The Niger State chapter of Actors Guild of Nigeria, no doubt is - TopicsExpress


The Niger State chapter of Actors Guild of Nigeria, no doubt is one chapter that cannot be overlooked. From the pioneer chairman, Sadisu Mohammed(Sarkin wasa) to the present chairman, Yahaya Yunusa, there have been positive and negative impact which have affected the development of the guild. From the inception of the guild, we have had the following chairmen *Sadisu Mohammed(Pioneer) *MB Yahaya Babs *Husseini Yusuf Kodo *Yahaya Yunusa(Present) Now, let look at how these chairmen have affected the guild so far #1. Sadisu Mohammed He is the pioneer chairman of the state chapter of the guild. He is the brain behind AGN in Niger State. He was in Harmony with his executives and the President of the guild(Zack Orji), from the beginning of his tenure, to the moment he handed over to M B Yahaya Babs. I may say, he was a selfish visionary. During his tenure, we had a full house, a befitting office, remarkable recognition from the national and the full passion to work selflessly. Should I say its because of his charisma or because we were still nurturing the birth of the guild in Niger State, but I could also say, we were happy and comfortable as members of AGN; under the influence of his initiative. HIS ACHIEVEMENTS Sadisu Mohammed produced Echoes of Fulfillment and pages of Agony during his tenure as the chairman of the guild. He also led d house to couple of out door activities like staging plays at schools, notably the Federal Polytechnic Bida, Day Secondary School Tunga, Government Secondary School Minna and organizations like Project YES and NECO, where we did Bolodiokun. He represented us as one of the most eloquent and articulated chairmen, in the history of AGN in Nigeria. Even the deputy governor in one of our curtsy visits to the government house, acknowledged this potential in him. As history has it, the directors and instructors we have in all the notable production houses within the state today, are either those who were trained by Sadisu Mohammed. Ever since, he has not relented in his effort to protect his initiative of bringing the guild to Niger State. No wonder he is called Sarkin Wasa. TITLES He was conferred as the Sarkin Wasa due to his enormous contributions to the growth of the developing industry in the state Now, Why Do We Complain About Him? Every great man has one or two things that makes him seem stupid before others and thats why leaders are vulnerable, to dirty public opinion like what is eating up the guild at the moment. Sadisu Mohammed was a dubious person, just like most Nigerians under the influence of power and authority. He could make an almajeri to contribute to his success using a sleek con approach, but in all our dealings with him, we sure learned a great deal in the long run. He manipulated us at brain point, drove us far beyond our destination, left us with nothing but reasons to trek back home, through a part that circumvented our destination and then retrace our ways afresh; without any course to complain or be angry with him, considering the thought of the great deal we have learned from him and the memories of the great moments he made us experience with as members of the guild. #2. M B Yahaya Babs He is the second chairman, after Sadisu Mohammed. As a disciple and a loyalist of the pioneer chairman, he became the next chairman without stress. He was made the chairman by what I chose to call inheritance through the influence of Sadisu Mohammed and Husseini Yusuf Kodo. He was in harmony with his executives and president(Segun Arinze) from the beginning of his tenure to the end, though, he had some cases of make up and break up, which was as a result of problems carried over from the pioneer administration. During his administration, the population of the guild reduce drastically, due to the fact that, his predecessor took us so far from the track, that some of us caught up with other business within the industry(script writing, make-up, directing e.t.c) while trying to retrace our steps. It wasnt a bad shift after all. He tried to emulate Sadisu Mohammed, but failed due to the fact that; they both have different threshold capacity. HIS ACHIEVEMENTS M B Yahaya Babs had a soap opera on NTA, called WAZOBIA which was a privilege for most Niger state actors who had their faces shown on screen. That soap opera boosted his administration, because it was the first in Niger State that celebrated our home artist in such a remarkable manner. He recruited new members and carried the old ones along through the period of his administration. His tenure influenced Nollywood producers like Infeanyi Onyeabor, Ronnie Dim, Andy Nwankalo and others into doing productions in Niger State which benefited our home artist, financially and fame wise. He would have done better, but the level of dubiosity he inherited from his predecessor was a retard factor that stunted his administration. He didnt only make peace with the past presidents of the guild, but also the present. Thats the reason he is still in charge, despite his dubiosity. He has a quiet influence over giants and was seen in the national as a small, stubborn and intelligent chairman. He was so respected to an extend that he was made member of the committee that amended the AGNs constitution. Now, What Was The Problem With This Guy? Like his predecessor, he was dubious but not sleek enough to get out of the problems his dubiosity caused him. He found it easy to succeed, due to the foundation laid down for him by Sadisu Mohammed. He created for himself, a reputation that built a barrier between him and his followers. His administration was so bad, that he wasnt even present on the day his successor was voted into office. After his administration, he abandoned the guild and only returned, when he was made the sole administrator by the current president(Ibinabor Fiberesima). Ever since, he has been seen as the godfather in Niger State. #3 Husseini Yusuf Kodo He became the third chairman of the guild, when the sit was made vacant by M B Yahaya Babs. An election that was conducted by few persons who joined the guild at a time all pioneer and card carrying members had left, due to M B Yahaya Babs inability to carry them along. He became the chairman unopposed by a few minority who didnt even know what the acronym AGN stands for. He was in harmony with his executives and president(Ibinabor Fiberesima) from the beginning of his administration to when things began to go wrong. Before becoming the chairman of the guild, Husseini Yusuf Kodo was a special adviser to the executive governor of Niger State, the CEO of Hunasha Entertainment(an entertainment company that was a complete solution to film production in Niger State). As the chairman of AGN, he was seemingly a dream come true for us. He set up an agenda of producing a soap which started with passion and high commitment, but didnt see the light of the day due to finance and insufficient production equipments. HIS ACHIEVEMENTS He led the guild to stage performance where we were paid the sum of N50,000 after the show. This money was used for AGN soap which couldnt be completed when the the money was exhausted. What Went Wrong With His Administration? Few months after he was sworn in as the chairman, him and his executives began to have misunderstanding. The problems degenerated to a point, that they all withdrew and left him to run the affairs of the guild as he pleased. At that point, the guild became separated into two fractions. One part left and the other part stayed back to support him, but their support werent enough for progress to be achieved. When the president(Ibinabor Fiberesima) believed, that he wasnt capable enough to lead the guild, she then dissolved his cabinet and appointed his predecessor(M B Yahaya Babs) as the sole administrator. M B Yahaya Babs sustained his term as a sole administrator, till an election was conducted for the current chairman(Yahaya Yunusa). Now we can all analyze for ourselves and understand, what the guild has been through. Success is not as easy as we may think, but if leadership is commensurated with followership, a better result can be guaranteed. The show must go on!
Posted on: Sun, 06 Jul 2014 13:57:53 +0000

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