The National Democratic Opposition Parties are following, with - TopicsExpress


The National Democratic Opposition Parties are following, with great concern, the deteriorating security situation and the rise in human rights violations practiced by the security services against the Bahraini people. Amidst the Bahraini regime’s ongoing violations and attacks on residential areas and homes, the security authorities announced to have discovered what they called the 14 February plot. The announcement included names of detainees who had been arrested for charges of assembly. It also included names of Bahrainis living in exile. These random names have been gathered to create the plot that has been announced to the local and international public in a caricatural way. The opposition finds the announcement ironic because the names listed in the claimed plot have disagreeing opinions. Therefore, the whole story is surrounded by great suspicion as to the allegations of the Ministry of Interior. This however, reminds the Bahrainis of the very same scenario that was created more than two years ago and in which the authorities announced to have discovered what they called the “coalition for a republic”. The announcement was a clear step to retaliate from political leaders, clerics and human rights activists who call for nonviolent movement. The defamation of and incitement against the defendants by publishing their names and pictures in the official and quasi-official media indicate the authorities had premeditated intentions. This measure however, is a clear violation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Bahraini law and constitution. Therefore, it is necessary that the persons who ordered for the names of the defendants to be published along with the parties who published and broadcasted them be brought to justice. The judiciary must take its role in regard of the issue. The National Democratic Opposition Parties consider of the Interior Ministry’s announcement of the “14 February plot” a part of the ongoing suppressive security campaign that is continuously intensifying as daily human rights violations are on rise. Notwithstanding, the Bahraini Government has been condemned for unlawful practices by many international official and non-official organizations alongside the Bahrain Independent Commission of Inquiry. The claimed narrative of the announcement cannot stand in face of the existing irrefutable facts. The opposition parties stress that an independent commission of inquiry to look into all allegations –including the 14 February plot- made by the security apparatuses against citizens without proper justifications. However, international human rights organizations, the UN Human Rights Council and the High Commissioner of Human Rights must be part of this commission. We, in the National Democratic Opposition Parties demand the authorities to stop such fabrications against citizens and activists to escape the political entitlements. The Government of Bahrain is demanded by the international community to respond to the demands of the people of Bahrain. The GoB is yet to implement the recommendations of the BICI report, one of which is to release all prisoners of conscience and to stop arbitrary arrests and systematic physical and psychological torture. The people of Bahrain renounce violence and demand equal citizenship, social justice and real democracy. The National Democratic Opposition Parties affirm their position to refuse and renounce the adopted repressive security solutions for the political constitutional crisis that Bahrain has been suffering from since February 2011. The opposition parties also affirm their persistence to a political solution based on respect of human rights to build a civil and modern democratic state. Statement issued on Monday 17th June 2013: Al-Wefaq National Islamic Society (AlWefaq) National Democratic Action Society (Waad) National Democratic Gathering Society (AlQawmi) Unitary National Democratic Assemblage (Wahdawy) Ekhaa National Society (Ekhaa)
Posted on: Wed, 19 Jun 2013 13:17:10 +0000

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