provision of telecommunications and advanced services and cable television services. For the vast majority of citizens these services are provided by private entities. In certain instances municipalities or their agents have sought to provide such services in competition with private providers. This act limits the authority of municipalities to own and operate telecommunications and advanced service and cable television facilities and to provide public and advanced telecommunication and cable television services to a municipality’s inhabitants. When municipalities do provide such services this act provides safeguards to ensure that (private providers with whom the municipality competes are not disadvantaged) by the municipality in the exercise of its bonding and taxing authority, management of rights of way, assessment of fees or taxes, or in any other way. IN OTHER WORDS A.L.E.C. VIA THE KOCH BROS IS MAKING SURE THAT ONLY THE BIG BUSINESS HAS ACCESS TO ANY AND ALL COMMUNITIES IN PROVIDING BROADBAND OR CABLE. THIS WILL INSURE THAT LOWER COST PROVIDERS TO THE PUBLIC ARE SHUT OUT TO PROTECT THE PROFITS OF BIG BUSINESS. THIS BILL WILL BE QUIETLY BE GIVEN TO YOUR STATE OR LOCAL LEGISLATORS TO BE PASSED IN THE DEAD OF NIGHT. A.L.E.C HAS PASSED HUNDREDS OF BILLS JUST LIKE THIS ONE UNBENOUNCED TO THE PUBLIC. ANY LEGISLATOR WHO VOTES NO...WILL BE PRIMARIED AND REPLACED IN THE NEXT ELECTION. THIS HAS BEEN GOING ON FOR ALONG TIME. THE KOCH BROS ARE MAJOR SUPPORTERS OF A.L.A.C AND BASICALLY INVENTED THE TEA PARTY. PLEASE READ AND SHARE THIS...PLEASE ASK OTHERS TO SHARE THIS. THERE IS POWER IN SHARING.
Posted on: Sun, 02 Feb 2014 11:19:47 +0000

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