The Night is far spent, the day is at hand: Let us therefore cast - TopicsExpress


The Night is far spent, the day is at hand: Let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armour of Light. Rom.13:12 Light represents the highest vibration of matter. It is an observed fact, that when a wheel is spinning at a tremendous speed, it appears stationary. A spinning top at its highest revolutions appears motionless, only when its speed slows, does it appear to veer, gyrate off into a wobble, swinging across its own axis of equilibrium. Such is the state of mans Consciousness Today. Only Christ can bring the True Light into this world of darkness. He is the King of Glory, whose garments shine as the Sun, for those in this World who stand of the Mount of Transfiguration. These are the Saviours of mount Zion. These are they who are awaking out of the long sleep of this Mountain. Wrapped in their mantle of deep woods, and patches of green velvet, they are spreading and forming on the slopes of mount Zion. Threaded by the most silvery mountain streams of living water, a beautiful lace work of Holy Spirit. The marching of the clouds of time, high along the Mountain Ridges, hide from view the mountain top from which these Saviours came. Above the mists, the thunder claps, the lightening bolts, lies the home of these Saviours. The King of glory is Coming to this earth. The colourful valleys below are brilliant with flowers, its whole atmosphere thick and heavy with perfume. The song of the birds , are a lilting chorus filling the air. The plethora of flowers, sway in the cool Spring breeze. All these colours and odours are mine, Every rivulet and spring is babbling and singing as their waters whirl and eddy, gently pushed back by the green velvet cushions of their banks. A charming view, as I Am a little lullaby of Sunshine, dancing in my own aura, my own glory, my image and likeness. Oh! The waterfalls of truth, the beauty of this Spirit Board, are hanging like silken shawls, upon the silver limbed dancing beauties, giving rise to the tinkling music of their anklets. Behold the basin of this fountain, are cascading emeralds into the air. Even the Sun is bewitched, by the gleaming, shining radiance of whiteness of her garments. These are the garments of the Saviours out of Mount Zion above, It is these garments, pure white linen from our Mother above, that sweeps over this world, with all the freedom of the morning breeze, kissing the flowers and receiving them back into her bosom. She spreads out a banquet hall, beautifully adorned like the aging Mountains, that like aged sentinels with white hair surround Mount Zion. They are Guardians of Gods Saints who share the inheritance of the saints in Light. These Saviours are One. There can only be One Saviour out of Zion YOU. The only Saviour you can possibly misunderstand is YOU, and this you do with malice and forethought. Only spontaneous healing within your own mind, and seeing your own mind as the cause of this separation, isolation, chaos and death. What could be more against your saviourship, than trying to trace your lineage down to Adam. All you who have quarantined yourself ion a world of hate, fear, sickness and death, how about some Holy Spirit inoculation of unconditional love. The Master in You said: Greater things than this, can you do. All power in heaven and earth has been given you, let the true realisation of your saviourship come, by your Apostle and High priest Jesus ChristHeb.3:1 You too are an apostle, there are even female apostles in Scripture, for those who care to look. This One integral and supernormal inner consciousness, belongs to US ALL. We are all One, and there is neither male or female in this Saviourship! This Light that is here, is cancelling out a whole world of objective transient form. When this Light is seen, the whole worlds darkness goes. It is darkness that gives form. You have no independent form in the Now. All form is only in memory. All objects can only be seen as contained in memory, they are but thoughts and thoughts are but memories. Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts.....For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord. Isaiah.55 We live in a mind made world, in the past all change was incremental, now it has accelerated. Mans mind made world is rapidly changing. The flat earth is long gone. It is the height of arrogance to consider mans mind made world is the Real World the Real Creation of God. It is equally true, that mans mind is so flawed, that while it reflects Gods mind, it is so polluted, tarnished and muddied, it cannot possibly be the representation of the Real. So is the religious mind equally flawed, and unable to reflect the true glory of Gods truth. Only as we clean our minds which are but mirrors of that greater mind, and empty out all our thoughts, can the real light of Gods thoughts be reflected in our consciousness
Posted on: Sun, 21 Sep 2014 00:31:56 +0000

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