The Night of the Great Slaughter we will decapitate the Atlantean - TopicsExpress


The Night of the Great Slaughter we will decapitate the Atlantean Medusa with the mirrors of the shield of our own Gods ΙΑ-103 Citation from Page “IA-6”: Because the present section is continuing, we judge that we must not postpone for the end the “Solution” of the “No way out” of Page “IA-6” SOLUTIONS A) Instantaneous “Inspirations” which occupy your brain, but and “Inspirations” of slow procedure, we advise “pass” them from triple logical check. In this triple analytical check, in every check repetition, bring forward “Arguments” against your idea. In case the idea is truly yours will overcome the opposite arguments. In case the idea is not yours but has been transmitted telepathetically, it will withdraw to the arguments. “Find time to isolate and think”. By repeating the technique of the Triple Check, you will quickly learn to identify your own ideas from those that are being transmitted from outside. (e.g. From the Dragonian Moon and/or from its Geostationary Satellites of 2nd density invisible-thin matter LINK/LAP/MASER, and/or from other terran NWO Psychotronic harassment) The three checks must be done in different hours of the day. B) When you are a part of a conversation or lecture as a listener or documents reader or TV viewer or Radio listener or Crowd Mottos reader-listener, react negatively with critical spirit C) When you are part of a massive gathering as listener or viewer, react negatively in the maximum degree. Do not be drifted by the psychology of the crowd of the gathered masses. (You hear that “Indignant” Zobbies of A.O.A. London and of the Hebrew “Hessel” ??? G.H.REES MESSAGE TO THE "INDIGNEZ VOUS" +/-A.O.A. MANIPULATED MOVEMENT hellenandchaos.blogspot/2011/06/ghrees-message-to-indignez-vous-aoa.html ) D) Reject the night “Dreams” Projections because they are all foreign projections to your brain. Try in any case to remember the “Dreams” and to reject them through your conscious, because if they remain hidden into the unconscious – subconscious, then they will function continuously as “Hypnotism Orders” that you will execute without your will. E) Avoid conversations in which dominate dogmatic positions without proof (Politics – Religion – Economy). In case that is necessary to be present, blow away those conversations, by projecting analytical questions and by demanding criteria cued answers. F) Pass from Triple Check any Optical – Acoustical – and Intellectual Image you receive. G.H.REES - GROUP OF HELLENIC REESTABLISHMENT From the 1988 G.H.REES monumental document: IA ‘1988 easy-share/1914148322/__+31-05-1988+OLO.rar -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- perseysteam.blogspot/2011/05/blog-post_07.html IT IS THE TRI-HEADED CURSE THAT HAS ITS ROOTS IN THE CORRESPONDING TRIPTYQUE OF THE BYZANTIUM. IT IS THE TRI-HEADED MEDUSA SUCH HORRIBLE, DIRTY, AND DISGUSTING, IN ORDER THAT THEY CANNOT APPROACH INTO THE ADYTUM OF THE HEBREW-MASONIC MYSTERIES OF HER, THE COMMON MORTALS, WITHOUT “FREEZING” FROM TERROR IN FRONT OF THE “APPEARANCES” SHOWS OF METATRON, OF ASMODAI, OF TAMIL, AND OF THE REST HYPER-BEINGS OF (PSEUDO-)“YAHWEH” OF THE ...MOON AND LILITH. G.H.REES PERSEAS THOUGH, IS READY TO DECAPITATE THE TRI-HEADED MONSTER, BY LOOKING IT THROUGH THE MIRROR OF THE SHIELD OF HIS OWN GODS... THE NIGHT OF THE GRAND SLAUGHTER WE WILL DECAPITATE THE ATLANTEAN (DRAGONIAN) MEDUSA.
Posted on: Sat, 22 Jun 2013 19:13:54 +0000

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