The New Year has arrived, and as so many of us believe, it offers - TopicsExpress


The New Year has arrived, and as so many of us believe, it offers a clean slate. Resolutions are expressed to make 2015 productive, successful, and meaningful in our own personal ways. I will be honest in saying I returned from my holiday vacation feeling somewhat overwhelmed, and maybe even a little lost, in knowing how to best prioritize my focus for the New Year. That is, until I joined our Gold Medal Optional team and staff at the Arizona Grand for a fun-filled, two day, team-building event… The Energy Bus. Regardless of whether you were a 9-year old Level 6 just entering the optional ranks, a senior in high school preparing for your final club season before heading into collegiate gymnastics, or a seasoned 30 something year old coach… I think it’s safe to say that each and every one of us took something positive away from this experience. Many of us now have a renewed sense of purpose, and a vision, for 2015…a commitment to being on the Gold Medal Energy Bus! The lessons learned over the past 2 days helped us discover a feeling of empowerment and responsibility in knowing we are the drivers of our bus. There was excitement about the desire to fuel our bus with POSITIVE ENERGY! We learned about “Energy Vampires”, and the detrimental effect they have on the growth and success of our team. We spoke about driving with PURPOSE, and with that came our own unique visions and goals for the year, as they pertain to gymnastics, as well as life. COMMITTED, POSITIVE, FEARLESS, LEADER, CHANGE MAKER, CONFIDENT, STRONG, INSPIRE. These are just a few of the words chosen by our athletes that are meaningful to them, as they strive to make positive changes and journey toward the young women they would like to be...and develop a Gold Medal Gymnastics team that makes them proud. Speaking these words out loud to their teammates, painting them on rocks found during an early morning hike, and designing vision boards, are just a few of the ways our athletes welcomed being held accountable to their goals for this season. As for me, I chose the word “MOTIVATOR”. I want to inspire and lead our team through positive motivation. My goal for this season is to develop the skills, awareness, and understanding I need to help motivate our athletes to achieve their goals in gymnastics, and those outside the gym walls as well. I hope they will hold me accountable, and help me re-focus on the days when motivating doesn’t come so easily! A “technology-free” event for the girls allowed us all…coaches and gymnasts alike…to spend quality time together. As the Energy Bus teaches…we remembered to LOVE our passengers. Whether it was a simple ride on the elevator filled with laughter, or spending the evening with teammates in a hotel room playing card games, Charades, or giggling into the late night hours, every minute was about enjoying the present, and each other. We had a fun evening of dinner and dancing at Rustler’s Roost, where some kids tried rattlesnake and cactus, while the less adventurous (me!) enjoyed their chicken and corn! We bundled up for an early morning “Thankful Hike” on Saturday, allowing us to reflect on the things we are so very appreciative of in our lives, and also our commitment to make positive changes this year for ourselves, and our Gold Medal team. Stepping away from our focus and frustrations in the gym as we prepare for the upcoming season, allowed the coaches to look beyond each “athlete,” and any struggles they face in workouts. It was a gentle reminder for us that they are all just kids. Funny, smart, sensitive, wise, caring, and beautiful young girls, whom we care for so deeply. And boy, did we have some fun with them! So, as we unite as one team this season, and use the tools we were given to bring positive energy to our program, and move forward with a sense of purpose…I am incredibly grateful to all who made this event the tremendous success that it was. To Amanda and Brad Gold Medal Gymnastics), who made the Gold Medal Energy Bus come to life, and whose vision for the Gold Medal program I believe in with all my heart; our guest speaker, Mr. Sissel, who energized our kids enthusiasm for mental conditioning, and taking control of their thoughts, feelings, and actions; Nancee Longseth Wolter, Megan Santos, and Samantha Jones, for their time, energy, and hard work in helping make this weekend a success; the GMG team coaches, who acted as chaperones for the event, and who will continue the journey we started here at the AZ Grand by helping our athletes remain committed to their vision for the future; and to the Gold Medal Optional gymnasts who came with open minds and hearts, and a strong desire to be the BEST. Thank you all for your commitment and love… here’s to an unbelievable season!!!
Posted on: Sun, 04 Jan 2015 17:56:17 +0000

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