The Nigerian terror group Boko Haram, whose English meaning is - TopicsExpress


The Nigerian terror group Boko Haram, whose English meaning is that Modern Education is a sin according to their interpretation of Islam,has captured school girls for sale. As per the words of their boss or Caliph,their God,Allah, has so decreed allegedly because, of all people,girls are prohibited from going to school. In Kenya,our version of these guys,Al Shabbab from Somalia, whose English meaning is the young boys brigade has been blowing us up in the name of their God,Allah. The Christian version of God is love. As Christians we are taught in our own madrassa-catechism for Catholics,-that Gods love is unimaginably so huge that he gave his only begotten son,Jesus Holy Christ (JHC) to the world so that we may inherit eternal life.Our sins would be forgiven after atonement.By dying on the cross and rising on the third day he conquered death and sin. This must sound very complicated to our brother Muslims.Maybe it even sounds like heresy. But to kill and maim innocent ones in the name of God is so heretical ;it so highly negates love that i can only give it one word-SIN. The father of sin is SATAN. Now,do not get me wrong because i am not suggesting that Islam is evil.Far from it.However it has not escaped many that when the occasional European cartoonist caricatures Mohammed,the whole Islam world rises up in riotous mayhem,massacring innocent people till apologies come flooding in.Yet when Boko Haram slaughters or when they kidnapped innocent girls in Nigeria into slavery,the silence from the Muslim world is so loud you could hear a pin drop in Mecca from the Vatican. The Pope,who officially resides in the Vatican, is the leader of 1.1 billion Catholics.He is also the undeclared moral compass of Christendom.The office of doctrine of the faith has been carrying out ecumenical programmes with Muslims,Jews,Eastern rite of the Orthodox church and with the separated brethren-the protestants and evangelicals.The hope is to unify Gods people into one.For example the Papacy proclaims sainthood.It utters dogma.It defines sin...the latest being that of environmental degradation.That is leadership.The Pope has also been forthright in condemning the wide divide between the rich and the poor on twitter.And many other social evils.The Papacy would also not hesitate to condemn heresy,like it did regarding the Lawino/Kony evil triangle,the only Christian terror group group that claims to kill in the name of God.However,the problem is that Islamic interpretation of the Koran is so diverse you can call it interpretation according to Wahabism,Sunni,Shia...and many other sects most of them tribal in nature.So that even the Boko Harams,Al Qaedas and Al shabbas of this world are free to carry out terror activities and cite Allah as the instructor.Yet no Islamic sect comes out shouting blasphemy or Kaffirs. This widespread heretical interpretation of the Koran is now so widespread in Africa that from Central African Republic (CAR),Nigeria,Mali,Somalia,Ogaden,Western Sahara the aim is one..secession from Christian majority democracies to tyrannical theocracies in the name of Allah. KARIUKI MUIRI KARATINA
Posted on: Wed, 14 May 2014 07:07:31 +0000

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