The Obama Regime has the blood of the four men, including U.S. - TopicsExpress


The Obama Regime has the blood of the four men, including U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens, on their hands since the massacre at Benghazi. They have the blood of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry and the hundreds of Mexican citizens killed by guns from Operation Fast and Furious on their hands. The fact that the Obama Regime refuses to answer questions surrounding these avoidable, tragic situations is an insult to the American people and the victims who died in these incidents. Couple these outrageous incidents with Obama’s blatant overreach, attempts to shut down energy and drive up costs, NSA domestic data-mining, DOJ abuses of 2nd and 4th Amendment issues (including James Rosen, the AP-judge-shopping scandal, funding protests in the Trayvon Martin case), HHS cost overruns and utter incompetence in the (Un)Affordable Care Act rollout (lets not forget the exemptions for everyone except the taxpayer) and the unconscionable use of the IRS to silence the 1st Amendment rights of political opponents of the Saul Alinsky/Bill Ayres future Mr. Obama has in mind for us and his actions are not simply infuriating, they are impeachable. Add in his thuggish threatening of journalists Bob Woodward, Lanny Davis, and a reporter with the National Journal and we have a presidency ripe for the investigation of a special prosecutor. As your constituent, I demand that you call for a special prosecutor (and one not appointed by the president) to investigate the ever growing overreaching, disturbing, and dangerous acts by President Obama.I fear that if we do not pursue this through the Law, and through our Constitution, it WILL be pursued through violence and civil war. If that were to happen, it would obviously prove disastrous to the nation as a whole and would be likely to go too far in one direction or another. This egregious theft of power and destruction of freedom must be stopped now. When the Veterans marched on D.C. recently, they tore down those barricades illegally placed around THEIR memorials. They transported those barricades to the White House and deposited them in front of the gates guarding the man responsible for them being set in place. No-one else was responsible for this and the American people overwhelmingly recognize this, despite the shameful spin and rhetoric the Administration has tried to put on the non-shutdown, Republican terrorists and patriotic Americans in general. D.C. police confronted the protesters until they were, wisely, withdrawn. I say wisely because there are pictures of the snipers on the roof of the White House all over the Internet. If the D.C. police had attempted to disperse the Vets by force, things would have gotten ugly fast and we were only 500 feet and a muscle spasm away from civil war. That we are at a point in our history where one man believes he supersedes the Constitution and abuses the authority given him by that very document to implement, by fiat, policies the vast majority of Americans dislike intensely is dangerous enough. That he, and his political party, feel the American people mentally deficient enough to swallow the outrageously obvious lies they are telling about their own conduct in these matters, while assiduously slandering anyone from the opposing camp, adds to the outrage of those being lied to. When that same group of people demands the utter capitulation of the opposing camp as a prerequisite to discussions on a measure originally passed without any input or agreement from the other side, and when it occurs in the atmosphere described above, even the stupidest person can see where the intransigence really lies. Part of the anger growing in America is due to the fact that we the people elected you to represent us, not repress us. So when we see this going rapidly south, we all wonder what the hell were paying you people for. Combined with that is false advertising and outright lies. Common Core is NOT a superior set of educational standards, it is simply carte-blanche for leftists to propagandize and brain-wash our children while teaching them much less. Obamacare wont save us an average of $2,500 a year, its going to cost us an average of $7,500 more in direct insurance costs and add another $5,000-$10,000 in costs through a deductible. Thats close to half my income, and I already took a 35% paycut that makes it tough to pay my bills now. Man-made global warming is a proven a hoax, yet we are still shelling out outrageous millions to fund idiotic ethanol fuel additive boondoggles to prevent the impossible from occurring, while doing everything we can to circumvent the legislative process through regulation. In order to shut down affordable coal-fired power-plants, frac-ing, mining and oil-drilling, thereby driving the cost of basic electricity out of the taxpayers pricerange. It would be reprehensible and irresponsible for you to shrink from presenting a Bill of Impeachment when the chaos these policies are causing this country is considered. It would be foolish to do so for fear of rocking the boat, when the boats already sinking fast, or out of fear for what the press will have to say. Most of us dont listen to those sycophants anymore, and havent for quite awhile. Lastly, if you want to receive your Federal retirement, may I suggest you do what MUST be done to insure there still IS a Federal government to pay you? Thank You for your consideration, Robert P. Rowlands
Posted on: Sun, 20 Oct 2013 22:06:45 +0000

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